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If your a homeless guy on the train, what are they going to do, toss you in free accomidation? And besides the derelicts that ride for free will just panhande/steal their way onto a train.

If you happen to get on a bus that won't move with that bus driver wait for the next bus then. It's not like if your a bum your in a hurry. Or teach him/her a lesson and rough them up a bit. What are they going to do, give you a couple month free accomidation? I would be pretty anxious to test any desperate person wanting on the bus when fall rolls around. Bums and derelicts aren't going to give up and walk that's for sure, nor are they going to stop travelling as needed any more than you or I do.

And it's fairly simply to figure out the number of evaders. You only enter the train right before the doors close, and if you see people jumping out, you detain them. In fact that's what they do. If it's that problematic go plainclothes inspection for a while. If the number is unrealiable find a better way to test it rather than simply tossing up your hands and opting to mindlessly spend money.

And while there are benefits to more intelligent ways of collecting fares, it's still the total fare that affects revenue as much as it effects ridership. For every new person you get that didn't want to pay two zones to go one stop over the border of a zone you could loose one that was going from one edge to the other within a zone. Never mind that it greatly complicates the fare structure (and inevitably increases it) and requires you to yard yet another freaking card around.

No, you don't go to jail for not paying your fare... You're right. Same with jaywalking. A cop gives a ticket to a homeless man for jaywalking.. now what? I don't see your argument.

The turnstiles will cause most of the fare evaders to pay the fare. I don't see how you can argue against that.

I don't believe the fare evasion figure they have. I don't have anything to support my argument.

That's why the turnstiles in addition to the smartcard system is a good thing. It will increase ridership. It will bring more safety to stations. It will give some stations much needed renos. It will introduce a distance based system. It will be tap on tap off RFID technology based, making everything more advanced and simpler. It doesn't complicate the fare structure.. every other major city in the world uses distance-based. We're behind the times, that's the truth. Having no turnstiles at stations also puts us behind the times. It's not yet another card for people who use monthly fare cards. The smartcard is also a benefit for people who use faresavers. It only isn't a benefit for people who rarely use transit, i.e. when it snows and they don't want to drive to work. However, for those people, they'll have one use RFID compass smartcards. They'll have one use cards most likely where you receive a card when u purchase it, then at the exit gate, it eats your ticket. maybe. I'm not sure about single use, but I'm almost confident that for people who rarely use transit that they won't have another card in their wallet. Monthly pass gets replaced by compass card. Faresaver tickets get replaced by Compass card. Upass hopefully gets replaced by compass card. You should see the stack of faresavers I have, it's ridiculous. I rather have a Compass card than have like 300 faresavers on my table after two years. Yes, I keep all my faresavers.

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So with this talk of installing turnstiles, will washrooms be apart of the million dollar upgrades. It be nice if they did finally.

I believe there were concerns that they would attract crime and drug use, but I don't see the problem now with turnstiles and they are placed behind them.

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So with this talk of installing turnstiles, will washrooms be apart of the million dollar upgrades. It be nice if they did finally.

I believe there were concerns that they would attract crime and drug use, but I don't see the problem now with turnstiles and they are placed behind them.

and who maintains them? They will not be a part of the upgrades. Interesting suggestion though. I never though about it. But.. if they had washrooms, I would be scared to even use a washroom at a skytrain station... dont know what's lurking behind the door.

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Installing public washrooms would be the worst idea ever.

Although the Canada Line does technically have washrooms, the ones that have a Jugo Juice retail store. You need to ask for a key.

They have good chicken wraps there.

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Installing public washrooms would be the worst idea ever.

Although the Canada Line does technically have washrooms, the ones that have a Jugo Juice retail store. You need to ask for a key.

I guess it's operation run behind the station to releive myself in the meantime then.

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Like I'm thinking just like a room with a toilet inside. It would be nice to have especially for stations that are in the middle of no where.

Nice to know about Jugo Juice.

Then someone could just sleep in there.. like Will smith did with his son in the pursuit of happiness.. or even worse.. people could be doing drugs, etc.

