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Happy Easter from Oschter Haws


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BTW why do we call it Easter?

The fact of the matter is no one knows for sure, but our best bet comes from Bede ("The Venerable"), a late-seventh-century historian and scholar from Anglo-Saxon England. He says Easter's name comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, associated with spring and fertility, and celebrated around the vernal equinox. So there you go. As Christmas was moved to coincide with (and supplant) the pagan celebration of winter, Easter was likely moved to coincide and replace the pagan celebration of spring.

The Easter Bunny comes from these pagan rites of spring as well, but more from pagan Germany than pagan Britain. Eighteenth-century German settlers brought "Oschter Haws" to America, where Pennsylvania Dutch settlers prepared nests for him in the garden or barn. On Easter Eve, the rabbit laid his coloured eggs in the nests in payment. Fertility and rabbits do work together.

Some people have rejected tradition and refer to the Easter Bunny as Peter Cottontail... but that is just plain wrong.

So we now have Easter eggs (some candy and others coloured real eggs) and chocolate Easter Bunnies. Growing up I always favoured a white chocolate Easter Rabbit personally but there was there was a fierce debate on the proper way to eat it.


Some people believe that the Easter Bunny actually delivers the eggs but that seems confusing the Easter Bunny with Santa Claus who does deliver and long before Fed Ex or Canada Post.

Besides such activity would be exceedingly dangerous for the Easter Bunny.


Although Christians co-opted yet another pagan holiday, some do try to keep the two traditions separate.



In fact some Christian churches have decided to forgo Easter Sunday altogether and now refer to Resurrection Sunday.


Be that as it may the most important issue for Easter Sunday is how does one properly eat a chocolate Easter Bunny??? My personal recommendation... start with the ears and work your way down to the cotton tail.

Happy Easter.

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