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Posts posted by DollarAndADream

  1. There were a lot of games this sale I was going to buy and didn't end up buying. There's too many games in my library that haven't been touched yet.

    I'm still very interested in Wreckfest though and I'm sure the price will go down a little by next sale.

  2. I dunno. I used the code, went to download it, and waited. I think it's done now but I've yet to check. It had 5 hours to go last night, and that was 10 hours ago now. Anyway, no big deal. I had a couple other update files going as well so I was a little concerned when it read 36 hours at first.. wifi is brutally slow sometimes.

    When I started the download off of the store, it asked me which mode I plan on playing first: Singleplayer or Multiplayer and downloaded whichever one I picked.

  3. 43 gig download for The Last of Us.

    I assume you can play while it's downloading. Which I'm going to do. You can view progress in the library? It hasn't done anything yet. 43 gigs through wifi is effing terrible. Probably LAN cable that shiz.

    I bought The Last of Us Remastered the other day. It only took a couple hours to download the single player and I started playing. You get to choose which mode it downloads first as well, which I'm sure you already know.

  4. picked up a couple older games Id been meaning to buy for a while now but yeah, the sales just not that great this season. When you see games on "sale" that were half that price during the summer sale it kinda turns you off the whole thing.

    No kidding. All I'm seeing in this Winter Sale are games that had bigger sales in the summer.

  5. I csnt access the ps store or log in to psn, when I open mlb the show it freezes at the menu screen every time

    Supposedly you're supposed to disable your internet if it's not working like that. The game is trying to access the internet while booting up and having errors from it, so just disabling it all together is supposed to work.

    I haven't tried to play anything today but last night around like 2-3am I was playing online. I even bought a game off the PSN store on my PS4.

  6. I nearly missed the flash sale for Next Car Game: Wreckfest.

    How awesome is it?

    I saw that flash sale, but didn't end up grabbing it. I came to terms with myself that I probably wouldn't play it too much and should settle down with buying so many games that I never get around to playing a lot.

  7. For what it's worth, both Xbox Live and PSN have been getting hacked for the past couple of days. Both were down yesterday.

    Every time I've gone on in the past couple of days have been fine for me though. I played a bunch of EASHL on PS3 last night and a bunch of NHL 15 online as well.

    "Under Scheduled Maintenance"is what I am getting on the PS Forums.....No, more like they are afraid of all of the complaint threads from their "Maintenance" on Christmas day, now running into boxing day......

    When you posted this at 3:50AM, I was playing online. Which is odd.

  8. I bought MGS: Ground Zeroes on the PSN sale. It was like $6.

    I've wanted it since it came out but I wasn't going to pay the original $40 price tag for just a prologue. I didn't want to pay anything above $20 and this sale for $6 is great.

  9. So im picking it up in the following week what games should I get.

    I think it depends on which console you had before.

    Like, if you've never played Dragon Age: Inquisition I'd get that.

    GTA:V is a great game but it depends how much you've played it on last gen to really warrant the purchase.

    The bulk of the games that are great and out right now are on all the consoles, like Advanced Warfare, Dragon Age, Shadow of Mordor, Destiny, etc.

    If you like driving games I'd get Drive Club for sure. That game had a horrible release with all the online errors and stuff but it's all finished now. Plays and looks great.

    NHL 15 for PS4 looks awesome but it's a dumbed down version of the PS3/360 one. A lot of game modes are missing but if you enjoy HUT and offline GM it's fine for that.

    inFAMOUS: Second Son is a great game as well.

    Really though, since there is Playstation Live on your PS4 you can just look up these specific games and watch people play them to see if it's a game you would want. Obviously you could watch the same streams on the computer.

    If you've never played The Last of Us on the PS3, then definitely get the PS4 Re-Master.

  10. People were mad because they said the game would have 16 endings based on the choices you made over the 3 games. Instead they gave a text book deus ex machina ending by introducing a new character at the end of the game with god like powers that let you choose 1 of 3 endings exclusive to that one moment alone. Even the 3 endings were almost close to identical with most of the same scenes just rendered in a different color tint.

