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pinot blanc

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Junior Prospect

Junior Prospect (1/14)



  1. For whom the Bell tolls! Wait, he isn't tolling for us and that is the problem. Like Coach Lambert said we got too many guys just along for the ride. Well their backs are against the wall. Let's see what they are made out of.... they did it last year against Seattle, but Portland is a lot better than Seattle. Go Rockets.
  2. New President, new GM and new coach. Let's start fresh with some ideas that will build a winner in Van City again.
  3. Torts needs to go. You can't hire a new GM and expect them to be able to bring in players to fit into Tort's system. Plus, most of the players already here (core) most likely don't want to play that style of hockey. We don't need our top players killing penalties, play on the power play and their regular shifts. The goalies have top notch equipment for stopping shots. Better to work on a system where we hurry the shooters than worrying about blocking every shot. We triend this year and still go beat so what the heck! Trevor, cut Torts and start with the signing of a quality GM (Benning) and then step back and allow him to hire a new coach. Have the GM work with coach to design the type of players we need to go after at the draft and during the off season. Go Kelowna Rockets!
  4. I would trade Bieksa in a heartbeat. Yes, he has been injured and banged up but he is a defensive liability out there. Notice when they show the other team scoring where he always is--out of position and trying to stick check guys. Same goes for Garrison. For Pete's sake knock someone on their butt! The only two defencemen I would keep around are Hamhuis and Tanev. Everyone else is fair trade bait.
  5. Stilll hoping until they are matematically eliminated! Why was Schroeder out on the ice so much last night? He was terrible. He was even on the power play and got bounced off of the puck at every turn. Send him to Utica.
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