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Sick Hands

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About Sick Hands

  • Birthday 04/29/1990

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  • Location
    Victoria BC
  • Interests
    CANUCKS,Cars, Beers, My girl. ^^^^^


    being outdoors

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Abbotsford Star

Abbotsford Star (4/14)



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  1. Our drafting has been terrible for years, not trolling, its the truth.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RunningWild
    3. JensenFan2011


      ..... um you haven't given some players much time to grow... for one thing Jensen was an amazing pick up for the canucks... Gaunce wasn't half bad either the only bust draft pick we've really picked (assuming you are only looking at 1st round) is schroeder... i mean he isn't bad but not what we expected so i would like to see how you think we failed? should have traded top players for a better draft position? cause we've been contenders for so long thats why we don't g...

    4. JensenFan2011


      get players like crosby. we were able to get good players in late rounds while keeping our core players... our drafting system isn't bad our team is just good

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