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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. 11 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

    I would say their D is pretty bad, but also their team defense.  A lot of that lies at their forwards.  


    Their forwards are the dream players for the online fans that only look at points.  In theory, Toronto should be a top team year in year out.  There's a lesson to be had out there.  

    Very true, not a lot in the like of sutter and Beagle types down there roster

  2. 45 minutes ago, mll said:

    or a goalie.  Andersen has 1 year left but he is unlikely to be retained once his contract is up.  Toronto can score but can't defend.   Either fix the defence or fix the goaltending.  


    They don't really need to fix the scoring.  Offence increases the value of a D but they don't need that part as much as they need the defensive game.  An alternative approach could be to improve in goal and let the in-house Ds develop and sign a cheaper stop-gap D rather than go after an expensive Pietrangelo.


    Toronto is into advanced stats. They've probably already identified Markstrom and Lehner as goalies who can perform well in a poor defensive environment and steal games for their teams.

    Andersen is not the problem... Only Connor Hellebuyck has face more shots against than Andersen in the last three years....Andersen keep the leafs in most games that the do not belong in... Leafs need to fix there D. It’s atrocious. 


    but shh let’s not tell the leafs that. 

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  3. 29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    This is how government settlements are reached. The government doesn't want to be punitive and put people out of business. They just want the law to be followed.

    Sounds more like a conspiracy theory than an actual claim.  


    Donald Trump denied any racial discrimination, but said his managers tried to weed out certain kinds of tenants. “What we didn’t do was rent to welfare cases, white or black," Trump wrote in a 1987 book.


    29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    That was 43 years ago. Does Biden still espouse this view or has his thinking evolved?

    And the Trump rental case was 45 years ago and here we are.  


    29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    They have been cleared and exonerated. If he is so sure they are guilty he should bring evidence forward. The guy took out a full page ad calling for them to be executed. Is it so much to say "I was wrong". I actually had to google the name Carol Baskin. Let me know when she becomes POTUS.

    So believing people are still guilty makes him a racist? 


    29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Sorry I just don't believe 'very fine people' show up on the Neo-Nazi side of a pro Neo Nazi rally. Regardless of mental gymnastics afterwards.

    So despite him clearly and publicly calling out Neo Nazi's, you assume the opposite because......well to be honest it seems like you have a lot of confirmation bias going on here and are grasping as straw to validate the opinion you have. 


    29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Was the lowest. It's not anymore. Many of the jobs created were the first to get vaporized by Covid-19. Because they were poorly paid service jobs. The groups that have suffered the worst job losses since Covid-19 are African Americans and Hispanics.

    Covid has vaporized all countries Job's


    29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Would you admit there was an already a steep trend in place from before he became POTUS? Or was this something that started immediately upon him becoming POTUS and he should get sole credit for?

    Many of the acts he put in place himself.  Obama had 8 years to revert the 1994 law Biden himself put in place.   Racists don't do that.  Racist's would purposely go out of their way to insure destruction, not go out of his way to put things in place to help them.  With such a strong confident accusation. I mean we should have to better and clear examples of him being a racist in action, not out of context, misconstrued attempts at making him look like a racist.  Apparently he's Hitler, well Hitler wasn't shy about his distain for the Jews.  You didn't have to grasp as "hidden" meanings.

  4. Just now, Warhippy said:

    It's the state of the world.


    But it speaks volumes that people think Trudeau is the best of the bunch.


    Means it's time to start over.  We should be better than picking the shiniest turd out of a pile

    I'm curious, what is the solution or is there even one?  


    I think we all agree we need change but how do we change and ensure that change stays?


    11 hours ago, Toews said:

    Also its unsurprising that FTG flipped his $&!# at a poster because the facts were inconvenient to his position regarding this issue. FTG is prone to sermonizing his love of the facts when they are even vaguely in his favour, but its "get a life", "post somewhere else" when they contradict his core beliefs. 

    Facts?  I'm curious how you would try to explain TheDestroys post had anything to do regarding my position that people should be free to do as they choose and not be forced into anything?


    I called out TheDestroyer not on the content that he posted but of him being a phoney on this board.  Who joins a hockey discussion board to not once talk about hockey.  You two should become friends offline, it wasn't that long ago you PM'd me saying your life was a disappointment, maybe you two could help fill each others void.



  6. 5 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


    Na, people think Trump is a racist because he was sued by the DOJ twice for racial discrimination in rental practices.


    At which Trump countersued and was found no wrongdoings.


    The Trumps and their company entered into a consent decree settling the litigation in 1975. The agreement contained no admission of wrongdoing





    Meanwhile back in 1977 Biden can state he "Didn’t Want His Kids Growing Up in a ‘Racial Jungle"


    Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.



