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OMG Snow?


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We just did some emergency midnight shoveling to clear the mini-lake. Apparently two drains were being blocked by snow (luckily, I knew the locations of both drains).


awwwww.....you could have been ground zero of the Richmond flood.

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Raining quite steadily in West Richmond (as you may be able to guess from my drain-clearing posts earlier).

Again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record -- CLEAR YOUR DRAINS! Unless you want an artificial moat for your house.

I somewhat have an artificial moat for my house. It's made of snow.

Damn water. My house and driveway is basically a bit underneath the elevation of the roadway and the drain, so water tends to stick around our place a bit more.

Last time it snowed in April, the flood got to the entire street and 1/2 our driveway.

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At least its not a foot or more of snow...


The snow in the courtyard area place behind my house has snow up to my KNEES!


The biggest challenge in California rain is often the slick road conditions due to oil and dirt build-up on the roads during the dry periods. It's not as bad as snow, but it's not good either.

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