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Everything posted by Ambulocetus

  1. Somehow, it seems like he's not really gone...

  2. So long, dude. I hope it was worth it.

  3. Ah, they can't all be home runs. "Deflect it out of play" in the So I Have a Puck thread was sheer brilliance.
  4. That's a great name for a band.
  5. The buzz of the lighting, a coworker sniffling, traffic in the street, paper rustling, faraway doors opening and closing, and my internal clock counting off the seconds of my finite and ever-diminishing lifetime. And the voices, of course. Always the voices.
  6. 10-20 cm for Victoria, but the shopping is done, the cards have been mailed, the pantry is full, the whiskey has been bought, the DVDs are all lined up, and fire log is on channel one. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
  7. Use the brake. You have more control over it. Downshifting is only inviting a loss of traction.
  8. It's a freaking mess in Victoria. Warm and pouring rain, and every streetcorner is buried under two feet of filthy slush. Supposedly this is all going to be locked into glaciers of mud when the temperature goes down to -5º tonight. Nasty.
  9. The snow is finished in Vic, but the wind is whistling at every window. It's a full-on storm out there. Three below and gusting to 50 kmh.
  10. It's still coming down in Victoria, and it is freaking freezing out there. I was outside for two minutes, and my fingers are frozen.
  11. Victoria has high winds and steady snow. The roads are already covered, and it's blowing in sideways. Freaking freezing, too. I lasted about thirty seconds on the balcony.
  12. It IS conceivable - however unlikely - that I might be too wimpy for an MMA career, because if that had been me, I would have tapped before my arm got folded backward at the elbow. Full marks to Al-Hassan for sheer determination: "Mmph, I can make it... (crunch) ...Only ninety seconds until the bell... (crack) ...haaaang onnn... (skkkrack-POOM) ...AAAAAAUGH!" Considering that seeing that almost made me puke, I probably wouldn't even cut it as a referee.
  13. Hey, it's the breeding ground of that what's-his-name guy who has a black belt in Run Away!
  14. How about that annoying little weasel from Dwight's sig?
  15. Okay, I'm philosophically aligned with Kodos, then, mister follow-the-rules.
  16. Wouldn't watching UFC from 200 yards away in the upper deck be kind of... I don't know, crappy?
  17. I doubt that they're implementing my "Euthanize the Drivers of Single-Occupant Vehicles in Rush Hour" initiative, so it must be because lots of people took today off to stretch Remembrance Day into a long weekend.
  18. Since douchebags never get the freaking hint until something is repeated over and over, let's just make this point here in the transit thread, as well: When you get on the bus, take your stupid backpack off!
  19. I didn't exactly call it, but I did go on and on about how it was utter crap for idiots. Does this mean all the other things that I find to be utter crap for idiots (Survivor, American Idol, Big Brother, The Simple Life, America's Next Top Model, religious fundamentalism, republican campaign ads) are going to fail and disappear as well? Because that would be great.
  20. Most of the MMA I have seen is UFC stuff, so now I'm used to the chain-link dodecahedron. MMA in a boxing ring just looks wrong to me now.
  21. Tell you what, though. If you fought under the name Mr. Noodles, that would be the coolest thing ever. "Fighting out of the blue corner, with a mixed martial arts record of 12 and 1, from Vancouver, Canada... Mistah Nnnnoooooooodles!"
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not a hardcore fan by any means, but isn't that the ultra-crapulent thing that had that big black street person fighting the British plug with the huge pusbag ear? No offense if you like that stuff, but that was the most boring "fight" I've ever seen. It was worse than that weasel from Surrey that spent the whole fight running away. At least that was funny.
  23. You'd probably see more of the Kalib Starnes "I want to run away but I'm trapped inside this chain link fence" tactics.
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