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Status Updates posted by marinated.pea

  1. you started it. you poo.

  2. stop creeping on my profile... what do you want, freak? xD

  3. buddy your name owns lol

    arrested development ftw

  4. pfft. well if you expect me to visit your profile now.....



  5. dropping by to say that your sig is really awesome lol

  6. lol thanks.. not many people get that its a pea the first time around

  7. cf09 you go to churchill?! :o

  8. SWEET. free attention. alright you. lay it on =D

  9. happy birthday CM! :)

  10. oh hey! sorry i totally didnt see your birthday comment which was like, more than a month ago D=

    thanks a lot!! haha you know who'll be back on the 15th of Aug ;P

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