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Oregon Canucky

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About Oregon Canucky

  • Birthday 12/26/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland Oregon
  • Interests
    Hockey, Airsoft, Fine Art, Tattoos, Gaming, and Roleplaying

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Oregon Canucky's Achievements

Abbotsford Regular

Abbotsford Regular (3/14)



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  1. Happy 30th birthday to me! Inline blades, hockey gloves and my stick in the beginning of Jan!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Welcome to the dirty 30's my friend :) Life just got sexier for you lol :P

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i love the california canuck fan base at these games....it's like being the home team....have you been up for any games live?

    4. Oregon Canucky

      Oregon Canucky

      I wanted to come up sometime this season, but i have to get a passport now. its sad... plus i would want to bring the family and they all need passports too. my kiddo is a fosterchild and taking him out of the country is a big stupid fiasco. ill make it up there someday. youre only 8hours away! (closer than cali teams)

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