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Opening night - OCT.08.08

Darcy Hordichuk


<table align="center" border="0" width="80%"><tbody><tr><td><img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/10/darcy_blog.jpg" style="border: 1px solid rgb(66, 66, 66);" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="1">I'm excited about the first game of the year on Thursday because it'll be my first one as a Canuck and I just can't wait to get back to really playing hockey again.

Even in preseason, the fans were really getting into it, especially that last game, I can't even imagine what regular season will be like and I can't wait. I'm all about trying to make an impact and trying to help this team take it to the next level and with this team, I believe we have a chance for sure.

At the same time, though, it will be very emotional with everything that's going on here but the organization has put together something very classy for the tribute to Luc Bourdon. Obviously I wasn't here to play with him but I've heard a lot of good things about him and when something like that happens, it makes you realize that life's something that you can't take for granted.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/09/Sept2308_Canucks-Oilers01_t.jpg" align="right" hspace="4" vspace="2">After opening night we're on the road for two weeks, which is pretty crazy and on top of that, we've only got three regular season home games in all of October. But you know what, I think starting on a long road trip is an advantage for us.

Looking at the makeup of our team, there are a lot of new faces, me included and there's no better way to get to know the players you're playing with than to be on the road with them pretty much 24 hours a day.

And as much as it is tough because of the travel aspect, I think the amenities we have here are first class so I'm excited to get on this road trip. We're pretty much traveling all across North America so it'll be tiring but it'll help the team gel together.

I think the toughest part of the travel is probably just being away from my wife right now, especially with her being pregnant and everything.

She's so supportive of my career and that's a big reason why I married her. It's not as easy a lifestyle as most people think it would be being married to an athlete but it's important that you have somebody who's supportive and understands your schedule. Obviously things can be tough when you're gone a long time but she's great and has always been amazing that way.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/10/cell_t.jpg" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="2">We did a four and a half year long distance relationship so two weeks is nothing but I hate being away and missing part so the pregnancy because something new is always happening everyday. Luckily, with technology, I've got my cell phone, web cam, hopefully I'm not going to miss much at all.

Our whole family is very excited and we've already received some baby outfits but, of course, in neutral colours. We find out the gender of the baby tomorrow so it'll be another exciting thing to add to tomorrow.

My wife's a little worried to find out that we're having a boy – but only because she's worried he might turn out like me when I was little. I was always going at 100 miles an hour and bouncing off the walls and stuff like that. And if that's the case, then the house would be a disaster all the time. She'll probably need to get some advice from my mom and find out how she handled me growing up. Maybe we'll try hockey, to get some of his energy out before he gets home – it worked for me, mostly.

But either way, a boy or a girl would be great – I mean a boy like me wouldn't be so bad.</td></tr></tbody></table>


Recommended Comments

Guest Marcus H


Thanks For writing Darcy!

It's much appreciated to hear from all you guys and learn

about your lives off the ice!

oh and I loved how you jumped on the ice for Kesler and took on Parros the other night!!

I believe your what we need! (a strong, physical forward who is not afraid to drop the mits)

Thanks Again!

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Great to hear from ya Darcy, glad your with the team and I'll be cheering you on the whole season! Congrats to you and the wife too, looks like there'll be a Hordi jr running amok in Vancity by the sounds of it :P

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Welcome to the team Darcy, it will be great having you as a Canuck. Sure beats playing against you ;)

Good luck on the trip, can't wait to see this new team in regular season action.

All the best to you and your family, keep the phone handy.

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Guest Guest_trevor_*



Congrats to you and your wife , I like also to welcome you both to Vancouver too. Cheers to a new season , Glad your on the team , I think you are one of the key players , we were missing last year . Good luck ,

one very big fan


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Hey Trevor and Darcy!

Good luck, Darcy. Nevermind you won't need it, you'll score 5 goals in the big opener.

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Thanks for blog Darcy.. I can tell you are a solid character on and off the ice.. and i am positive that you are exactly what our team needs! .. cant wait to see ur fights this year and i cant wait to see you pump up our team!... best of luck to you and your family and soon to be baby.

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Guest David Cyr


Well written blog. We have 5 children down to four as one passed away August 2007 so understanding life being to short all to well for us.

No need to worry about the kids travelling 100 miles an hour in the beginning as it takes time for them to learn how to walk first.

