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if maple leafs get loungo they will want salary going other way hows this trade sound

bobby luo raymond tanev for komisarek cody franson carter ashton 1st

van would shed 7.6 mill cap space gain 4.5 for komi and watever it would cost to resign franson whos a rfa

posibly could also open up a trade for ballard going somewhere else

d lines look sweet hamhuis bieska

garrison edler

ballard komisarek


with sauve connauton corrado mceneny waiting for their chance tin next few yrs

corrado is lighting it up in ohl right now 7assists in ten games top 20 in d scoring in ohl

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Why does every fricken Luongo proposal have a bunch of other Canuck fodder in it?

The Leafs don't need Tanev or Raymond.

Lets say Luongo is worth Franson and a pick/B prospect.

Komisarek has negative trade value. If Leafs wanted to just trade Komisarek to get rid of the cap space to have it for Luongo, the Leafs would have to upgrade the pick/prospect.

Luongo FOR Franson, 2nd/Frattin. Putting Komisarek in the deal would make it Luongo FOR Franson, Komisarek, 1st/Colborne/Kadri

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Why does every fricken Luongo proposal have a bunch of other Canuck fodder in it?

The Leafs don't need Tanev or Raymond.

Lets say Luongo is worth Franson and a pick/B prospect.

Komisarek has negative trade value. If Leafs wanted to just trade Komisarek to get rid of the cap space to have it for Luongo, the Leafs would have to upgrade the pick/prospect.

Luongo FOR Franson, 2nd/Frattin. Putting Komisarek in the deal would make it Luongo FOR Franson, Komisarek, 1st/Colborne/Kadri

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I kind of like where your going with this, taking komisarek would be tough but would be worth the upgrade in pick/prospect.

His cap hit isn't that long either (this year if there is a year, and next)

I think Franson would be a good pick up, but i seem to recall part of his not resigning was he wanted a more defined role on the team. This is were it makes it tough, we would have every one of our top six defence making over 4 mil a year (yikes!)

Somewhere along the line we would have to trade one of hamuis bieska edler garrison or ballard.

- I don't think Franson would command close to 4 million. The season after ever yes the Canucks would if they retained Edler.

To me the only d i would trade (to shed cap) are ballard or in the worst case scenario edler (providing he won't resign at a resonable rate) So only if we got rid of both of these dmen would Franson have a shot at the top 4 (barring injury). If we traded just edler I suppose he could battle it out with ballard and komisarek for the last of the top 4 spot. If somehow we could trade ballard without much cap return (unlikely) he would be fighting for a bottom pairing job. This is just my opinion but I don't think he'd be too impressed with playing bottom pairing.

IMO the Canucks would be best off to let Edler walk and somehow shed Ballard. IMO Edler's stats are inflated by playing on the Canucks now on top of that he's having back problems that can be chronic problems. Ballard has been a bust. He might have negative value.

Anyways i've never really made any proposals before but have watched a fair amount of hockey in my day so I think i'll give it a shot.

Tor- Luongo edler

Van- franson 1st 2013 tor, kulemin, tatar


This isn't bad if this is your first proposal but it needs some tweaking. First off, three way trades are complicated, you need to see what each team gives up and gets to see if it's fair.

To Toronto: Luongo, Edler

From Toronto: Franson, 1st, Gunnarson, Kadri

To Detroit: Gunnarsson, Kadri

From Detroit: Tartar

To Vancouver: Franson, Kumlemin, Tartar, 1st

From Vancouver: Edler. Luongo

A few things. Toronto wouldn't trade Gunnarsson in an attempt to get Edler. It's more of a laterl move than one that improve them. I also think you have too much value going to the Canucks and Wings for what they give up.

I think i've got a start on something, although I must admit making a proposal work is pretty damn tough! Especially a three way trade, I didn't want to start with one but it's kind of tough not too and be at least somewhat original. kudos to all those who can put out good proposals, Like i was saying I don't think this is perfect but i think it's in the right direction. hopefully some one can help fill it out a bit. Also like to mention if edler resigns i'd prefer that.

lineups would look something like this





hamuis bieksa

garrison franson

ballard tanev


lack/vet goalie siging

I wouldn't mess around with the first line, second line I could see booth going to 3rd higgy coming up to 2nd depending on play

I could see rotation between kulemin hansen raymond depending on play. I like the idea of lappy going for 3C he's put on some weight (220lbs now) and I could see him as an in your face shutdown kinda guy. And for the 4th I kinda like having two centers

Am I out to lunch on this? gimme something to work with here!

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A slight misunderstanding, that first part was to the OP

I meant we would have 6 d over 4 mil+ if we took on komisarek and didn't get rid of some d

I think we could do a bit better than letting edler walk, As for ballard I don't think

he'll be going anywhere. Call me rediculously optimistic but I still hold out hope for him

Thanks for your insight! feel free to tweak away. like I said it's not perfect but it kinda fills our needs

to me edler> gunnarsson

edler 26 3rd round pick 6'3" 215 doesn't always play a big mans game but is capable, granted back problems recently but even after his back issues his point totals have risen. He hasn't had a minus year. the year after he missed 30 odd games he played 82 and recorded his highest point total. I understand the ehrhoff effect and how he might not be as effective on another team but he has played quite well for ours and hasn't really shown any reason in my opinion to doubt that.

11-12 49pts

10-11 32pts

09-10 42pts

08-09 37pts

07-08 20pts

06-07 3pts

I suppose it's a strange way of looking at it, but tor upgrades their d while giving det gunnarsson

det gets a much needed dman and kadri helps a bit in losing tatar

I suppose i'm a bit biased in what I think luo can get out of the deal but.....

Franson hasn't resigned and was looking for a more defined role on the team

He's also a BC boy and would probably enjoy playing back home

Kulemin to me has some value on the RW but didn't have a good year last year

The first rd pick would probably be the hardest sell of the deal but I think it

could be swung if we needed to add some value to get it.

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A slight misunderstanding, that first part was to the OP

I meant we would have 6 d over 4 mil+ if we took on komisarek and didn't get rid of some d

I think we could do a bit better than letting edler walk, As for ballard I don't think

he'll be going anywhere. Call me rediculously optimistic but I still hold out hope for him

Thanks for your insight! feel free to tweak away. like I said it's not perfect but it kinda fills our needs

to me edler> gunnarsson

edler 26 3rd round pick 6'3" 215 doesn't always play a big mans game but is capable, granted back problems recently but even after his back issues his point totals have risen. He hasn't had a minus year. the year after he missed 30 odd games he played 82 and recorded his highest point total. I understand the ehrhoff effect and how he might not be as effective on another team but he has played quite well for ours and hasn't really shown any reason in my opinion to doubt that.

11-12 49pts

10-11 32pts

09-10 42pts

08-09 37pts

07-08 20pts

06-07 3pts

I suppose it's a strange way of looking at it, but tor upgrades their d while giving det gunnarsson

det gets a much needed dman and kadri helps a bit in losing tatar

I suppose i'm a bit biased in what I think luo can get out of the deal but.....

Franson hasn't resigned and was looking for a more defined role on the team

He's also a BC boy and would probably enjoy playing back home

Kulemin to me has some value on the RW but didn't have a good year last year

The first rd pick would probably be the hardest sell of the deal but I think it

could be swung if we needed to add some value to get it.

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