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Status Updates posted by MattWN

  1. thats not good, yeah im off til tomorrow, but im calling in sick.

    I think I caught the flu or something.

    Woo extended holiday.

  2. yeah it was pretty decent, not a whole lot of stuff going on.

    I had 4 days off in a row, so I just relaxed. Watched hockey.

    That sucks your still not feeling better, are you taking lots of tylenol and what not

  3. I dont usually like them

    but i want one.

    hows your holiday

  4. I want some coffee crisp

    dont you

  5. No,

    quit this heroes crap.

    Time to watch Lost.. seasons 1-3

    and then bertuzzi fight.

    k thanks

  6. did you see Bertuzzis fight vs Gaustad? Dec 5?

    I Never heard about it before.

  7. sorry I was just stating the facts.

    Gambit owns Cyclops. Not kidding, and seriously. He does.

    Watch lost, or were over.

  8. In my dreams, you are still here..

    Like you've always been.

  9. Gambit could beat him, and will beat him..

    You just wait.

    You'll see...


    but seriously.. you will see..

  10. Yeah, I did all mine in one day last week..

    Not many people on the list, so it was nice and easy.

    Merry christmas to you too, have a great one.


    Gambit is the ????.

  11. So..

    Hows lost lol

  12. You broke my heart, thats the only way to start. Theres nothing else I can think of off the top, you cheated and you lied, and thats the reason why...

    But I wont call you names,this all I'll say. Il say you dont know nothing, you dont know nothing. And when it comes up, dont worry love, I blame you in the nicest way.

  13. happy hollidays to you too.

    the thingy was alright, we watched elf, made gingerbread houses, all that crap.


    Baby, my baby. Its written on your face. You still wonder, if we made a big mistake.

  14. what about you?

    how is your holiday going thus far?

    lots of shopping

  15. yeah a little bit,

    tomorrow will be better, im tired today.

    but tonight I will get to sleep early so santa can bring me my presents.

  16. merrrrrrrry christmas eve

    hows it going?


  17. i hope so

    im going to that game, so it better be good.

    im 2-0 this year, both wins being shutouts, and slugfests.

    NJ and ANH.

    Christmas EVE!

  18. i got a christmas party thing tonight, but il try to find a tv haha.

    feeling a little better every day now?

  19. linnnnnnnnnnnden

    good 3rd period and stuff

    feel better soon, ciao now

  20. Oh ok, well im counting down the days until you are able to sing.

    Hope all is well, and I must admit I have no idea what song that is. Although the lyrics sound familiar.

    Im thinking you're already asleep, so I will talk to you soon.

    goodnight and good morning

  21. I hope you're feeling ok.

    If not, you should watch lost. It will help you heal faster.

    And if you're feeling good, you should watch lost.

  22. ok fine

    they work fo sho

    goodnight, talk to you soon


    watch them asap

  23. damn you vile women..

    you have to watch it now.

    yess they work


    and its all of them

    every single one

    just watch it

    screw heroes


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