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Fan takes off Jets' player's helmet; Girlfriend pours beer on player


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A hockey helmet doesnt need to be torn or ripped off a players head....they actually come off quite easily. Lets not pretend like Pardy narrowly escaped skull fractures from having a fan take off his helmet.

People arent finding humour in what ifs, what coulda, or what might of happened...they are finding humour in what did happen. And what did happen was a situation where two fans got ejected, an apology issued, nobody injured, and alot of people having a laugh at a drunk wearing a helmet.

If you want to make it into an assault and theft case, all the more power to you. Pardy and the Winnipeg Jets feel differently...perhaps the people who are getting thier panties in a twist over this should take a que from the ones who were actually affected, and not make things out to more than what they really are. I can hypothetical ANYTHING into doom and gloom as well...doesnt mean I should. Fact is nobody was hurt...thats why people are finding humour in this situation. Its a reaction to what did happen...not what didnt happen.

And please quote the post where anyone has encouraged, condoned, or asked to see more fan interactions with players. Nobody encouraged it. Nobody wants it. Nobody condones it. Doesnt mean you cant have a laugh at something you dont condone. I dont condone half the crap i see people do in blooper reels....doesnt mean I cant laugh at it though.

True, their helmets are designed to come off rather easily, but not necessarily without some discomfort. Remember during last year's playoffs when Kes' helmet was ripped off his head by a high stick and clearly had some throat discomfort afterwards? And in the video you can clearly see the chin strap pulling against the Pardy's throat as the drunk guy yanks forcibly on his helmet. So let's not pretend his helmet just popped off and into that drunk man's hands.

As for taking a hint from the people actually involved, perhaps you should actually listen to Pardy. Though he, expectantly, did try to laugh it off you can clearly see it wasn't a good feeling for him as he said things like: "A little insult to the injury I guess." and "It's tough enough to get put through the glass but then to get a beer thrown on my head too is not a good thing." He even says everyone was yelling around him and there was so much going on he couldn't even tell who "yanked off" his helmet. That doesn't sound like he thought it was all in good fun to me. Rather, it sounds to me like he had the same reaction almost anyone would have had -- relieved not to have been hurt by realizing how dangerous that situation could have been. Likely in the moment he felt every bit as scared as any of us would have by being pinned in a vulnerable position in between the melee starting on the ice behind him and a screaming crowd where someone yanked the helmet off his head and another poured beer on him, all while he was unable to move or defend himself in any way.

If you don't understand that laughing at something, creating memes and talking about how the drunk guy will be remembered forever as the helmet guy is encouraging that kind of behavior in our celebrity at any cost culture, you must not know about YouTube.

You can laugh at anything you want, but if you can't see the difference between the unintentional flubs of a bloopers reel and the deliberate actions of a crowd at the expense of a defenseless man I don't know what to tell you.

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