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Absent Canuck

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Everything posted by Absent Canuck

  1. lol I was all exited to see a '6ft 178 pound Ehlers / Nylander
  2. I suspect he doesnt have to now. We will get one of the big 5 without trading up. I want to trade for Virtanen though.
  3. Yeah. They dont run here to GLOAT on how months ago they knew that guy was special all along. None of us who knew how special Nylander was needed to do that. We arent ego maniacs. Especially a guy who PUMPED Ritchie over and over now claims he was a Nylander guy. This has always been my frustration with Minister. He talks out both sides of his mouth because he cant bare to be wrong later on. I called him out on it. So what. He needs to live with his decisions.
  4. wat? I still cant believe you wanted to take Ehlers. I had to rub my eyes.
  5. Frustration is setting in but he gets over it. Again with the hedging by supporting two different players who play two different styles altogether so he can brag later he had it both ways. They hyperbole is getting a little thick at this point. Apparently he thinks Ritchie is creeping into the top 5 on some boards he is so cool. However, he is extremely vague about it. Surprise surprise. The man has made a decision. Here is is folks. WE ARE GETTING A GOOD PLAYER. So no matter who we pick he has his bases covered. There is a man who knows how to nail a prediction!
  6. Again re iterates his need to have it both ways. Likes Nylander but the Canucks will draft Ritchie and he is so cool he even knows why. A man who truely knows what he wants! Nylander might slip down but might not and even if he does could be drafted higher. In other words..........Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.............. Here is a guy who actually says something. Predicts we will pick Nylander, Ehlers before Ritche and certainly before Virtanen. No 'maybes' . No and ifs or buts. No .......well this is what I want but the Canucks blah blah blah blah weenie crap. Here is a man who knows what he wants. He really narrows it down this time. Gives us 6 players to mix and match. You can quote him on it !!!!! Minister ; I am hedging my bets for later use. Spin Spin Spin...............
  7. Is now exclusively hyping Ritchie Uses the old better to be big than small if everything is equal but of course, it never is equal . Says the guy is so cool he would still be a top 10 at 195 lbs Quite a ringing endorsement. Now gives a plug to Nylander but now is firmly in the Ritchie camp. He even understands why the Canucks would pick Ritchie. He is mind reader. Virtanen is not a first line star. He is a supporting guy . Ok. Responding to poster who claims we can get a top 5 faller or pick Ritchie. Minister agrees. Wheres Nylander? Responding to someone who claims having Ritchie and Kassian would make sure nobody messed around with our team.
  8. The boy is starting to really groove on Ritchie Here is someone mentioning the fact Nylander is well known to be one of the most talented guys in the draft. Its not some discovery made by Minister . lol First time I actually predict the draft . Minister starts framing Ritchie as one of the top 5 in terms of his readiness to play in the NHL. Admit Nylanders amazing skill but convinced Ehlers can skate faster and has translated it to NA ergo will surpass him. The great GURU (when he likes your prospect that is) is convinced Nylander is not a top 10 pick but Ritchie , Ehlers and Virt are.
  9. As we move on we see opinions start to develop. This guy loves Ehlers. Specifically. This post wins most surprising post in the whole thread. Now he introduces one of the top 5 instead of Ehlers. Says Virt and Ritchie over rated but anyone can be called 'over rated' by opinion so it doesnt matter much. First look at what I think of Nylander. Along with Ekblad and Ehlers is the superstars of the draft. Doesnt explain the 'darkhorse' though. Now has Nylander 5th Ritchie 7th and Ehlers 8th. Has Virtanen 11th. Hasnt stated who he wants to draft. Thinks Ritchie is a stud , Nylander is the most talented but needs work, Ehlers is super skilled but is Hemsky so he frightened himself thinking about it. More to follow
  10. Ok for the fun of it, lets go see Ministers evolution on this years draft. He like Nylander. He says his talent is top 6 but he will slip down to 8th or 9th. Which one is it? He didnt say. he says both. Here is a man of his word. A poster to whom there is no guile. For the record he states these are the guys we will get at a draft position from 6th to 10th. Way to narrow it down for us. The precision is uncanny !!! Another list predicting Nylander to go 6th. I guess this is where the pros think he will go. Here is my first appearance . I guess I like Ehlers a bit? I dont seem to mention 5 other candidates whom we could or should or might blah blah............I lke Ehlers. Doesnt like Deniro stating Richtie wont be ready. Says he underestimates Ritchie This is a man who knows what he wants. Now he has utterly no idea who we will draft. Basically he is ok with anyone. Its ok. Everyone is entitled to change their mind. Again, here is a man who says what he means! You can quote him on it!!! Really nails down this prediction.
