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Okay, what the frack is with people calling other people drunk tonight for every little thing? I mean, it's one thing to be actually drunk but it's another to be an ed. If you want to act like a selfish dicked-up abnormal or irregular shape or size and start pouncing on everyone who comes along like some foolish abnormal or irregular shape or size, then get the frack off CDC. You think you're being funny, but you're not. When you start dragging in people who aren't even involved in your little feline spat and who don't even want to be, you've pretty much crossed the line from silliness to downright idiocy. I've seen weird and stupid behavior from CDC before, but at some point you have to know where the line is. I don't vent like this a lot, but trying to drag other people and other bystanders into your stupid little spat is just ridiculous.

Someone's mad... :unsure:

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Believe me, if I didn't hold back in my post there, I'd get myself permabanned. I had to censor about half of what I originally wrote.

There's other forums that you could go to and say what you want.

Without getting censored, or banned.

It's such a fun place. :P

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What caused the sudden outrage if I may ask?

I've written a rant or two in my days, which I promptly deleted to avoid getting the ban hammer. GeeNo had that effect on me. :lol:

Basically two people accusing each other of being drunk and throwing around a bunch of half-assed insults, and then when I commented on something unrelated, they tried to drag me into their little spat by accusing me of being drunk as well.

I don't give a flying rabbit frack about whatever spats that happen in threads, but when I'm not even involved (and don't want to be) and someone tries to drag me into it, then you're messsing with the wrong abnormal or irregular shape or size.

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Basically two people accusing each other of being drunk and throwing around a bunch of half-assed insults, and then when I commented on something unrelated, they tried to drag me into their little spat by accusing me of being drunk as well.

I don't give a flying rabbit frack about whatever spats that happen in threads, but when I'm not even involved (and don't want to be) and someone tries to drag me into it, then you're messsing with the wrong abnormal or irregular shape or size.

I can see that being pretty annoying. Oh well, can't stop a couple of 15 year olds who still think it's cool to be drunk and on internets. :rolleyes:

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