In a more technical standpoint, I think the costs of having to pipe everything so that water can reach that part of station would be extremely expensive.

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I am not a fan of this decision to install turnstiles. The people who are evading fares probably aren't going to be riding anyway now that they are installed and if they really want to, they will just jump the gate. I don't think the increased sales will make up the cost but lets hope for the best. I would rather they just hire more Translink staff (not transit police because they cost too much) to check for tickets.

I think that public washrooms would be a terrible idea. Its not going to increase ridership by much if at all. These washrooms will also be incredible dirty unless constantly cleaned and imagine the cost of that.

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The idea of just "having a room with a toilet inside" is flawed. If you have a toilet, you'd need a sink for people to wash their hands. And you'd need soap and hand dryers/towels. Then you'd need to hire people to keep them cleaned because some people are just disgusting pigs in public spaces. Having washrooms in some of the busier stations is a decent idea but it would add a lot to the total cost of the renos.

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I am not a fan of this decision to install turnstiles. The people who are evading fares probably aren't going to be riding anyway now that they are installed and if they really want to, they will just jump the gate. I don't think the increased sales will make up the cost but lets hope for the best. I would rather they just hire more Translink staff (not transit police because they cost too much) to check for tickets.

I think that public washrooms would be a terrible idea. Its not going to increase ridership by much if at all. These washrooms will also be incredible dirty unless constantly cleaned and imagine the cost of that.

I'm pretty confident that they aren't going to recover the costs of the turnstiles. I'm still for turnstiles though as it comes with the introduction of the smartcard.

And there aren't enough Translink staff to begin with.. I rarely if ever get my ticket checked on skytrain. They either have staff at every station or use faregates.

It's too late to discuss that now though... they're already installing them.

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I am not a fan of this decision to install turnstiles. The people who are evading fares probably aren't going to be riding anyway now that they are installed and if they really want to, they will just jump the gate. I don't think the increased sales will make up the cost but lets hope for the best. I would rather they just hire more Translink staff (not transit police because they cost too much) to check for tickets.

I think that public washrooms would be a terrible idea. Its not going to increase ridership by much if at all. These washrooms will also be incredible dirty unless constantly cleaned and imagine the cost of that.

I agree that they probably won't recover enough money from fare evaders using to make up for the turnstiles... But maybe turnstiles will give skytrain stations a semblance of increased security and get more people to ride the trains. I remember seeing a poll that said security was a major issue keeping a lot of people away from public transit, maybe this will help.

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Can someone explain to me how turnstiles are supposed to make skytrain stations safer? It may just be because I don't think the stations themselves are that unsafe to begin with (it's usually outside the station that's the problem) but I'm not sure I understand how stopping fare evaders equates to safer stations.... I mean, if there's skytrain cops posted at every station as a result of the turnstiles, then okay yes, it makes the stations more secure. Otherwise??

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Can someone explain to me how turnstiles are supposed to make skytrain stations safer? It may just be because I don't think the stations themselves are that unsafe to begin with (it's usually outside the station that's the problem) but I'm not sure I understand how stopping fare evaders equates to safer stations.... I mean, if there's skytrain cops posted at every station as a result of the turnstiles, then okay yes, it makes the stations more secure. Otherwise??

I would have installed water cannons and payed people to spray somebody when they don't pay the fare.

It will keep the station clean and since most people that use transit don't bathe properly it will make things smell better.

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Some say the turnstiles are for fare evaders. But I think the turnstiles are there for distance based fares and the fare card. It's almost impossible to do distance based fares and those prepaid transit cards without turnstiles.

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Some say the turnstiles are for fare evaders. But I think the turnstiles are there for distance based fares and the fare card. It's almost impossible to do distance based fares and those prepaid transit cards without turnstiles.

I would say the turnstiles are there for the political reason that the public thinks people using transit are getting a free ride at their expense and they don't like it. So even though it costs them more money they go ahead and score the points.

Distance based fare cards are being brought in to collect more fares under the guise of being more fair (or is that more fare?). Who wouldn't want to get prepaid for a service? It's the same reason the gift card thing floulishes and they are pushed at every retail outlet these days it seems.

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