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Status Updates posted by soda_pop

  1. skating wouldnt be fun if you were good at it hahaha its more fun when you fall down all the time and stuff and you never know who will come by to help you up ;).....id love to skate at gm place one day

  2. use those little bar thiniges haha they're so much fun

    i cant skate to save my life either so normally i just hold onto the boards or ill use those bars...if its really empty i race against my friends its fun untill you get caught

  3. man yeah shannon is quite the hero hahah that was an awsome move..."pull a shannon" hahah thats pretty funny i would like to see you do that and who knows you man be good enough to be the first women on the canucks

  4. Yeah i laughed for awhile after i saw that hahah the ultimate diss just wooo in his face hahah that was uh-ma-zing!!!!!<3 lol i think burrows can have fried rice dont they all eat chinese food all the time

  5. hahah wow thats pretty ummm random hahah is he allowed to eat fried rice??? lol hahahah

    how about that goal huh?? pretty amazing <3

  6. Thats the first thing i thought about when i saw him hahah he resembles one but he is an excellent hockey player and very well spoken so that makes up for it

    but he rocks

  7. Well Burrows isnt like super hot he's cute and adorable and yeah...haahaha

    mitchell resembles a monkey but hes alright

  8. awww thats cute...well i love each and every canuck the same except i love some more than others *cough*LindenNaslundBurrowsEdler*cough*

    burrows is adorable....i loved him since his first interview...he almost cried...it was amazing<3

  9. Meh the only thing he has going for him is his nice eys other than that....not much hahaha

    altho i would probably faint to

  10. LOL

    would pyatt WANT to go out with some one prettier than him...he'd look ugly in comparison....besides pyatt should be lucky to have you atleast you care about hockey

  11. Actually i would like it very much if she could hook me up with burrows...you can have pyatt...i hear he has purdy eyes

  12. i added u 2;)

    she was miss canada....well thats pretty cool...maybe you should befriend her...she may hook you up with games

  13. Oh really

    well im putting you on official stalker duty hahahah

    lol jk jk

    well is your neighbour atleast pretty? the last thing we need is for him to be going out with an ugly girl

  14. Your neighbour huh? ;) well if they ever break up he'll need a good should to cry on

  15. well ill just have to watch em online when i go home for weekends. i think they put them up right away so thats good

    too bad its not good enough to be shown in the states ;)

    I want that widow to get rich again...i dont kno i think shes cool...her daughter is an ass tho...i wonder what that key is for

  16. TUESDAYS????


    what the heck

    what time???

    i liked it on friday :(

    oh well i only watched one on tv anyways ill just watch em online i guess

  17. at daycare rule

    :D its almost friday

    haha i cant wait

    i got got cutoff

  18. Yeah exactley!!!

    lol i thought it looked stupid and i was bored one day so i watched the first ep...i thought it sucked but then a few hours later im like i wonder what happens in the second so i watched that and then i watched the third...i think it has some potential somehwere.....but its a really funny show...tabby and the grandma are awsome and the little hockey kids at daycar

  19. Hey

    so i noticed from your sig your an mvp fan


    i love that show haha

    its hard to find fans


  20. Ashley

    Why does it matter???

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