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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. i'm sorry, i'm going to say something. YEAHH! go canucks go! whoo, we won! :D

    now we can resume our silence. ...

  2. nothin much, watched the game, celebrated, and now just chillin in front of the screen. haha, i dont even know where butch comes from. i'm sure it comes from some movie/show, but i dont know. interesting nickname though :P

  3. do butch (i think that may be your nickname (??) ) whats up man?

  4. yeah, those ones, and the rickards ones. lately there havent been many spectacular ones, but still better than car commercials.

  5. yes, go canucks go is right! we will win game 3. i have a good feeling about that game.

  6. car commercials just arn't great. some are pretty good, but most are just annoying. beer commercials though, 7/10 of them are usually above average. :P

  7. yeah yeah :P haha.

    yes, he does not help anyone. in fact, he usually wrecks something :P

  8. i will. or will try to. lol :P (little frusterating part earlier, and, yeah. we'll see how it goes.)

  9. that commercial is lame. almost as lame as the "Random celeberty guy!!...!"

  10. you tried (twice!), and thats what counts. even if you cant see it very well, you still did it for the team. :)

  11. i am good. tired, but that is expected at this time of night. :P how are you miss q?

  12. well, i guess your hair IS pretty dark already...too bad it wont dye properly though. :(

  13. me too. that would be sweet :)

  14. yep, it does seem pretty long. but only 2 hours till the game! then the day can take as long as it likes. :P

  15. it is the best. i cannot sleep though, too excited about hockey :D :D

  16. i beg to differ with the term "ladies"...oh wait, you said you ment guys...i think. :P anywas, awesome! what are you doing this time? red, or blue?

  17. nothing much, you? (hijacked! :P)

  18. i will! sitting is very fun. lying down is better though. especially if you happene to be sleeping.....Zzzz

  19. i feel so bad, cause i made your comment box so barren....if thats how you spell that. (barran? barron? barren?barrin?)

  20. me too!!! :D tonight is gonna be awesome, wearin the jersey already! (of course your loved, duh :P)

  21. thank you q, you rock too. :)

  22. but yes, i will do that if we make it to the second round. john had better keep his word, and do it in the finals :P

  23. well that is still pretty awesome, you know, going out and dying your hair for the team. it might be a brownish purple, but it's still showing your dedication to the team. ;)

  24. ok, tell ya what. we make the second round, i'll dye my hair blue. there. thats me being adventerous.

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