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Posts posted by JiffyPB

  1. 12 hours ago, meh_wassup said:


    I never said he should not be sent down. Since he's not being given minutes here, I agree that him spending the rest of the year in Utica is best for his development. He's 20 years old, he's barely an adult and he still can't order a drink in the US. Relax, he's not going to make or break a team. He's going to make mistakes on and off the ice, because that's how most 20 year olds not named Horvat are like.

    Agreed then. We share common ground here.


    12 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    I don't have to prove jack to you or anybody else on these boards. If you need proof go seek it out yourself.

    Because you don't have proof. The only thing you can cite is something imagined by a poster on CDC.


    12 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    So why didn't the coach do something about it then? Why did he keep putting him in the same position over and over again? If he's not contributing to the team, scratch him and get him to work his ass off in the gym, and hope management takes the hint and sends him down. If you think he has a lot more to offer on this team, then give him some leeway, and see where he takes it.

    He did and they finally did send him down. The coach doesn't owe a guy with a "last on, first off" mentality a "chance" to play 18 minutes a night. I blame this on management for gifting him a spot 2 years in a row. Heck, they send him down the AHL and announce to the world it's only 2 games. Then they made some poor chap change his number just so Jake can keep his in the AHL for those 2 freaking games. What kind of message does that send? What has Jake done to earn this privilege other than riding a sky high shooting percentage in juniors 3 years ago off into the sunset.


    12 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    His defensive play is not ideal but he's positionally decent, and you sometimes see him going hard on the back check if he's the high forward in the offensive zone. That said, his defensive play is nothing to brag about and he definitely should not be killing any penalties anytime soon. Jake is a different kind of animal. Players like him don't learn how to consistently carry out their intensity and lug their body weight around the ice for a full 60 mins until they're in their mid 20s. That's why I'm preaching patience.

    It's not about the overall effectiveness, it's about if the player is trying enough. Jake's work ethic isn't good enough for this league. Not only has he struggled with his conditioning, many have already reported how he barely makes it to practice on time and is one of the first to get off. If his work ethic was like Hansen's, I wouldn't be complaining. I'd be screaming at the coach to play him more.


    12 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    And I'm sorry, how many players must I compare him to? Who else around the league do you feel I must bring up in this discussion?

    All I'm saying is look at other young players comparable of his age and see what kind of work they put in to get in here. Then look at Jake. It's pretty clear which kinds of players were gifted an NHL roster spot and which ones weren't. The ones that made it out of merit are either all producing (Laine, Matthews, Werenski, Nylander, etc) or are providing enough effort in other aspects of the game that makes them worth keeping around (Tkachuk, Forsling, Tryamkin, etc). Jake doesn't do this. Even a guy like Gaunce who has flat-lined at this level provides something in the sense that he can play center and can win over 50% of his draws.


    Overall this isn't a chicken or the egg dichotomy. It's pretty damn simple. Jake needs to go to the AHL because (1) he isn't ready for the NHL, (2) he needs to work on stuff like positioning, effort level and cycling, and (3) he needs to build up his confidence. He won't fix these at the NHL level and he won't receive that kind of coaching at the NHL level either. The NHL is a results based league and Jake doesn't get results in any aspect of the game (even his physicality has disappeared). The AHL is a developmental league and as a player who needs development that is exactly where he needs to be.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 8 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    Negativity breeds negativity. It's not about what people say on CDC, it's about the negativity by the fans that seeps into the locker room through the media. No he doesn't read CDC, but he can't ignore the media and tweets etc. I thought with all of us being fed up with the team and hoping for a rebuild for years now, we would be kinder and more patient with our younger players. Little did I know y'all are rabid dogs feasting on this 20 year old kid like he's single-handedly taking this team down.

    You make it sound like the 5thline just sits on his computer all day and spams JV's twitter and instagram with hate messages. He is a god damn adult in a professional sports league. The problem isn't patience, it's the fact he flat out does not belong in this league and if he weren't a 20 year old 6th overall pick you would not praise him any more than a plug like Skille. People recognize this and is why they are saying to send him down and keep him there.


