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Your level of extra-sensory perception is astounding :D

I wrote a story about you and prismatic in the "Say something about the member above you" thread. Well its not really about you or her but you guys are in it..

It goes something like this...

Never finished school because he saw Pirates of the Caribbean. Therefore he thought he should become a pirate. It went well until he wanted a pirate ship. Now this would be a tough task... He would first have to find a boat then purchase it... but knowing massive pirate ships were very expensive he decided to build one by himself.

After 2 hours he built a ship so massive (approximately the size of Titanic) that he would be worried that it would sink. So all he could do is climb aboard, use his 4 extra elastic arm to raise the sails and steer the ship.

As the boat went in it floated.. simple as that.

Now he needed a trusty crew and so he went onto a hunt, where he found a wooden legged janitor by the name of Royalflush2233 but what he didn't know was that not only was Royalflush2233 a janitor he was actually a musketeer who survived living after 600 years. This was great because he found a skilled swordsmen.

Not even thinking about hiring anyone else he headed off to sea. Where he encountered his first ship that he would rob the HMS Prismatic. What he didn't know was that Prismatic was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bad a**. Who had a crew of 1000+ men and woe-mans.

But still with his trusty Royalflush2233 he attacked...

After 1000 hundred second Royalflush2233 swam away because he was scared of prismatic and her crew of 1000+. Luckily Prismatic's crew was really nice so they let him come on the ship to have a cup of tea.

Then he decided he no longer wanted to become a pirate so he went back too school.

Edited by warmplate
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Hey prismatic, post pictures of your rack.

I can't think of any clever way to get around to saying it...

Sorry, no can do.

Though, if you take a look through the "Post Yo Face" thread, there is a picture of my cleavage in there.

What just happened... :mellow:

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Sorry, no can do.

Though, if you take a look through the "Post Yo Face" thread, there is a picture of my cleavage in there.

LOL! I totally remember that thread from back before I was a member.. I remember you posting your pics, and then you were consequently swarmed by 14 year old boys! (Well probably some of other ages too lol) I never put two and five together that that was you though :bigblush:

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