    5 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


    Along with calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5 and refusing to back down after they were exonerated.

    Woah that must mean he's racist because he believes people were still involved in a crime.  Wait doesn't the majority of the world claim Carol Baskin murdered her husband?  

    5 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Then there was latching on to the birther nonsense.


    5 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

    And says things like Neo Nazis are very fine people. etc.

    Looks like you fell for more CNN fake news click bait.  Hook line and sinker......


    Full quote on trumps opinion of Neo Nazi's 


    Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo — and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. …

    It’s fine, you’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats – you had a lot of bad people in the other group too.



    5 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

    But yeah mental gymnastics.


    If Trump is a racist, he's got to be the worst at showing it.  What kind of racists would;


    African American and Hispanic unemployment under his presidency is the lowest it has been in 60 years, brought in school choice, promoted opportunity zones that incentivized private investment into marginalized communities, increased federal funding to historically black colleges and universities by 17 percent, and the First Step Act.


    What about that screams racist,



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  7. Just now, Junkyard Dog said:

    @thedestroyerofworlds @ForsbergTheGreat


    Lets pick our next words a lot better. Be the better person.


    Would rather not see either of you banned.

    haha I like the mediating. 




    /\  I'm clearly the canucks fan  


    Meh. If I got banned my life would continue. I just wouldn't get to share any hockey insights

    I don't think I could say the same about thedestroyer, he seems to need this board a lot more than I.   



  8. 22 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    I find it amusing that the snake oil that is conversion therapy is even being defended, but here we are.

    I'm amused that you are on a Canucks HOCKEY board.  I mean in your last 1500 posts, no one single post in the Canucks hockey discussion section.  Is your life that pathetic that you need to come onto a hockey forum to be able to rant about orange man bad?  No friends to be able to to talk to?  Need to come online to let random strangers fill that hole?  Just sad really.  


    Anger is an addiction, don't let the media fill that outrage to that point that it consumes your life.  Take a break from politics, it accomplished nothing other than adding gas to the fire, make some friends and invest in yourself. focus on finding joy.  Your life will be that much better off......


  9. 46 minutes ago, stawns said:

    I've said many times the only thing the social conservative movement has done is relegate the Conservative party to a regional protest party, same as the Bloc.

    Well for one, O'toole has openly said he's against conversion therapy.



    On Monday, Radio Canada reported that O’Toole had told social conservatives in Quebec that he had concerns with Liberal proposals to ban “conversion therapy,” a controversial practice that attempts to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQ people.


    O’Toole’s campaign clarified Monday evening that he “unequivocally” opposes conversion therapy, but has concerns about how the Liberal government’s proposal was drafted.


    “Let me be unequivocal, conversion therapies have no place in Canada and should be abolished. Final point,” O’Toole wrote in a statement. “LGBTQ people are welcome in the big conservative family and I am committed to fighting this unacceptable and hurtful practice. I will not compromise on this.”


    And in regards to abortion


    Scheer also faced criticism for not providing a clear answer on where he stood when it came to same-sex marriage and for being personally anti-abortion, despite his pledge not to reopen the abortion debate as a lawmaker.


    When asked about his own stance on those issues, O’Toole cast it as a matter of “rights.”


    “I stand up for all rights,” he said, adding that he doesn’t want to remove any rights already granted by the courts.

    “That’s where our party needs to go,” O’Toole said. “Not removing rights from Canadians.”






  10. 1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    Instead, why not focus on making Canada a more tolerant, inclusive country so fewer people feel the need to attempt to repress who they are.


    Great that is a good idea and i'm not against that but that's a different issue.  Tolerances goes both ways.  It can't be, i'm tolerant as long as everyone believes exactly what I believe.  


    1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    My personal belief is that it doesn't work and is likely to cause a lot of grief for both the people who get the "treatment", as well as their future partners.

    I don't think it does work either but I don't really have any background in that area.   I just feel as long as the person is willing, over the age of 18 and is in full control of their decision, they let them make that choice.  


    I'm not in the role of telling people what they can and can't do.  


    1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    I would, however, be willing to compromise or voluntary conversion therapy recipients had to go through hoops similar to the ones set up for those seeking a sex change.

    Yeah I don't see any issues with that, especially to make sure people are in their right state of mind before making that decision.

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  11. Just now, stawns said:

    Forcing people to accept it?  Can you elaborate on that because I know you're pretty even keeled and that can be taken as pretty divisive.

    Many religions believe acts of homosexuality is wrong and considered a sin.   If someone practicing said religion is seeking help in regards to that sin, who am i, who are you, to take away that help.  Taking away that option is forcing your beliefs on another.  Regardless of my opinion, it's not my role, nor the govt's to tell them what they need to believe. 



