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Dumb Nuck

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Everything posted by Dumb Nuck

  1. Tough to have a conversation with someone that uses so many labels, that’s why there’s so much hatred going on now. What am I? I refused the vaccine until I knew enough about it that I considered it safe for me, I also picked my vaccine and would not have gotten any of the others if they were the only choice as I didn’t know enough about them. I also passed on my second shot once because it meant mixing, I did not feel comfortable with that. I wore a mask when required but believed even if they worked in theory just watching people at grocery store touching their faces every minute, basically not using masks properly that they were useless so I went out of my way to not be in areas where I got close enough to people that masks were mandatory. I am on the fence about the passports at this point.
  2. Also as I said before my uncle died from getting vaccinated.
  3. That’s not the point I’m making and that’s why I chose to get the vaccine, because imho the benefit outweighs the risk, that does not mean there is no risk in getting it and for some, they believe the risk isn’t worth it, that’s their right to think like that.
  4. No, Im pro choice, I believe everyone has the right to decide for themselves. In my opinion at this time the vaccine is safe, others may have different opinion and that’s their right. Don’t forget there are still severe reaction and even deaths caused by the vaccine.
  5. What’s your point? If the chance decreases there’s still a chance no? That’s all I said.
  6. Mutations can occur in the vaxxed as well if they catch it.
  7. I chose Pfizer, in i fact passed on AstraZeneca and passed when they want to mix my second shot. I question things always and came to the conclusion just recently that the benefits outweigh the risk. I am not an antivaxxer, nor am I pro vax, I am not left or right, quite frankly I don’t fit labels, I educated myself best I can and make my decisions accordingly and I believe everyone should have that right. I got my first shot in May and second in July, before that I did not want one, not everyone fits nicely into the antivaxxer label, some have just not reached the point where the benefits outweigh the risk, getting mad or calling them names doesn’t help bring them around.
  8. What fun would that be? Wed just sit around agreeing and singing kumbaya.
  9. Meh, she’s got it good, doesn’t have to deal with “internet” me.
  10. Looks nice, but I have to have a convertible, looks like one might be coming out, I’m borderline buying a corvette, a viper would probably be just out of reach.
  11. On second thought, probably shouldn’t be my wife, she’s well used and nicely broken in., my car, however, is low mileage.
  12. I love my car too but I’m not beyond an upgrade, the Corvette looks pretty sexy.
  13. I’ve got a house, nice car and pretty decent wife, what do you wanna bet and how do we test?
  14. I don’t think it’ll happen in Canada anyways but I could see a few of the States trying it, would love to see the reaction in California if they did.
  15. You have too much faith in people, they went nuts over toilet paper, imagine what they’ll do if they can’t go grocery shopping. Or just look what happens when a store gets limited supplies of the latest and greatest Christmas toy. Im pretty sure if you tried to point out to them they could shop online they would not thank you and go home to order.
  16. Fair enough but it’ll still be about 10% of the people , that’s quite a lot. Look how people reacted when they were told they had to put on a mask to enter, imagine if they went for food for their family and some minimum wage teenager tried to stop them from entering. And no Alf, I am not condoning anything, I’m trying to have a discussion about what the reaction would be if we implemented passports for grocery stores.
  17. And you think the unvaxxed people will go, no problem, we’ll just use curbside pickup? I asked a question and no one seems to want to answer, I’ll ask one more time and make it multiple choice so there’s no beating around the bush. If it was announced that unvaxxed people were not allowed entry into any grocery stores what do you think would happen? 1) nothing, they’d all accept it and figure out how to get food. 2) peacefully protest. 3) riot and/or loot.
  18. Geez Alf, I’m not suggesting its ok I’m stating that that is what I think would occur, but if you don’t want to answer fine, no point going on.
  19. Irregardless, what do you think would happen? Action: ban unvaxxed people from grocery stores. Consequence: riots and/or looting. Am I wrong in my assertion?
  20. I’m saying people have rioted for much less and we are talking about the unvaxxed, this is just my belief, how do you think the unvaxxed would react to not being able to buy groceries?
  21. No it hasn’t, but some here are suggesting it should be that way, I’m just pointing out what I think would happen as a result.
  22. Think what would happen it suddenly they announced you could not enter any grocery store without proof of vaccination, I’m pretty sure there’d be riots, imagine if they said that in the US. I remember hearing somewhere choices have consequences.
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