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Status Updates posted by MattWN

  1. thats no good

    whatcha got

  2. where art thou

  3. no doubt.

    remember that game vs calgary..

    where he was on the ice, and he was trying to lift the calgary guy over the bench. but it just looked like he was holding the guys foot.

    haha best thing ever

  4. pfft


    i suck at making sigs, i only have paint

  5. thats never good,

    everyone has been getting sick lately, everyone but me!

    haha I win.

    anything exciting going on with you?

  6. haha no kidding

    were so badass now.

    ok, i hope you feel better soon.

    take it easy.


  7. haha ouch

    thats a stinger.

    not cool...

    whats up :D

    .. yes

    I cant stay mad at you =(

  8. im good, just been working too much.

    how about you?

  9. Theres me. Looking down at my shoes, the one smiling like the sun, thats you.

    What were you thinking, what was the song inside your head?

    There us, going on about a band, making up how we played our hands. I may be dreaming, its going on and on in my head. But maybe I was stupid, I should have cared less.

    But so were you

  10. no way

    its too in depth to be a fake.

    its teh jarkko

    i changed the name to the correct spelling,

    and lol @ you checking messages.

    Theres us.

  11. haha tahts wicked

    he also has orpik and whitney on his list

  12. haha, you must be quite the fan.

    yeah it was acuatlly pretty good, i laughed at his hair.

    but the movie wasnt bad

  13. WHATT!?



    msg me the pass and email again, il change it.

    and make it better, annd i wanna see his page

  14. YESSS

    why wouldnt you,


  15. immmmm sorry

    it was all lies what i said, i think hes cool.

    i saw am ovie with him in it last night, it was an old western

  16. hahaha whatt!

    its a fake one though? right?

  17. they drank the talent!!

    i dont think howie drank enough

  18. ohh ok good

    i thought maybe you saw the post where i talked trash about brad pitt..

    phewf, thank god you dont know about it eh.



    whast up

  19. haha. youre so funny, ima render you unconsious.


    i saw bsb on sabrina the teenaghe witch.

  20. I concur

    i played football tonight, remind me to not do that again soon.

    I got tackled onto the ball, right in the chest.

    Lost my breath for a couple minutes. good times tho

  21. im les tired

    whatsss up :D

  22. whhhhere aree you

  23. I might have been more a man, If i stopped this in its tracks and said, "Come on, lets go home." But shes got the wheel, and I've got nothing except what I've got on. When you're driving with the breaks on.

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