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Everything posted by Artifacts

  1. Well, look who returned. =P

  2. What's this about Cymbie leaving? =[

    And with 19,999 posts? That friggin' preposterous!

    Aww, I hope it's not true!

  3. 19,999 posts.

    I know I'ma miss your 20,000th.

  4. You're welcome =D

    And is there any reason why you took out the ! of your name? Are you losing excitement in your life? MAE! =[


  5. Dammit I missed your birthday by like, 3 hours! =[ Sorry! Happy belated b-day, Mae!

    And yeah, DB changed his name to relics so I followed suit and MB is now Artifacts LOL. How you been?

  6. Yup.

    Together, we are the Egyptian sun god. R+A = Ultimate Sun God RA.

  7. Done and done.

    teh MB is no longer.

  8. I was just getting used to Daybreak lol.

    That's it. I'm changing my name to Artifacts LOL

  9. Dammit why do you keep changing your name lol.

  10. Gah. I'm a terrible 1/3 of CDC's DC =/

    I'm adding you to my MSNfriendslist thingy so when I cant talk to you on here, i'll talk toyou on there.


  11. Thank you =D

    I <3 your hugs.




  12. Hating? On free hugs? Bastards! Who would do such a thing... <_<

  13. I know, I keep dying.

    I actually keep getting sick... I need some free hugz.

  14. Aww, where have you been? Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while... How's summer? =]

  15. Hey how you been? Any free hugs?

  16. That she most certainly is! I miss you!!! <3


  17. Apparently, I'm back on CDC lol. I can't wait to bring the luvin' huggin' back lol. How's it been lately?

  18. Mi Amor Mi Amor...

    How's it? I think I might be more active on this CDC here...so expect a lot of me from now on LOL. =]

  19. Eee I'm so happy =] <3 you!!

    You cannot even believe how hard I was crying when I saw Teemu and the cup and the boys winning it...ah just I'll never forget it. =]

  20. Hey, many sorries for not being on lately...things are kinda, er, 'hurricaning' I guess right now. Everything bad that can happen is happening. Don't worry I'm OK, Beyonce is ALWAYS OK she's a fighter and getting through it! I'll have to tell you later when I've got more time. I miss you and <3 you to death.

  21. Sorry for not being on lately.

    A lot of evil stuff is happening all at once and I'm just kinda dealin' with it right now. But remember, Beyonce's a FIGHTER so she'll get through it all. I'll fill you in when I've got more than five minutes lol. <3 ya guys, and miss you dearly!

  22. Kelly, I miss you too! <33

    And weeeeeeeeee mah Duckies won =D

  23. Oh how sad =[

    You're awesome thread was closed.

  24. You'll have to forgive Beyonce for being lame today. She just doesn't feel like her bootylicious self. =[

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