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Bertuzzi Babe

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Posts posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. As per Stealth's directive, there will be NO public discussion/threads/posts of what happened in DRN the other night. Take it to PMs if you must talk about it, please. One thread has already been locked and gutted because people could not/would not follow Stealth's instructions.

  2. You guys are all my mentors, you know that?

    Isn't that sad?!


    Any word on Furthurmore's whereabouts? I assume he got banhammered for something he posted while excessively drunk?

    I'm not sure what happened to Furthermore, he just seemed to disappear this afternoon and I can assure you, I have had no hand in his absence this evening - hope everything is alright with him. :(

  3. "up for download"

    That movie is still in theaters...


    Let me rephrase:

    Just watched the expendables. ***** ** *** ********it's awesome. :towel:

    egatti's first post was the cue that the topic in here should turn to something more appropriate. Please do so.

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