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Superskills - JAN.04.08

Ryan Kesler


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>It’s been a good month since I last wrote a blog but it’s been busy, you know? With Christmas and the crazy schedule leading up and right after the break, there’s just not a ton of time.

Anyway, Christmas was good, very quiet but good. It was just my wife and I but it’ll be the last Christmas for just the two of us. We’re expecting a baby girl around mid May and we’re very excited.

We’re first time parents and my mom’s going to be a grandma for the first time so she’s super excited and of course, like all parents, instilling some parental wisdom wherever and whenever she can. We’ve also stocked up on baby books for names and the “what to expect when you’re expecting” books. We’re trying to plan ahead and be prepared and all that.

<a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills18_b.jpg"><img vspace="2" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills18_t.jpg" /></a> Kevin and his wife had their baby boy a few months back and he says it’s awesome but his words of wisdom are “Get your sleep now”. Guess my schedule’s going to change a bit but it’ll be great.

The Superskills event is tomorrow and I’m thinking they’ll probably put me in the skating competition again, although I’d like to be in something else too! It’ll be good competition this year with all the young guys here like Mason Raymond and Mike Brown. Luc Bourdon won last year and he’s not here to defend his title this year so we’ll see what happens.

I think events like this are great for fans who can’t make it to game and they get to see hockey at GM Place and in person. It’s fun for them and for us too so it’ll definitely be good.

<a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills22_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/07/superskills22_t.jpg" /></a> My favourite part of the competition is the pies. I got to pie Alex Burrows last year and that must have been a highlight for me. I wouldn’t mind getting to pie someone else again this year but I think the person who got pied last year get to pie someone else. Alex probably gets to pie one of the young guys this year. Being on the other end, is less fun because I remember when Jarkko Ruutu pied me a couple years back. But Alex got to feel my revenge.

Predictions for the competition:

<b>Hardest shot: </b> Sami Salo

<b>Fastest skater: </b> Mason Raymond

<b>Accuracy: </b> Danny Sedin

As for New Year’s resolutions… I think I made some on New Year’s day and it’s only a couple days into the new year and I’ve forgotten them. It doesn’t look like I’m keeping them. I tend to forget them anyway, maybe a resolution can be not making resolutions. We’ll see.</td></tr></table>


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Kes, your the man buddy! Congrats on your news of being a Father. Vancouver (B.C.) in general is a great, serene place to raise a child. Stick around a while won't ya (after your current contract is up). You'll Make Captain one day.

All the best,


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Congrats to you and your wife! :)

Cool your baby girl will be born in the same month as me, mines on May 14th

The superskills should be pretty fun this year!

The pie in the face is always funny

Goodluck in the superskills

I think Nazzy will win the accuracy, the other two I agree with you


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Congratulations Kesler,

And good work on your play though out this season. You're one of the best players in the team.

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Congrats to you and your wife Ryan! That little girl will have you wrapped around her little finger so fast you just wait. It's awesome. Another good book for you would be "The Expectant Father" it's a great book written by a guy for soon to be dads. Another great one is "The Baby Whisperer" by an English lady named Tracy Hogg. That one helped my wife and I a lot when before and after our daughter was born.

Great blog too by the way. Keep up the great work on and off the ice. Your play has been inspiring to the fans and the team. With the way you have been playing this year it's only a matter of time before you end up with an "A" or a "C" on your sweater. It will be well deserved.

I agree with your hardest shot prediction though I think Edler will challenge. The skater should be you or Raymond. The accuracy could be Linden too. He has really been able to pick his spots this year, especially in the shoot outs.

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gratz kes on the news...

you will have the best time...

that was a great superskills.. very entertaining.

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Congratulations to you and your wife!

Keep up the good work buddy, it's exciting to watch you play and very rewarding to see you breakout this season.


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congrats Kessy with the expectant of a new baby girl! Best wishes to has yet to come!

keep up the speed out there! your flying through the opponents D-Men! great job =D

Best of wishes

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congrats on the soon to be new baby girl.

superskills was great today.i had my little

keslers # 1 fan sign haha. to bad Raymond is the

fastest now :P oh and crazy goal the other night.

i hope the nose is doing better. it shouldn't

be the biggest in the NHL now. good luck in the

rest of the season your doing so great :D

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Congratulations on your baby girl Ryan! :D

The Superskills was fun today! I'm so glad you guys do this for the fans. It's such a great way to raise money for charity.

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Congratulations on the baby!! It seems like a lot of the Canucks are having/expecting babies lately, haha. Superskills is so fun to watch. I hope you had fun pie-ing Raymond. :) Anyways, thanks for another blog! Good luck the rest of the way, you guys are doing awesome! :D

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huge huge huge congratulations from across the pond to you and Andrea, so happy for you both.

if I could knit I'd be making bootees :)

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Congratulations to you and Andrea!! Should be very exciting!! Anywhoo, Happy New Year, and good luck Tuesday against the Islanders!

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Congratulations to You and your wife!!!

Your playing Awesome!!!

Goodluck in your next game and the rest of the year

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Hey, Congrats on the upcoming birth!

In a few years you're gonna wonder how the earth ever managed to turn without your little girl on it.

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Congrats on your baby girl, Kes! My birthday is also in mid May. May 14th :)

You did great at the skills competition yesterday!

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Congrats on baby girl i have three myself 2boys and a girl and they are the best thing to ever happen to me. I was at the skills with them and they loved every minute of it. It was great for them to see you guys having fun out there buy the time we left they all wanted to be a canuck lol. Well good luck out there for the next 41, u are the strength of this team. GO GET THE CUP GUYS !!!

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CONGRATULATIONS!! Your lives will never be the same ;) (I agree, she'll have you wrapped around your finger in an instant)

There's no way you can catch enough sleep ahead of time, as mother of 4 I can vouch for that....But enjoy the luxury of uninterrupted sleep while you can :rolleyes:

Love watching you out there - you play with such determination and grit, but also with a lot of heart and talent

Hope you stay "ours" for a LONG time

Best wishes for a smooth pregnancy that you can both enjoy


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Congratulations on the news :)

i must admit i'm a litte jealous but what can i do? ;) haha justkidding.

Great job at the superskills.. i wish i could've been there but great job anyways :)

You're my favourite canuck ever <33

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