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Status Updates posted by Regnecek

  1. Fine, dont unplug him. No more question marks ????????? HA.

    Hehe. The Rock sings better than Elvis....TRUTH!

  2. ps you sing like a frog...*croak croak*


  3. 1) unplug the keyboard and then put it back it may help

    2) stop being a jackass :D

    3) Dont diss the Jays

    4) You is stupid

    5) I'm in pain

    6) I miss Lukas :(

  4. Evil brother eh?

    The real dude must be real stupid then. YEP that's what I heard. My friggin' teefs still hurt. YEP.


  5. You are sooooo lame. I never said I'll forgive you. I said MAY forgive. You are ass LOL. Still in troubles.

    Did you try unplugging the keyboard?

  6. Imma make some tea..maybe it'll help? I can't sleep cuz of the pain..it's really bad.then this jerk called me a bad name together...piece of CRAP *kick*

  7. You is still ASS.

    A-S-S! I MAY forgive, but NEVER forget. You made bad mistake. Nice to hear you are feeling better. I'm in extreme pain and feeling like BLAAAAAH *tears*

    Say sorry a billion times, it no still help you are mean and ASS.

  8. I have a headache and my teeth still hurt. You fudged up your computer LOOOOL.

    You must have pushed some keys together and ruined it.

    How are you? Still sick? You was being an ass earlier today..dont call none a ho...you is ass :)

  9. Oh and have fun at superskills too.

    P.S. check out JC's sig...and av..its like WHOA <3

  10. Make sure you take TONS of Lukas pics :D

  11. haha, game plan!

    No hockey till the 3rd :(

  12. deal.

    wait what about j-y

    and l-s

  13. WOOT. I'm eady to go...wait...isn't something supposed to happen before ? lol

  14. can't believe dat clemaenass also take roidzsss...bad bad bad yankees.

    ignore that zaun of the best team EVARASFSD took them tooozdf.

  15. andy take roids...bad andy..I still heartaz himz tho.

  16. you and matt are on crack :)

  17. K good. Cryczechz = OWNAGE 27 SEVENS.

    Yanks be gone nowzs till Aprilszs, Nucks love nowzs..you is jump on bandwagonserzz...BAD BAD!

  18. Why'd you call your MA a HO on my page?

    Dont even try that you CLOWN. Go eat crap :D Watch yer damn mouth...ASS

  19. I wikes when you sings. Your voice is goodz better than last times *nods*

  20. You still feelzs the samexas about the nuckszfsd?

    How bout LUKAS


  21. Jays? tiz hockeay season.

    I hatead you. Member whut u sayzs about nuckasz early in seasonszd? I remembersz! *punch* LOL.

  22. You sir.

    Need to.

    MAN up.

    Stop sayings itz over.

    Tis not.



    "everything except kapeesh" :D

  23. you be a wheenie...be strong...HELLO?

    like SAWYER :D

  24. Dont do this to me now...REMAIN STRONG.

    BE A WARRIOR. Like bertuzzziss :D





    LOST = BOO. :D

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