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Posts posted by Gross-Misconduct

  1. AV's style of play is suited for the eastern conference...he would still get destroyed in our division

    And his team is gonna get rolled in the Final. Doesn't matter, Hawks or Kings, either team will probably sweep or 5 games most. Lundqvist can only carry this team on his back so far.

    • Upvote 2
  2. This song will take you as deep as you want to go ..

    .. and bring you out the other side if you stay with it .. a masterpiece from 1968 .. lost in the Beatles 'separation' .. from my favorite 'album' of all time .. 'Astral Weeks'. (Please forgive the self-indulgence, but this song and album deserve to be remembered, I hope)


    That album is indeed a masterpiece, From a guy who refused to play the music-as-big-business game. Always did things his way and tells it like it is. I have a ton of respect for Van Morrison.

  3. I hate when people hate different opinions then I do. It's killing this team. It's our fault we traded Schneider, our fault Luongo's contract got pooped on in the last CBA, our fault Hamhuis and Raymond got injured in the finals, our fault management f***ed things up with Bure, our fault management brought in Messier, our fault Bertuzzi punched Moore. I can go on.

    People want Kes gone, it's not wrong. It's how they feel. Opinions are everywhere. Get use to it.

    How dare you?!?!

    Seriously though, the OP is a little lost on this one. Problem is, he has supporters that believe everything you just said.

  4. Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

    I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

    Hey, between you and me, I heard Kesler was pissed off at the Benning hire and he stormed into Linden's office and said he'll NEVER play another game for the Canucks again.

    Then Kesler went on to say all kinds of nasty stuff about certain posters on CDC that hurt his feelings.

    All true bro. You might be on to something here. Keep up the good work.

  5. :rolleyes:

    You do see the irony here? Why are players fair game but not certain sections of the fanbase?

    Cause having someone with thin skin like you start a thread pointing the finger at fans saying they are the problem with this team is a little rich, don't you think?

    I'll choose my words carefully, but the fact that you created this thread speaks to your intelligence or lack of.

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