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Posts posted by CaptainCanuck001

  1. 14 hours ago, Caboose said:

    Also; why do you guys refer to a club as we? 

    Outside of maybe spook I doubt any of you are members. 

    Well most of my family comes from Bury/Tameside in Greater Manchester, and my dad and grandfather always refered to the club as we when talking about so it kinda comes naturally. 

    Also, I am a member of the Canadian branch of the Man Utd Supporters Club.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I think for Pep its either City or United, with City looking the more likely right now. If I were Chelsea I would go hard after Simeone, gets his team to play brilliant football and can motivate his players. As a United fan it saddens me that next year Chelsea could have Simeone, City have Pep, Liverpool have Klopp, Arsenal have Wenger and us have Giggs...

  3. 9 minutes ago, spook007 said:

    The biggest problem is the style of play. The way LVG operates did not really fit the players at Old Trafford. A bit like fitting a square into hole.

    After spending a huge amount of money during the summer, you would have though they found the way, but so far it is just boring and uninspired...

    There is no doubt that Martial was a rabbit out of the hat, but other than that (and Shaw), its been poor, with too much emphasis on defending. (De Gea and Smalling also having good seasons...).

    Wish list:

    In - a new star C/B maybe Stones, a quick winger and another goal scorer. And biggest of all possibly a new goal keeper if De Gea goes to RM.

    Out - Fellaini. Mata, Rojo, Young, Valencia and maybe even Rooney and Carrick

    And finally Herrera may go for a new playmaking midfielder, if LVG continues to leave him out. He obviously doesn't see him as the playmaker the fans does.

    Couldnt agree more.

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  4. 1 hour ago, 87Crosby said:

    I don't know how possible it was for Van Gaal  to fix this mess but he needed to do a much better job with his lists. The overpaying I can't really criticize him for because Ed buys the players. There have been quite a few missed calls as a coach. The style of football. The use of Rooney, Herrera, Darmian, and Fellaini.

    At this point I don't know what can be done. We need a new CB, but the first decision needs to be how do United wasnt to play football. You buy players that fit the formation, not the other way around, look at Di Maria last year and the attack this year in general. If we play a more attacking style, a 4-2-3-1 like Chelsea/Madrid, a new right forward/midfielder is needed. Mata doesn't prefer to play there and Rooney isn't the ideal player in any position any more. Someone like Griezman or Auba is a dream but it could happen. 

    I think hiring LvG to begin with wasnt the best idea since he was going to be here for 3 years then retire. Say if Giggs takes over do you really think he will play a possession based game? Probably not most likely a 433 variation with pacey wingers. So the players will go from learning one system to another.

    I still think we need 2 CBs, one to start the other as depth. At least 1 CM, I also think any midfield we have going forward should be built around Herrera. A pacey winger and a back up striker.

    I also think Rooney, Mata, Carrick, and Rojo might be sold in the summer. I would love for us to sign any/all of Griezmann, Sané, Bazoer, Stones, Tielemans.

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  5. 1 hour ago, spook007 said:

    True but he is right regarding this team being average...

    And yes he is boring to listen to, just like Michael Owen is...

    I agree with the sqaud being average but almost the entire squad since Fergies last season needed to be turned over. I was honestly shocked we won the title in Fergies last year because that squad was dire. LvG hasnt spent the money hes been given wisely but he brought in some good players. 

    IMO I think we still need at least £200-250M invested into the team. 

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