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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. i'm not sure if i've heard of that one before to be frank, if i did i dont reconize the title :P haha, yeah i guess...but theres what, only four of us? :P or is there more you know?

  2. yeah me too! that was one of my favorite newsboys all time...same with #1 on that track i think, i forget though. :P

  3. yeah, Delerious? used to be one of my favorites too. SHine the Hits is one of my favorite cd's, it's got most of my favorite songs on it. :) same with Love Liberty Disco

  4. sweet. same for me, though i dont listen to jars of clay as much. more newsboys, or kutless. pod too :P

  5. yeah...i have one of their old cd's, thats it. you christian imposter?

  6. yeah....pretty stupid thing to write about in an essay....it left up a lot in interpritation. (i wrote that without imagination, humans would not be in the place they are today, etc. etc.)

  7. something about imagination.....lol :P

  8. i got A apperently......but anyways, yes its done w0000tness!!! easy too :)

  9. oh wait, i was looking at the wrong thing.....yeah, your in the "new users" group, but as soon as you make a post they will change you to a reg user

  10. yep you can, your status is "member", so yeah. :)

  11. ohh, thats that movie Cars right? well no wonder i'm in the dark, i havent seen it yet. :P

  12. i dont know where thats from, but i really like your avatar. :P haha

  13. yep, you too kazoo. :)

  14. really mo?? hm, i was recently at the courthouse in surrey... (field trip, not because someone did something wrong lol :P) but yeah, pretty interesting. the whole place is rigged with secret doors and hidden passeges.... but anyways, that is sick about the seatbelt thing. like, i know you can get seriously injured if the seatbelt is on your stomach and not your waist, but cut in half? thats bad.

  15. that would be weird. :P

  16. ohhh ok. hahaha, next time you are driving with her, you should lecture her on the safety of wearing seatbelts. ;)

  17. hahahahaha, wow. they should hand out tickets to people who deserve them.....but i guess you cant really tell someone who's got more athority than you what to do. :P haha

  18. haha yeah, i'd do the limit just to bug those drivers behind me. :P but yeah, speeding is fun i bet. lol

  19. lol! crazy ruutu...... :P

  20. (i cant wait till i get my license :P hahaha)

  21. wow girl.... :P breaking rules is breaking rules, even if there arn't any cops around. ;)

  22. i know! it's crazy, just thinking i'm almost free... :P

  23. i'm done school!!! well, 2 days of reg school, but thats ALL!! :D :D

  24. yeah, so true. oops, i mean not, because you aint a looser. but still cool. so the coolest non-looser you'll ever meet. :P

    and yes, i'll keep thinking that we're cool, cause we are. duh

  25. fo shizzle de whizzle.

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