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Van-Phx Van-Sjs Van-buf

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First of all, put each trade on a new line so that it isn't impossible to read.

Now to the trades...

I really don't want Torres back.... we don't need him here

The San Jose deal isn't bad but we shouldn't give up Schroeder and a 1st for Clowe. That is the type of deal it will take to pry him away from SJS and I am not comfortable giving up that much.

The last deal is overpayment by us... Ott isn't worth a 1st rounder plus Weise

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We need to keep our first pick then we should clean our own house.

If Raymond doesn't resign soon we should trade him for a 1st pick before he signs elsewhere and we get nothing!

Trade Ballard as we don't use him enough considering his cap hit and as well it would save us from having to buy him out.

I'd like to keep Booth although many would say "buy him out".

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