    Outside of the bad writing though most people labeled it false advertising by Bioware who had promised numerous things then simply did not deliver them. I believe they ended up in a few lawsuits for it though I am unsure if any stuck it was a hot topic for debate at the time where legal experts weighed in and they seemed pretty split on if it was illegal false advertisement or just Bioware and EA speaking to loosely.

    For what it's worth though Amazon went as far as offering refunds to people who bought the game and opened and played it.

    Personally I loved the Mass Effect series even despite being disappointed with the ending. But I think it's hard to defend how Bioware managed and handled that whole situation. It really seemed like a game being milked for money. Hell they even released a paid DLC on the day the game released xD

    That's just the general view I have with the series. Sure, the ending of it all was pretty stupid and your choices didn't end up mattering like they said they would.

    But, I had way too much fun with the games to hate them. I will remember all of the characters for a long time and other games similar to it I will compare them to Mass Effect.

  11. I haven't bothered with this game in a couple of months. It's just not fun for me anymore.

    The fact that they blocked access this weekend and allowed access to only the DLC buyers for things that were available before for everyone, well that's ridiculous.

    I'm hoping that Bungie aren't that stupid, and that it's just a thing they're doing for this weekend to maybe hype the DLC.

  12. Eh, I had a great time with Mass Effect 3. Although the ending was very questionable, and even the separate endings it gives you through the patch I still played that game and loved it. I got plenty of time with it and very much had my money's worth. Just a shame about the ending. Here's to hoping Mass Effect 4 starts a better story.

    Inquisition I've already played 24 hours and I'm nowhere near done with it. There's just too much to do in each land you go to. Also even though you get a bunch of party members I always use the same 3 ones.

    Even in the reviews like on IGN the guy said his review was based on like 90 hours of gameplay. I will no doubt get to that milestone.

    I've even found a special weapon that many have wanted online and I just ended up running into it by venturing off for no reason.

  13. Dawnguard for the plot and gameplay. Dragonborn for the new land. Both are recommended.

    Holy crap, it's been more than 3 years since this came out, lol. And Bethesda are still silent on their next project. It had better be awe inspiringly massive.

    Will say that this ended up being one of my favourite games I've ever played.

    Probably Fallout 4. Usually they rotate with those big name releases.

  14. I started Inquisition, even though I didn't finish Origins. Got too impatient.

    Man, this game has a lot of things to do. It's awesome.

    I played this game for 8 hours on Friday night. What an eventful night, lol. Still nowhere close to being bored of it.

  15. Started playing Skyrim again (Bought the Legendary version a few months ago for like, 10$), and boy, is it great. The Dawnguard DLC is lots of fun, and very immersive. I've barely touched the main storyline, and I'm 10 hours in, level 18. For those of you who have still not played Skyrim, do it. Now.

    Yeah I bought the Legendary Edition with that deal as well in the Summer Sale on Steam. I haven't played it much though. After sinking so many hours into it when it was out of PS3 it's just hard to play it again on the computer.

    I got Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor and played that for awhile and it was incredible, and I thought game of the year (although i haven't played many games this year)...then i just purchased Dragon Age: Inquisition and as I got a bit further into it it is amazing.

    I really need to go back and finish Shadow of Mordor. I have Inquisition as well though and just started it last night. Only a couple of hours into it.

  16. I can't decided between the new Dragon Age or just getting GTA V for the Xbone (I can't remember the last time I played a game on it).

    Or I could just go for cracking 2000 hours in Marvel Heroes.

    I'd probably go with Dragon Age. I wish I did that before.

    I bought GTA for PS4 when it came out instead of getting Dragon Age first, and I'm already finding myself putting it off.

    The new 1st person view is amazing and the game looks a lot better, but it's still the same missions and whatnot.

    I've still been going online with buddies every so often but I doubt I'll be finishing the story at all.

    I can't help but think I could be 50+ hours into Dragon Age by now. :P

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