    8 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    He was given a spot last year because the Calgary Hitmen were a team with lots of issues (on the ice, and behind the bench), and they weren't going to risk him being mistreated on that team.

    Prove it. This myth was drummed up by rabid supporters on CDC who wanna pretend this is the same thing as Draisaitl and Prince Albert or the gongshow going on in Flint. It's fundamentally not true. Why didn't Philly demand Sanheim be moved? Why is Carolina not doing the same in the interest of their prized prospect Jake Bean? This team was a playoff team last year WITHOUT JV and had no problem developing those guys + others in the past like Victor Rask (also Carolina) and Martin Jones (SJ).


    8 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    Plus, with his size and physicality management thought he might learn some bad habits in junior that he might find tough to shake off. They wanted to avoid that, and he was physically mature to compete in the NHL so they kept him. At the time, with us desperately needing youth in our lineup, that was a good enough justification to keep him with the big club. This year he shouldn't have been up with the big club, but JB kept him here. There were many rumours at the start of the year that Jake was asked to play with less physicality so that he doesn't take himself out of position and focus more on scoring. The coach should have given him more mins to evaluate him properly, and if he was not playing well management should have sent him down a few weeks ago. Very few of us would have disagreed with him spending time in Utica, but keeping him in limbo is not doing anybody any favours. That's not his fault, that's on coaching/management getting their signals crossed.

    It isn't the coach's job to reward a player playing no better than a plug who has a "last on, first off" mentality. Tryamkin sat in the pressbox for a month, worked his ass off in practice and got back in shape. He's now a regular. Jake goes to the media and whines about how he doesn't get to ride shotgun with Bo and Sven. Healthy scratch and AHL demotion.


    8 hours ago, meh_wassup said:

    Please don't lecture me on Marner's and Nylander's play in their zone. I had to move to the east coast this year so I catch a lot of Laughs games unfortunately, and if you think their defensive play is better than Jake's then I'll know you haven't watched a Laughs game. The reason Nylander is doing well offensively is because he's playing on a purely offensive line with heavy talent, some might say generational talent. Put him in the west and play him with Burrows, Granlund and the likes and see how many points he gets.

    Jake's play in the defensive zone is Timbits hockey. The try isn't really there. It wasn't about Nylander and Marner being 2-way players or their overall effectiveness in their own zone, it's the fact even players like them put in more effort than Jake does overall. Funny how you don't talk about Tkachuk and Bennett. This kid's intensity isn't anywhere near theirs. It's why the coach makes him ride the pine and it's not because he can't score.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 41 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

    Why are we letting Jake know that he will be back as soon as next week?  He should be sent down and then force us to call him back up by showing his hard work and commitment.  


    I have never seen a player so not ready to play in the NHL as this kid but yet he still continues to wear a jersey.  I just don't get it



    Benning logic.

  4. 1 hour ago, meh_wassup said:


    Because he's a young Canucks player and could use your support. At least if you don't want to show support, stop spewing off negativity. Everywhere I look I see you trashing him. That's not helpful in any way, and despite what you say, it doesn't show belief in a young player. And it doesn't mean you're a "realist", it just means you can't see potential. None of us are saying he's playing great right now, but some of us are still choosing to look at his potential.


    What tells me that you're expecting him to fail is you assuming that he's going down to the AHL and not showing any improvement.

    He's an adult in a professional sports league, not your child in kindergarten and it's not like he's sifting through CDC getting the feels reading through this thread.


    He was gifted a spot last year despite being outplayed by numerous players. He didn't do a good job justifying it other than a span of 3 weeks when it was garbage time.


    He played an average camp this year and still made the team despite having no more NHL/CHL dilemma. Just because Benning shoved a kid who's not NHL ready down WD's throat doesn't mean WD has to make Benning look good by playing him a lot. He's painfully not NHL ready and the funny thing is that it's not his hockey IQ or defensive play that's the root cause of the problem, it's his surprising lack of intensity. He plays the game with a 6/10 intensity. The funny thing is everyone calls guys like Nylander or Marner girls and suggest they aren't any good because they think those players are above putting in the work because they'll chip a nail while not realizing JV puts in even less in both ends of the ice.


