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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. awwwww, that sucks that it didn't work. :( but hey, you still did it, thats gotta count for something. (what, my dye my hair? hah...i dunno...i might. possibly. :P)

  2. well, you are both. same with me, though i havent gone to dye my hair or anything. just wearing something canucks everyday.

  3. ohh, aww well that sucks. but maroon is good, i think. :P but yeah, thats a pretty cool idea.

  4. a what? i dont get how the convo turned...but ok. (are these the new jerseys? i hope they dont totally change the colour scheme..)

  5. oh okie dokie then. well, i'll just have to.....um, just...sit here. yeah. boy i wish i could have slept in more... :P

  6. lol, why aint that the most creative middle name ruutu. now, how would you pronounce that? :P (a lie Q?? i'm shocked! :o:P)

  7. very nice middle name. wanna know mine? "in". :P

  8. good for you. i shall be doing the exact same.

  9. yeah! lets see some awesome jokes miss q :P (although, i do admit the canoe/tree one was prettyu funny, lol)

  10. yep, you gots a smile off of that one... ---- a skeloten walks into a bar, and asks for a beer, and a mop..... :P

  11. lol, yep i am lamo. lame, lame lame! (incredibles reference)

    anyways, that is cool ruutu, you keep a post'n

  12. lol, thanks. the danish one is easier to model around, but it is longer :P

  13. duh, you are. your da homeschooleded. :P

  14. wow, lol, that was pretty lame. :P (had to smile though, lol)

  15. yeah for real! i'm already on page for, the danish constitution (which i am basing mine on) is only about 1/3 through, or more like 2/5ths now :P (i always do too much work fo these things...lol)

  16. yep, it was cool.

  17. yeah, i agree with you guys there. this whole constitution thing really sucks. (it's going to be like a 12-14 page document at this pace :()

  18. what she said. :P;)

  19. it didn't oh well, but it was a tumbleweed...blowing across the screen...but yeah.

  20. Tumbleweed_Emote_V2_0.gif

    hope that works. :P

  21. well thats alright, mine are lame anyways, or just really stupid :P

  22. hope so, wrote in me-own.

    i'm so board, i'm writing in this box, cant think of a thing to say, so i will stop. there.

  23. sooo, anyone heard any good jokes lately?

  24. Adding a comment to your own board, is that even allowed?? (haha, dont worry though, your cool enough to get away with it. ;):P)

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