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Posts posted by Gross-Misconduct

  1. You should check his bio.

    From 2010-12, Desjardins was the Associate Head Coach of the Dallas Stars (NHL). That's basically the same position that Stevens was just promoted to in L.A. (and as about as high a coaching position you can hold without actually being named Head Coach).

    So he has NHL level coaching experience.

    He also has a decade of head coaching experience in the WHL (where he won two championships) and another two years of head coaching experience in the AHL (where he's just won a championship). He's even served as a WHL General Manager in 2005-06. And he's coached at the university level, in Japan, and for Team Canada (Men's and Juniors).

    He's dealt with all types and all ages of players--from juniors to pros.

    And he's also a highly educated guy (two Bachelor's degrees and a Masters) plus he's completed the highest levels of formal training with the NCCP.

    Desjardins' credentials are impeccable. He's not your typical "rookie" head coach.

    His education means nothing. This is hockey. Jacques Demers coached 14 years in the NHL and won a Stanley Cup all while being functionally illiterate.

    I'm still hoping this falls through cause I'm not sold on this guy at all.

  2. How old is he?

    That sounds so sad. I would want to scoop him up and give him lots of kisses..

    Maybe he is still hungry??

    He's 13 now. The best cat ever . An orange tabby. I'd post his pic with my phone now but I think he's outside yelling at the younger cats to get off our lawn. He would love the kisses too. Even though he's old, he's not the cranky old. Still likes to be held but you got to be gentle.

  3. I am glad my desire to make my kitty wear pretty things made you happy :wub:

    She just sat there and tolerated it to even though you could tell she wasn't happy, she didnt' bite me or scratch me nor did she run away, she knows by now that the minute I take the photo and its over and done with the costume comes off... she's a smart kitty.

    My cat is really old now. It's like he aged over night. He still eats and purrs but he's getting really skinny and boney. And he drools a lot now and I think he has dementia. Cause you fill his bowl with food, he eats some, goes for a drink of water then goes after anyone in the house meowing and meowing and meowing for food cause he forgot we just gave him food and that he just ate.

    Poor guy :(

  4. The more i think of it the more i believe 2012 should of bin are year. Think about it we had a lot of the same peices from 2011 run we won presidents trophy against all odds but are offense dryd up against the kings who suprised us

    I think the mistake of the year was the kassian trade. Now here me out before u dismis. I love kassian and in the long term will be better then cody hodgson but in 2012 hodgson was starting to brake out offensivly and was scoring HUGE clutch goals (remember goal 4 against boston in boston with those crazy fans??). We lost all those games to LA by one goal are offense was just not enough and i think haveing a third line danger of scoreing goals would of bin a differense maker. And LA had mutch easier competiton after us including the finals and we wouldnt of had a problem either. I think was huge error by gillis to make that trade even if is better for the future but because that was are window that was are last great shot and we shouldnt of bin trading offensive game ready assets for a future stud who was not game ready atm

    Spell check is your friend.

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