If it's a boy it may slow him down if you put some skates (skate guards on) and have him walk around the house with those on and try to keep his balance heh heh I have heard that is how some of the hockey crazed families do it in parts of Canada.

I pray that everything goes well for you, wife and baby. And hope that you not only have a great season as a Canuck that you discover some new-to-you aspect of hockey to keep it interesting.

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Hi Darcy!

Thanks for blogging again! I can't wait till tomorrow!! I'm sure it'll be exciting for you, both because of the game and you get to find out if you're having a boy or girl! I'm sure it's pretty crazy for you and wife and I wish you nothing but the best & congrats once again! Keep us filled in! :P

Btw, good luck in the game tomorrow!!!

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Hey Darcy, Welcome to town. As everyone has said in the previous replys i think your exactly what this team needs. Good luck on the season.

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Guest Guest_82nucksfan_*


Hey Darcy -- congrats to you and your wife with the little one on the way, I just had a little boy last summer and unfortunately he's alot like you and I !! bouncing off the walls and chasing after his little cousins

anyway, it seems like you've brought alot to the team and the locker room already -- a real team guy. I really like how you stick up for your teammates and give them alot more confidence and courage on the ice and I haven't been this excited about our team since the early 90's ... back when a guy named Gino was our policeman !!

have a good one and don't forget how badly those flames embarassed us their last game in this building (7-1)

go get 'em !!!!!!

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Congrats to you and your wife , I like also to welcome you both to Vancouver too. Cheers to a new season , Glad your on the team , I think you are one of the key players , we were missing last year . Good luck ,

one very big fan


Is that you Captain Linden?!?!

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Darcy im stoked the canucks got a heavy weight fighter finally and i hope you fight Dion Phaneuf, Iglinla or Roy tomorrow!

and fight whoever screws with the sedins!

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Yo Darcy,

Congratulations for the baby and best wishes to you and your wife on raising your child. I hope that your kid someday makes it into the NHL and carries your name and reputation on longer.

Welcome to the team as well. You are an awesome fit into this system, and something we have been missing for a long time: grit.

Thanks and good luck again,


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Guest Graeme Petrie


Thanks for the insight into life as a pro athlete and the need for an understanding wife to come home to after those long road trips. Best wishes for a smooth delivery as well. I have two kids of my own, and nothing is more moving to the soul than holding your child and looking into each others eyes for the first time. The word "miracle" takes on a whole new perpective.

"Like a treasure

Entrusted to me,

Even though he is my babe,

There are times when I am aware

Of holding him in my arms with awe"

-Empress Michiko of Japan

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Guest Guest CaptainCanuck83


Welcome to the Team Darcy!

Congrats on the baby! I have a 2 year old boy and man, he's a hockey Nut, we watch all the Canucks games and we watch alot of junior stuff as his Cousins are on the grizzlies.

We will really need you this season to stick up for our top guns and from what I've seen on youtube your pretty damn good!

Oh and when you have some time I know Vancouver is pretty sweet, But try and make it to the island I think you would love it!

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Guest dunkelweissen


Hey Darcy-

Really excited to see you in action! Us Vancouverites are pretty hardcore, so having a heavyweight like you on the team is pretty exciting!

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Good luck this year Darcy! I can imagine it would be very tough to leave your wife during pregnancy with the all the road games this October so hopefully everything goes well. Finding out the gender of the baby and the season opener? Seems like a pretty big day. The game against the Flames will probably have a lot of different emotions with the whole tribute to Luc. But it's very exciting to finally get the season going. Thanks for keeping us updated with the blog. It's always a good read.

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Guest andrew, hockey guru


it's time to open a can of whoop-donkey. my two cents: Get under their skin, stay out of the box(unless of course you take iginla with you) and get your name on the score sheet, and start your career with the canucks in style - west coast style. i have a 18-month-old boy, he's definitely a mini-me. It's touching to see your child emulate you and look at you in wonder. Boy or girl, I hope the same for you and your family. cheers

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Guest andrew, hockey guru


PS i did not type whoop-donkey just in case anyone was wondering. the program changed my word. i did in fact write A. S. S.

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Guest Guest_Ian_*


Welcome to the team Darcy, Congrats on the baby. Your a great addition to this team. Have an awsome year, we know you will. Canucks forever.

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