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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. Haha, just wait. You'll get sick when everyone else gets better. :P

    Not much is up with me, just school. I'm going to the Edmonton game on Wednesday.

  2. I've been feeling sick the last little while.. but other than that good. Happy the Canucks are doing well. I'm going to the game on Wednesday :P

  3. That's an understatement.

    Anyways how have you been lately?

    Any good song lyrics? :P

  4. NUH-UH.

    It goes.

    1. Brad

    2. Pillie and Levin.

    They're tied.


  5. HALF!!?


    I'm just a big a Pillie fan as you! :P

  6. Goood.

    Brad Pitt is seriously AMAZING. :)

    And old western you mean The Assassination of Jesse James? That's like the best movie ever!

  7. You have absolutely no idea how excited I am to see Pillie! <3

  8. You did what!?!


    I didn't even get a chance to defend him!

  9. I'll try of course.

    Ibby? Hehe, I love it! :D

  10. Of course! I'll take pictures too! :)

  11. Oh nothing. It's just a song. But you haven't talked to me in awhile, and that's not good. So...

  12. No worries :)

    I hope you like them,

    I really like the Graham Colton songs you sent me!

  13. The schedule suckssss. :(

    I'm going to the Edmonton game on Wednesday! :)

  14. ewww. bandwagoners.

    they shouldn't be here. ;D

  15. 3 in a row!!

    The boys are on fire! :)

  16. I hate the schedule. I mean no games until Thursday? What's up with that!? :(

  17. Poor Levin :(

    I just want to hug him now.

    PS. I like your post about Coach V <3

  18. He'll play again eventually though right? It's not career ending. I'm so scared for him. :(

  19. Poor guy. I hope he comes back this season, I really do. I can only imagine how he feels right now, let alone how I feel

  20. You.











    please. :)

  21. Yes! What a good game. Hehe. I'm so happy! :)

  22. Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? :)

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