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Posts posted by sassbs

  1. 8 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

    Call the Army out you wossies!

    Lol maybe you missed the rest of my post in regards to snow.   I typed out, I would be so happy to trade what we have, for what you have.   In other words, we want the snow!!  -30 for us is any other winter day, not a city wide alert.  Unfortunately, we are getting weather in the plus.    We want the snow, we want the fun 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, iceman64 said:

    now that's funny!!! the winter I was there, Fack!  worst in years there and of course it was my only winter there, I swear snow chases me! hence I moved to Vancouver... seriously, since 1985, I hated snow and cold that much after awhile. I remember people complaining about all the rain for the first time but to me it was bliss!!! no shovelling rain.. 

    lolll my cousin ran from Toronto after his snowfall here, he’s lived in van since.  And this was almost 15 years ago 

  3. 4 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

    It’s a white Christmas!


    Within the last two decades, Vancouver has only experienced a white Christmas in 1996, 1998 and 2008. We can now add 2021 to that list.

    We haven’t had a white Christmas in years!   Here in Toronto it’s mild.   I wore my sweater out damnt!   I want snow!  

  4. 7 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

    Maybe some of those players are better because they play with Makar though?


    The difference I see between Makar and Hughes (and both are incredible talents) is that Makar makes other players around him better. Hughes hasn’t quite hit that level yet but I fully expect he will be that guy eventually. 

    Agree to disagree then.   Those players on Colorado were incredibly talented way before makar came aboard.

    just saying.   
    hughes will be a monster in a few years.  Maybe another Brian leetch. …. When was the last time anyone heard that name before 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

    See what I mean about people tearing down Makar to build up Hughes? Lol

    Now watch Makar play. He isn’t a passenger that only generates points because he plays on a good team. He is a dynamic play driver in his own right. Their pp benefits as much or more from him than he does from it.


    Makar is a better all around player at this point. Even when he is not putting up points he helps the team in other ways. Hughes plays with a pretty good group of players too btw. 

    The argument that Makar is only as good as he is because he plays on Colorado is ridiculous. 

    I’m not by any means tearing down makar.   The guy is incredible. I’m just staying the fact that he’s playing with much better players than what we have over here.  

    I personally rather have makar that hughes 

  6. 1 hour ago, wallstreetamigo said:

    If I had to choose one I would choose Makar hands down. Hughes is awesome but Makar is still better imo. 

    Makar also benefits from playing with an insanely stacked team!  Have you seen their pp!   Now imagine hughes on that team and makar on ours.  

    • Vintage 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Live like a Canuck! said:

    This needs to be addressed by the NHL!


    I find it hard to believe that the NHL is still condoning spitting on the ice. I see it every game. Not only is this action classless, but disrespectful to the fellow players and coaches, and to all; in consideration of Covid.  We must do all we can to protect players, coaches, staff, family and community.


    Not sure of the ramifications of transmitting Covid it may have; but conventional wisdom would suggest maybe this is not a good idea.

    How long does Covid live on the ice? Can Saliva on the ice still be contagious weeks later?

    Could this be a contributing reason why so many players and coaching staff get infected?


    Time to evolve and get with the times.



    Lmao!!!!  Spitting???  Why stop there…. The league should suspend any player that sweats during a game!!!  Period 

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