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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. oh yeah? i still find it hard to believe she's as amazing as this person though. ♥

  2. haha he is the bestest!

    but this person is amazing!

    seriously i love her a lot.

    she's like a big sis! :)

  3. im spending christmas with the bestest person in the world!

    no it's not brad.

    no it's not pillie.

    no it's not levin.

    no it's not fohlie.

    and no it's not jamesy.


  4. I like that sound.

    "grrrr" *giggles*

    Guess what?

  5. RAWR James Marsden.

    Rawr. ♥

  6. Pffffft.

    Cyclops still rocks.

  7. Haha quick but efficient eh?

    PS. Cyclops ftw.

    Seriously, you can't beat James Marsden, you just can't.

  8. Haha awww!

    PS. Merry Christmas! It's about 13 minutes early officially, but what the heck. ♥ :)

  9. Cyclops! OBVIOUSLY.

    I miss you! ♥

  10. Good good!

    Got pretty much all my christmas shopping done within the past few days, haha.

    Stop making JC cry.

    PS. Merry Christmas, hope you have a good one! (:

  11. He needs to do more shirtless scenes.

    That's all I have to say.



  12. not yet :(

    i think it comes out in like 2 weeks!

    let's go together ♥

  13. UGH.

    I love how she says he seems "all mysterious and sexy"... It's so true! :P

  14. double yes.

    want some stuffing as well? ♥

  15. btw.


  16. merry christmas eve to you too! things are going good, pumped for christmas. how about you? :)

  17. oh she's the bestest.

    seriously, i'm her BFF. well i hope.

    CAB? hmmm never heard of her. she's rad eh? im sure she's not as rad as JC.

  18. You forgot someone.

    She goes by the initials J and C.... :)

  19. btw.









    .. thats how much I love you know who :)

  20. COME ON MSN!

    I need some cheering up! (:

    ps. I hope you're feeling better ♥

  21. WOO!


    Trev is so clutch! (:

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