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Captain Bob

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Everything posted by Captain Bob

  1. This wouldn't be a problem if the Skytrain actually went down Granville, but now commuters have to take a bus from Cambie over.
  2. I can't find the numbers, but I've heard it's expensive for planes to land at YVR. Someone told me upwards of $10,000 for Air Canada. Has anyone heard this? Does anyone know the numbers? Can you guys try to help me find the numbers?
  3. So how do the fares work? What's the fare difference if I am going from the River Rock to YVR compared to going downtown? What about Richmond Center to YVR or Downtown?
  4. inane, what's your suggestion for the fares near YVR? No fare at all?
  5. No, but I never said AIF money was used to build the station(s).
  6. Can you please show me the numbers of how much money was collected from AIF, and how much AIF money was spent on the station(s) ?
  7. Yeah, I was thinking the same, but didn't want to say anything. Since the AIF went in, the airport has been completely redone inside and out, and is probably double the size.
  8. My point is, is that it is embeded at YVR. You used to have to use one of those machines to buy your AIF, but now it's included in your plane ticket. Edit, NVM, I re read your post and you said "know" instrad of "knew" which threw me off. Sorry for being a grammar cop, but it confused me
  9. You don't have to buy those tickets anymore to get through security, it's in the price of your ticket now.
  10. Look on the bright side. If all else fails, you two could probably come to an agreement on how cute the bar tender is.
  11. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  12. Guys.... Can we please get this topic back on track before someone gets banned or suspended?
  13. Ever take a bus in Victoria? It's quite enjoyable there. The few times I took it there was practically no one on the bus and they had AC. Here' I have to cram on the 98 B-Line that's so packed full that you have to stand up and there's no room to move, also without any AC or open windows you sweat you nuts off. This is why I always stop at 7-11 on the way home for a gatorade. I need something to re hydrate myself after losing 5 pounds of sweat.
  14. I know the guy who built the station at the cambie street bridge and what ever one is south of it. He told me the capacity is going to be 400, but maybe that's this crush capacity you are talking about.
  15. You could be right. I'm just going by what my "source" told me. Either way, what the capacity of a B-Line bus? My guess would be 150 max, so I doubt the Canada line will run at max capacity. I think the frequency will be more often wont it? A B-Line from Richmond to Vancouver is every 15 minutes, where the train is ever 5 minutes, isn't it ?
  16. ^^^ The Canada line will hold 400 people per train.
  17. It's going to be at least another month before it opens to the public.
  18. Nitro. Did you take all those pics and videos ?
  19. I was talking to my source yesterday, and there's no way it'll be running Aug 2nd. He says MAYBE it will start Aug 17th.
  20. WTF..... Did they find plans from 1940 in a vault somewhere and go with them?
  21. Kinda sucks that they went with half length trains. What were they thinking? The popultaion is judt going to increase more and more. They barely built those to suport the current popultaion.
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