    You know why Tkachuk and Bennett are such good players. Those kids put in the work. Both are incredibly talented, but their motor is top notch and they play with the same kind of intensity grinders like Burrows and Hansen do. It's why they're gonna be successful in this league even if they don't end up reaching their full potentials.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Sedintwinpowersactivate said:

    I saw flashes of speed and skill last night, but I think we can all agree he is not developing as we had hoped.  What is the answer?  What if he can't produce offensive at the AHL level?  I think the Canucks want to keep him close to have better control on his development.  They are trying to teach Jake the defensive game on the 4th line ala Kesler, Horvat.  He has had chances playing with Horvat and hasn't shown any dynamic offensive skill.

    He is not a 2-way player like those guys and this isn't a developmental league. If he honestly can't score better than he is now in the AHL then stick a fork in him.

  6. 1 minute ago, DeNiro said:


    Button's opinion is usually garbage. Comparing him to McDavid at that stage was especially a stretch.


    I didn't say people weren't predicting for him to go first overall, I said that he wasn't considered a franchise defining centerman before his draft year.

    He was. People were saying if he was eligible for the 2015 draft there would be consideration of him being taken over Eichel.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    And where did I ever mention that?  Seriously people, I backed up a statement saying he's not the top rated offensive D man in this draft and it's becomes get this "pitch forks out".   And I've been one of the people praising this kid the past year, yet now because canucks drafted him it's like he can walk on water or turn water into wine.  He's a good prospect, the top ranked D prospect this year and will likely become canucks best D to wear our uniform, but that doesn't mean he's not perfect in every area of the game.


    Here's a post of mine back prior to WJC in the draft thread.



    And here's another in the "Chychrun, the next one" thread



    I was speaking in general as you were referring originally to a post made by Gooseberries.

  8. 5 hours ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    I think you missed the entire point of his post.  No his numbers don't show he was the top offensive D man in this years draft.  There were d in this years draft who had less talent to work with and produced at a higher rate. But the point is even though he's not the most flashy and offensively gifted, he's a solid all-round pick. 

    London D don't typically score much. Look at Zadorov and Matta in their draft years (had Horvat, Tierney, Griffith, Namestnikov and Domi in those years). Matta (32 points in draft year, highest scoring D on London that year) walked in a year after being drafted and was practically a 30 point defenseman in the NHL and Zadorov (25 in 60) is also a highly regarded prospect. A stats comparison like that is very superficial.


    OJ is tied for 2nd highest scoring D-man in 6 years for London and did it as a 17 year old import. The only guy who beat him was a 20 year old 4th year player in 2010. Looks just fine to me.

  9. 21 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    No there definitely is truth to it. If you watch Calgary they're not a strong systems team. They were badly exposed in last seasons memorial cup run, even the veterans on the team. I believe it's where some of Virtanen's bad habits come from.

    It's something management would have had to considered when it came down to sending him back or not. If you think there's no difference in what junior team a player is sent back to you're crazy. Jake would be much better off on a team like Kelowna.

    That's more of a factor if they wanted to send him down, not as much when it comes to keeping him here. Management admitted they penciled him in the roster because that's how much they wanted him, not because they wanted to get him out of a "bad situation." If they wanted for him to be moved, they would likely just ask for him to be moved or handle it more a la Minnesota and Matt Dumba. You wouldn't see them playing chicken with the 39 game mark if that was the case (I believe games on IR when you are on the roster count towards that limit). The reason he's coming back and going to play more is because the Canucks want him here and management would be okay with moving him 1 year closer to UFA status. If the Canucks were truly unhappy with the way Calgary was developing him, you would see far more friction than what you're seeing now. When the Canucks saw how Horvat was playing on a highly regarded organization like London, they made is known that they were not happy with how he started playing more passive and was pacing himself due to the sheer amount of minutes he was playing. You're not even seeing that level of friction.

  10. The reason Jake is on the team is because frankly, the Canucks just wanted him on the team. It's honestly that simple. They believed he was ready and wanted to manage him day-to-day while he acclimates to the NHL rather than send him to juniors in general regardless of what team. It really had nothing to do with the HItmen as an organization (unless you want to believe some secret conspiracy that the Calgary-based Hitmen want to ruin their own draft pick because he was taken by the Canucks).

