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Everything posted by MikeyBoy44

  1. its a big move for sure. a doc would be wise to do so and theres already a slight chance its going to work. stay tuned.
  2. If a doc has read this and is saving me please contact me right now so I can proceed with the kill.
  3. I have decided to use my TB powers tonight and my kill has been cast to erase peaches. I would super love to ask for a doctor save if it be in the cards for me. Vote Drouin
  4. You're usually so calm and collected . As far as your first question goes I'd assume health.
  5. It's the same. I have gotten everything thats come out since day one and I can go back and re download whenever. Ps4 does this too I tested it with a couple games that were free on launch the other day.
  6. Thank you kindly sir. I may have something or nothing to post before or after the game.
  7. MR, is that vote list in sequence or random order. It's near impossible to break apart the votes in my search for the sheep, err... mafia, in these 14 pages on an iPhone.
  8. Has anyone been able to find out when my Tuttle beach will work with the ps4? I'm talking about the mic here, not the sound. All the posts I can get in google are from launch day.
  9. Purely numbers though. There isn't a signiificant difference To the eyes.
  10. The 720p vs 1080i arguments always give me a good laugh.
  11. These guys make every team they play against look like shot blocking gods. There is no accuracy on this team at all. It's either way flipping wide or right at guys. And the passing is atrocious.
  12. I read something a couple days ago how Microsoft and Sony aren't releasing any more units until bugs are worked out. Take it for what it's worth I just can't remember where I read it.
  13. If they lose this game, I swear I will NOT watch another Canucks game until the next one.
  14. Ive made it as far as registering my player but I'm still having a bit of trouble figuring how it all works. Seems fairly in depth though.
  15. Muting doesn't have anything to do with playstation. It's probably hidden deep in the game settings somewhere.
  16. That would explain it then. Thanks for the update kind sir. I'll have to redeem my codes tomorrow.
  17. Has anyone gotten any errors while trying to redeem this? I certainly am.
  18. Reminds me of random Friday nights on J.tv
  19. As far as I know there isn't tax on psn bought items. Maybe there is in BC or other provinces with a pst. I know I don't pay taxes on psn where I am.
  20. I haven't tried yet but I've read the remote play still is awful with the vita. Mines collecting dust somewhere in my basement. I'll update when I try it.
  21. Meh. Sheriff might be right but my posts were sincere. I really didn't care much at all this game. Pretty sure mafia even forgot about me. Oh well maybe I'll try again much later if it's still going.
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