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Status Updates posted by Coraline

  1. Perseverance of what? The only time I think Wellwood has persevered is when it snows 4 feet and he still manages to get to Burger King for his usual order of 10 Whoppers and a liter of cola ;)

  2. Psh. Do you do that process everyday or spread it out over every other day or two?

    When I was in school I was running late once and just leaned my head in the shower and was washing my hair then I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye and panicked and then fell in the tub face first. Bad times!

  3. Psh. I was told you don't have to lock your doors. I won't lock mine in Canada =D

    Maybe you have an accent and just don't know it. People always tell me I have an accent and I am like, psh you don't know what your talking aboot. Haha I don't know. Me getting drunk is like an ecstasy trip to most people it seems. It is silly to explainnn

  4. Rick Rypien forced me to be his friend lol.

    Mmk Well.

    Entertains me =]

  5. ROLFCOPTERS I just realized I was in your sig!

  6. So you want to be my friend eh

  7. So you're just using me eh!?

  8. Sorry about what happened. I used to be a mod on the Flyers boards but got banned for associating with certain banned members in person. Hence why I fled here. Sucks though I thought you were a good mod.

  9. Sorry for the late response I hadn't realized you commented me haha. Hope your birthday went well too. Unfortunately for me I don't live in Vancouver I am all the way in America, Flyers country. So I haven't been able to experience the Olympics outside of TV and reading peoples stories on the board. Kinda sad, had it been a year or two later I would have probably taken...

  10. That is an unhealthy habit. I can't be with girls like that though. Just something about that bothers me when a girl is so insecure that she doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin. Plus if a guy would leave or judge his gf differently when she is in or out of make up they probably shouldn't be together. lol.

    Is the picture thing good or bad? lol. You never show your face =]

  11. That sounds shady lol. People spreading your picture around lol.

    No new pictures today =] I have been feeling a bit hung over today. Got to caught up in St. Patty's. Rare for me I usually don't have time to do anything anymore.

  12. That was a fairly accurate description from wiki.

    She was also very twitchy.

    I didn't mind her eyeliner though lol. Eyeliner is my favorite of all make up. And as an American I like more then everyone else so woot. Mascara, Eye shadow... I like all make ups eye associated.

  13. That's when I have mental breakdowns and fall to the ground crying like a woman. =] I sleep uneasy, lots of nightmares and broken sleeps. Which makes me tired and things harder. Part of why I am on here now actually. Can't sleep.

  14. The Flyers board stunk and so did most of the people on it. I joined here because the Canucks were my 2nd favorite team thanks to Bure. The more time I spent on here the more the Canucks grew on me and lots of cool people on here =]

    You never answer my questions =p

  15. The Wellwood jokes are the reason I hope Kyle stays a Canuck and gets fat again lol. The AV laughing at the man possessed comment was hilarious too. Watch Karma get me back and he signs in Philly to play with his brother lol.

  16. Truee. But being skinny is becoming a minority here. Chubby people literally gave me a complex about being underweight. As of today I have gained 18 pounds in the last month, gross right? Aren't you in Detroit? That is like the 12th most obese city in America lol. That is worse then my city, but we also won ugliest people :frantic:

  17. Well everyone who openly roots for another team here is labeled a troll at some point or other LoL.

    Kesler grew on me he is one of my favorite players in the league now. Though I admit when I joined I disliked him more then most Canucks because of the whole debacle between him and a few Flyers after the offer sheet scene. Wish we got him though, Richards, Carter, and Kesler... lol

  18. Well I know that I used to flatiron my hair when it was a little longer :P I hated doing it though. Always burned myself with my bad depth perception. And everyone else would burn me too.

    I once fell off the toilet when a spider was crawling on me O.o

  19. Well just a lot going on now lol. A lot of work. Moving soon. Business trip coming up. Then a 21 day business event. Then a 2 week vacation with friends. This is all condensed within like 2-3 months though so its like overwhelming. My brain is mush and oozing out of my ear now.

  20. Well that isn't so bad then =]

    I am back. Wasn't much of a break but I am still somewhat on it. Just a lot on my plate lately so I thought cutting CDC for a week or few would simplify things but it is a good stress relief for me believe it or not. So I will be on and off.

  21. Well your hair is mad long lol. I ether have gel in it and it doesn't mess up. Or now when I shower my hair sticks to much to my head with no volume so I drive top down on the way to the gym to blowdry my hair. Then I comb it in the parking lot before I go in and I have VOLUME!! Vrroom vrroom vrroom!

  22. What What?!

    Did you pull that definition or did you write that yourself?

    You just remind me of her because of the peppy happiness. You don't remind me of her insane personality but I just imagine you both talk in the same speed lol.

  23. When I upload the 100x100 pic it works then I try to go to a normal pick and the gay pick just comes back haha. I will ride out the small pick and try again in a few days.

    I forget why I uploaded it to begin with. But I have a bunch of random photography pix on my PC. Men, women, gayness, etc.

  24. Who are you and why are you here =O

    I have a guess but if I am right that would be preposterous!

  25. Why because Canada won? Damn Canadians and your partying. You're out of control!

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