  11. I love the vote totals. Seems like we were in two camps. The Ritchie Virtanen camp or the Ehlers Nylander camp. Ehlers votes are going down and Nylanders are going up. I was in the Ehlers, Nylander and Ritchie third camp. Speaking for Ritchie, its odd that nobody has even said he was interview by the Nux. With the poor performance at the combine I cant see him in play anymore anyways. I still stick by my guns that he is a better prospect than Virtanen is. I cant believe Jake goes before Nick.
  12. Minister You do say you want him at #6. Back in March. Remember march? A good long time before we had any idea where we would be drafting. If you want to take credit for that, then by all means. You have never stated the Canucks would draft him once we knew where we were drafting. You still hedge around Nylander but never actually put your foot down on it. In fact, when you finally do, you 'want Nylander long term' but your prediction is Nick Ritchie. Mine is Ehlers. Yours was Ritchie. I have also stated repeatedly that I thought Nylander was the best talent blah blah . The difference between us is that I dont BRAG about it later on like I knew it all along. You didnt. You picked Ritchie. You made the double talk. Live with it.
  13. The others have been verified as to being interviewed. Ritchie never was. If he was, I am sure someone will post it.
  14. Congrats. Your posts indicate you recongize the talent. None say that you pick him over the others. Its just more vague double talk . We have all made posts bemoaning the various good traits of each prospect. That doesnt mean we can rush here in hindsight and said 'we knew it all along'. That would be disingenuous wouldnt it? However, I never read you BRAGGING that you wanted Nylander all the time, so you really arent the subject of the discussion.
  15. I dont believe you. Its not your style to pinpoint such a prediction. Your MO is to be as vague as possible so when all the smoke clears you can claim you were on the right side all along, whichever way that wind is blowing that day. Show us the post where you state for a fact that Nylander is the guy we should take. Not 'might' take, or 'in the running' or some vague statement. I have stated consistently that we should take Ehlers, then Nylander then Ritchie. I have written it over and over. Show us you post from 2 months ago. Edit;
  16. Nylander was my second pick due to the 'attitude problems' and lack of NA playing time. Well he has certainly sold me. He had a great combine. Unfortunately, I dont believe he will be there at #6. I just PRAY its not Bennett who is the odd man out. Dal Colle or Draisaitl please.
  17. Not even close. Ehlers had 49 goals and 104 points in 63 games. Ritchie had 74 points in 61 games. Virtanen had 45 goals and 71 points in 71 games. Comparing apples and oranges in terms of skill. OHL actually scored 6.9 goals per game while the QMJHL scored 6.8 so the OHL tended to score a little more. And the galling thing of all is most experts say Nylander is more talented than Ehlers. I am certainly impressed by Nylanders combine. He is definitely in play at #5
  18. The guy has pushed his game up two steps. I take Doughty over Weber now. The guy is only 24 years old to boot.
  19. We already have Kassian and Matthias. we dont need another . Probably why Linden never interviewed him.
  20. I am thinking about Marion Gaborik. The guy has 12 freaking goals this playoff. What an addition. Hes also one of the softest guys in the league. You realize the Canucks never interviewed Ritchie. 64 guys and not one was Nick Ritchie.
  21. One of the softest players in the league -Marion Gaborik -has 12 goals right now.
  22. I picked Kings in 7. 1) Kings have come back from a 3-0 deficit to beat the Sharks 2) Kings came back from a 3-2 deficit to beat the Ducks 3) Kings came back from a 3-3 deficit to beat the Hawks 4) Kings must now come back from a 3-1 deficit to beat the Rangers.
  23. I am very impressed with how professional Nylander was at the combine. Not just the tests and how hard he works to maintain it but his mental focus. I am convinced he will not be there when we pick.
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