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Posts posted by Mr.ArcticLove♥

  1. So stop going to Phoenix Coyotes games, then.


    It was just horrible. The person that was suppose to bring drinks didn't come. There was only pop. Drunk people make the parties fun.

    Oh well.

  2. Someone's been watching things they haven't been watching :o

    Anyways, arctic, saw u play pokerstars. Exactly the same one i play in. Played it for years, think i'll need to reinstall it, I had 1 mill chips back then just playing on the 5/10 tables :o

    And then I only have 493,000

    :lol: I'm a big online poker player.

    I can't play for money here, so I just play for fun. But when I'm at home, I enter like 50 dollar tourneys and stuff.

    I saw Mats Sundin play once :lol: I posted a picture in the Mats Sundin thread.

  3. Wow, that one was probably your best

    I gave u the compliment cause u were probably depressed

    And don't tell me you love me, i know your obsessed

    I don't know what to say anymore, you want to suggest?

    Because i'm running out of ideas and i'm not writing like a man possessed

    In fact i'm stressed

    Let me off this rap thing, let's end this contest

    Because i don't want any more hatred rubbing off our chest

    It was nice rapping with you, i'm impressed

    I never knew a loser could rap, I would have never guessed.

    I thought You wanted this to end?

    By the looks of it, I thought you wanted to be friends

    But I guess you didn't amend

    Wilboy, it's almost the yearend

    I cant believe you want to befriend

    If I was any other person, I would call for suspend

    But if we smooth off, we could blend

    I want this hatred to dispend

    Unless you're one of those who can't unbend

    Comon buddy, just descend

    So we can just be best friends

  4. Learn how to spell?

    You're just mad cause i beat you in NHL

    Don't think I can't tell

    You've been all over me in the last few weeks like a fcking rebel

    And i'm not going yet, so don't say farewell

    What you talking about shizzy?

    You sounding a little pissy

    NHL was just a fluke bro

    I was playing then I stubbed my toe

    How can you play with that much pain?

    Play again, and I'll have the gain

    Rebel? You high?

    Maybe you want some of that pie

    I love Wilboy, you now that

    But just don't make fun of my hat

    It's a Canucks hat

    It lets me rap

  5. Wow, you're freaking eZ

    Easier than counting to 1,2,3

    Heck, my rap's cooking u up like a marinated pea

    But when the heck is all this going to end?

    I don't have all day my friend

    And i don't have the time to spend

    So why don't we call it all even, and don't defend

    But u'll probably just continue, just extend

    Wow dog you're all over the map

    Talking about my hat...

    Talking about my rap...

    Fine, we can stop

    But I'm going to be bored because I'm at my job

    There's nothing to do here and it's boring as hell

    Maybe we can do this again once you learn how to spell

    Peace out Willy

    I bet you do have a small Willy

  6. Well that took you a while

    and why do you always have to be so mean, so hostile?

    You could have at least made this battle worthwhile

    but you always rhyme each line with two words, learn to be versatile

    because you're fcking AABB poetry is giving me a good laugh, a good smile

    And you're just getting ready to rap? What the heck was that before? A trial?

    Well I'm glad I'm making you smile

    Why don't you come in my house and install my tiles

    My mom's been telling me to install them for a while

    They're at the back of my room in a pile

    Stop acting like a child

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