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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. um, not too well actually, lol. feeling pretty crappy with school and all.

  2. whaaaat?? 8o girl, you gotta follow the rules now.... :P

  3. really? wow, thats a big vehicle to learn on....well i hope you can get some car experience. afterall, i doubt you'll get your N by driving a van..... :P lol

  4. so, how is everyone today?

  5. (just be careful k? ;))

  6. pretty exciting? no, more like way exciting. you can drive a car now girl!! if that aint exciting, then what is? :P

  7. the bc project that is. only the bibliography left now. :)

  8. i'm almost done. yay! :D

  9. hah ok. :P do de do...

  10. ah what?? i dont get it. :P

  11. i'm really bored. i actually woke up a little bit (ate a lot of ice :P) so yeah, not so tired anymore!!....!

  12. ..And the legend continues. :P

  13. Happy Birthday girl!! :D

  14. oh right, i forgot to say, i'm pretty tired of doing school too. :P

  15. yay! your almost done! :D once english is out of the way, it should be much easier for you mo. :)

  16. swine alarm clocks..... :P

  17. wow i was tired this morning, i was stumbling around, even after 10 minutes of being woken up....and then when i had a shower, the alarm clock had to go off....and if you dont turn it off right away, the intensity of the alarm goes up, and it was pretty darn loud when i went back into my room!! (like, hurting ears loud lol)

  18. yeah i can tell a little bit. haha :P

  19. haha, yeah same. :P (dont say that at hcos, you might get a couple horse lovers upset lol)

  20. haha, well that sucks. otherwise you could tease your sisters/brothers, and would have no idea what your saying :P

  21. i think your so tired you need some sleep. :P

  22. i'm not the only one*** i meant, lol

  23. hahahaha! i laughed, well at least i'm the only one who can get a good mark and learn absolutly nothing :P

  24. for sure. you must be pretty good at languages though, you knowing english, little bit of russian, and spanish...you take french too? :P

  25. i took beginner french, and i took grade 9 french, but neither really helped. :P (i do know some latin words though)

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