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Everything posted by Octane

  1. i'm living. :P very tired lol

  2. i know, it's been a long time....it was very fun. :) and i think i'm getting a better shot, so thats good. but yeah, that would be very fun ruutu, if i wasn't planning on moving, i might have done that here with a few people i know....ah well.

  3. *bursts in Kramer style* "Pigman baby, Pigman!!"

  4. thats good, i guess. at least it's some sleep. and i'm good, played ice hockey for a couple hours, but we have another person coming to look at our house tonight, and maybe another tomorrow.....so, lots of cleaning, yay....

  5. haha, yeah, i guess... :P

    and i TOLD you ruutu, watch it!! geez man.. :P

  6. so, how are you today?

  7. lol, no there isn't, but there should be. :(

  8. yep, thats my favorite part. well, actually when the sperm whale is questioning it's experience, and then starts naming stuff while falling out of the sky is my favorite part. lol :P

  9. holy crap! you've got more posts than me, and you've only been around for 4 months.... O.O

    sorry, got carried away. hows things bilal?

  10. hahahaha, yeah thats one of my favorite parts too. :D :D

    but thats the part when the two missiles are transformed into a sperm whale, and a flower pot. the flower pot at the end says "Oh no, not again!" :P

  11. (you need to rent it and watch right away! no jokes)

  12. hitch hikers guide to the galaxy!! geez, how can you not know?? shame... :o

  13. lol ok, well maybe i'll see it. i kinda want to see hotrod though, so i think bourne will have to wait till the next time. :)

  14. thats perfectly fine, she's all yours bud. :)

  15. that wasn't nice. :(

  16. whoa, your a girl? i never knew that....crazy. guess i should actually say hi or something. hi :P

  17. oh, and ok, i'll say yes then. "yes"

  18. lol, maybe it's a good thing, but their pretty funny though. :P

    wow, i got ten minutes and a second laugh! i feel special. :D :P

  19. hummm.......i dunno, can she? i'd hazard a yes, but i think most people would usual;ly like to know the reason. :P

  20. well, i was refering to ruutu, but now that you mention it, i dont understand the laughing hysterically for ten minutes thing. like, was it really that funny? :P

  21. lol, yeah i know, he's a bit of a strange one....have you seen his posts?

  22. cleaning up, so your parents dont know? :P hahah

  23. geez man, partying while your parents are away, thats baaaaad. ::P

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