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  12. 14 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

    Still abhorrent and of dubious effect. 

    Again who are you to tell someone what they believe is right or wrong.  What happened to this idea that we should just let people live their lives.  As long as no one is forced into something and they are willing and seeking help themselves why are we taking that away?


    It's not the govt's job to tell people they can or can't be gay.  They should not be in that discussion, period.

    Forcing people to accept it, is just as bad as forcing people that it's wrong.  It's just the other side of the coin, i'm surprise some of you are struggling to see that, not surprised with jimmy, he's not the sharpest toole.  


    I'm on the side of, do what ever the heck you want with your life, as long as we are protecting peoples freedoms, it's none of my business.





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  13. 11 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    Sadly, with an estimated 60% of O'Tooles votes coming from the so-called social conservative side. I do not think his base will be as accepting or believing of his statements I see maybe when he says them

    The stupid thing is, the base will still vote for him over the other options. 


    So IMO they should just rip off the bandaid and drop those issues.  Sure it will piss off that base immediate and he will lose support but it will give him time to earn it back.  Talking from both sides of your mouth depending on which group you are talking to is what keeps costing the con's  Do it now, do it publicly so that it doesn't have to be a talking point till the next election.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

    its not a debate, its a denial of a part of human existence. Its pretty pathetic. There are not "two sides" thats some weak tea there and a waste of time. Anyone that bites on that fake debate is wasting time. 


    Pathetic is you thinking you are morally superior than others.  Pathetic is forcing a person to struggle with something THEY don't want to live with. 


    Part of the biggest thing wrong with politics today is the thought that the gov't needs to play the role of the moral arbitrator. The Gov't should protect people from being forced to do something, not enforce all people to have the same beliefs. Two different areas.  


    The fact that you aren't wiling to debate or at the very least have a discussion, clearly demonstrates your ignorance on the matter.  



    The difference between social cons and other political groups in Canada is the social cons want to define how we all should live, vs. letting people live their lives. Its fundamental, for lack of a better word. They chose a certain belief and want to force it on others. They claim thats what "the left" does but the reality is things like the Charter are the tools that give us actual freedom vs. so-called social con values. 

    Oh the irony of this paragraph.  


    You state.  "social cons want to define how we all should live, vs. letting people live their lives"

    Yet here you are saying people should not be allowed to WILLINGLY go to therapy. 


    Who's trying to force a belief?  Oh yes that's YOU....



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  15. 16 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

    its not blanket at all. If you believe in social conservative ideas like conversion therapy, you have chosen intolerance. Its not even a question. 

    Define conversion therapy.  There's two view points regarding it but people like you only seems to call out one area.  


    If we're talking about forcing an unwilling persons of any age to be involved in it, then the answer is no it's wrong, but very few people are on that side of it. 

    Where as if we are talking about WILLING people who are giving consent over 18, then I see nothing wrong with that and that's what most politicians align with.  


    This is one of those smear tactics the left love you use, play ignorant so that you can paint the other side as evil.  It leaves zero room for discussion on the matter which is.......intolerant....

  16. 7 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    As a person that votes conservative.... Erin ISN'T a woman?  

    A balding fat white guy as the next leader.... I guess JT will have the next election handed to him.  


    I'm not a fan of Peter McKay.... but if anyone has a chance against Trudeau, it would have been him. 

    I was not a fan of neither. It’s really disappointing that cons can’t figure out why they keep losing and what they need to do to change. Ugh. Forsberg might need to step into the ring. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, Vanuckles said:

    Madden's ceiling projects to be a middle 6 undersized winger. You can't have a 150lbs C in the NHL. We have a ton of wingers. Loved that trade and we gave up a very reasonable price for a top 6 RW 2way vet with cup credentials.


    Loved the trade then, still love it now.

    Don’t write a prospect off in order to justify a trade. Madden in only 20 he will still put on weight. He’s listed at 156 at which Braden point is only 10 lbs more than him. When we drafted EP he was only 161 and today even after his captain america summer he’s only 176. And even if he doesn’t stay in center  we don’t have the many right shot wingers in the system.  Lind is the only prospect real prospect we have that’s a right shot, so I’m not sure if we we had expendable depth in the position. 

    Tyler madden has very good potential be a very good NHLer for a very long time.  It was a really good pick for a 3rd rounder. But... and this is the argument people should me making.... Toffoli (even In the short term) fit the needs of the direction the team is currently in. While he got injured, he does help make us better on paper, which is what JB’s goal is to do. He had the potential to help this team get the extra playoff experience to understand what it’s going to take to become a winning team.

    That’s the value of toffoli, we gave up a high price for him but a price that this team needed to pay if we want to consider ourselves near future contenders.  


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