    Calgary is a winning team and would be a contender if they had Jake. There is zero reason to trade him. As for the idea that Calgary is somehow in the same boat as Prince Albert was last season is malarky. Prince Albert was a losing team that had already traded away stud defenseman Josh Morrissey and looked to re-build, Calgary is not trading anyone away and is winning. Jake would walk into a situation where he would clearly be the go-to winger on a good team and get tons of PP time in a winning environment. In Vancouver they would have more day-to-day control over him and allow him to get used to playing at this level, but he's playing on a bad team that is top-10 pick bound while averaging 10 minutes a game and not really producing. 

    Like I've said before, Jake is a WHL 1st overall pick and a 6th overall NHL draft pick. It would reflect very poorly on the organization if they didn't use him in favorable of a position as they can. If Calgary was actually as bad as people are inventing in their minds, why isn't Philly panicking over Fazleev and Sanheim? Should any team drafting projected 1st rounder Jake Bean be panicking about his situation? They seem to be doing just fine and the reality is that it's really up to Jake to put it together. The idea that Calgary is a bad developmental organization has been debunked before and is an invented idea.


    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 minute ago, logic said:

     I am a fan of  the  playing in  the the NHL as a 19 year old then go down for a year in the AHL at 20 development path, it worked absolute wonders for Bergeron, I also expect Virtanen to have a very solid offensive campaign in the AHL as he will have more timing and be used to a higher level of competition.

    Do not worry to much this year, give it 2 or 3 before you worry.

    Bergeron only went to the AHL because of a lockout. He was already a proven NHLer with 39 points in 71 games.

  12. 36 minutes ago, stawns said:

    Any fool can be negative.........dare to be an optimist.

    Honestly, I don't see many with rose coloured glasses on with Jake.  I do see some knowledgeable posters who look at his combination of raw skills and big frame and see an element sorely missing from this lineup for a decade, are excited about what he could become for this organization.  But, those of us who think this way know it's about the bigger picture, that this is not going to be an instant gratification kind of development track.  Perhaps that's where you are finding things frustrating.

    The post had nothing to do with positive or negative view on him, it had to do with the endless excuses being made for him. In the same post I said he still can develop into a 30+ goal scorer but the reality is he just isn't developed enough to be in the NHL right now. That's it. In the same post you are criticizing I said basically what you're telling me here.

    6 hours ago, ghjffbali said:

    This may seem very harsh but I've seen this movie before. Keeping him here is the same mistake the Islanders made with Niederreiter (a player like Jake who was physically ready for the NHL but not ready in any other facet). The good thing is that Jake is young and with proper development he can live up to his potential and be a solid 30+ goal scorer consistently for us. However, if the Canucks just keep him here as some pathetic crass play to the fans to be like "Look here season ticket holders, you got a local boy 6th overall playing in the NHL at 19. Plz renew" then ultimately it could be a self-fulfilling prophesy for him to become a Raffi Torres type player, which would be a damn shame and a damning indictment roster-wise on what you don't have rather than what you do have. Send him home.


  13. 11 minutes ago, stawns said:

    You should consider "mouth breather" a compliment after the crap you spew.  Its actually a step up

    It's crap because you couldn't think of anything else to say, nor were you able to counter any of the points again. The fact you get so butt-hurt over criticism of another man who will probably never read this post is amusing.

    7 minutes ago, Vancanwincup said:

    I don't think the poster has the same view as you about JV potential or that he was no where near the best player available. He just saying he needs more time and simple not ready. 

    Whether he was the best player or not is water under the bridge. 210 players get drafted, there's ALWAYS a chance at least 1 of the 204 after 6th overall is gonna be better as I've said in this thread before. Many people think the same about McCann, Larkin and Pastrnak right now.

    • Upvote 3
  14. Well, with this game he's making a case for his 9 games.

    Sedin - Sedin - Vrbata

    Burrows - Sutter - Hansen

    Baertschi - Horvat - Virtanen

    Prust - McCann - Dorsett

    Vey, Kenins extras

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