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chon derry

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Everything posted by chon derry

  1. All hope is not lost for tanking we still have tank commander jt miller leading the charge
  2. Pulling that crap on home ice would have contained it …. Somewhat. But he did it in an another Canadian market giving them a first hand view of what should have been locker room stuff but even it being locker room stuff isn’t exceptable his play doesn’t give him any right to look down at any of his teammates. People sluffing his pouty whinny behaviour saying they’d rather have that than a player with no push back. ????? At age 30 this isn’t going to improve. Playing for Tampa and NY both arguable better teams than us with stories about similar crap there. I expect his attitude to worsen making him virtually impossible to trade. He does have all the potential of leading.but going about all wrong. Fun times ahead. At age 30 he hasn’t grown out of his immature crap. It’s time for him to MAN up !
  3. Miller has such a rallying effect on everyone we should all be happy he’s locked in for 7 more years. He really has all those rare galvanizing intangibles , his game is so complete I’m really happy we have miller. He’s really brought the fan base together. And the team is so tight knit now. Millers great. I really love miller.
  4. One would have expected coach miller to have a good game, he’s checked by the Looks of it
  5. BBs media scrum after the proved that.
  6. But, but he has all thoze intangablez
  7. As long as he keeps doing miller things sparing enough time for management to open their eyes to it before TDL He can keep being miller.
  8. No your not going to. I’ll take my unimpressive opinion and shut the h3ll up. That is until the next time he pulls off some similar classless act.
  9. You keep referencing this big meanie thing , that has nothing to do with it Period. but what it does show is a clear and unreprehinsable lack of proper leadership, respect for a teammate , comradery , professionalism. And publicly no less.
  10. SNP for everyone else outside of lowermainland is subject to local blackout on that particular channel
  11. Normally Canuck games are on sportsnet pacific. But Tonite our game is on sportsnet1 sportsneteast and Sportsnetontario have winnipeg/oilers game
  12. He hates losing that’s pretty apperant. He needs to start loving winning there’s a difference. Both are done with tact and a little modicum of class. He may well have had a hand in last year. But it certainly doesn’t fall on him solely. That’s laughable. Once again it’s a team effort. Having someone that sees himself above the team doesn’t lend itself to success. It never has and never will btw wasn’t trying to impress anybody more going by personal first hand experience observing others and being guilty of similar crap myself.
  13. Stawns put it correctly in asking “ are you prepared for seeing miller conduct himself for another 7 years? If you don’t understand the divisiveness of a player that puts himself above his teammates with publicly humiliating crap like that I’m not going to argue about it I stated earlier. In what alternate universe is a goaltender expected to precede the puck out of a dzone exit? That just doesn’t happen But to take it one step further he doubles down and he flips out. And then partially owns up to it in the media scrum later. This isn’t a one off and a I’m not in the apology expected camp either. But why would a player put himself in a situation where there is conjecture about an apology. Whatever schenn was rippin him for and what he just did suggests there’s a pattern. And if you think that’s leadership have at it. I’ve played with and against sore losers and miller has it written all over him. NOT LEADERSHIP MATERIAL. Trade him give the cap saved to a much more deserving player (BO) who’s proven everything miller isn’t. Miller hates losing. He needs to start loving to win btw both are done wit tact and modicum of class.
  14. He didn’t just learn this it came with him. Schenn doesn’t respond they way he did for nothing. Schenn was doin his thing well miller was in peewee.
  15. If the Canucks ever want to crawl out of this hole it won’t be with millers leadership. Given his term FA JR. PA better collectively pull their heads out of their …s
  16. That possibility is real. And not very promising.
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