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Everything posted by kingofsurrey

  1. How about just locking danjr out from the thread...... /
  2. Do you really think 16 pts is acceptable for a 4.5 mil second line forward. Wow. Good thing you aren't coaching our team.
  3. I hope you are not correct. But you may be right. I am hoping we could trade him but pay 50 % of his salary.... Just to clear up space for our new young players...
  4. Maybe the issue is Burrows putting up 3rd line points while being paid a first line salary of 4.5 mil. Burrows had a great career with the Canucks. HIs locker gets cleaned out this summer and reassigned to Gaunce.
  5. Players earn the right for more icetime and top line. If Burrows is on the turd line it is because the coach feels that is the icetime / linemates he deserves.... If Burrows is pissed about it , he can always go for coffee with Vrbata and they can have a bitch fest about willie and his favourites.. LOL Bottom line. Burrows is AHL material now. He is about to get HIgginized, Prusturated..
  6. I don't want a 4.5 mil guy on my 3rd or 4th line period. I think the real question would be Burrows ? Does Utica really need him ?
  7. Heh, buddy. You must have some pretty low self esteem. All you ever seem to do is personally insult other posters. Do you really feel so insecure that you have to call others " Idiots" because they have an opinion you don't agree with. When a 4.5 million dollar player gets an assist every 5th gam on average - do you consider that a major accomplishment ? Burrows is a washed up veteran player ( 15 pts this year ) , likely out of the NHL either this summer or next Sept. The trend lately is for teams to ice lineups with lower paid new players, not 4.5 million dollar salary plugs.
  8. Burrows should be in Utica but i am don't think he could crack their lineup.... Would be great on the AHL roadtrips. 4.5 mil should buy the boys a few rounds for on the bus trips.
  9. Are you kidding ? Canucks have paid Burrows close to 30 million dollars..... U think our club owes Burrows anything ? 30 MILLION DOLLARS for playing hockey. I know guys that have played rugby for 20 years and done it for free. Banged up their bodies... Life long injuries as a result... All fo the Love of the game. Wow, Burrows owes us 4.5 million for this season. He needs to produce like a 4.5 mil dollar player or else he will be shown the door. 10 goals is not enough. Not nearly enough.
  10. Burrows would even probably admit that this season has been a disaster for him. 10 goal - 20 point season is not what he was aiming for. 4.5 mil per season is a waste of cap space for a 10 goal scorer.. I think Burrows owes the canucks about 4.5 mil this year. He hasn't really earned it.
  11. Agreed. There is zero loyalty in pro sports. The minute there is a better or cheaper option, that player will be shown the door. Hell, its even that way in Jr A and WHL. Players are commodities / piece of meat. Teams owe players nothing. So your having a bad month, down in dumps, sick, injured, GF problems.... Too bad so sad, Your fired. Canucks owe Burrows ZERO. Burrows owes his personal wealth and his whole career to the CANUCKS. The fact that Burrows has been a great canuck can be appreciated and respected.... but at the end of day pro spots is always what have you done for us today.... If Burrows can't find his game asap, he will be Higginized. Prusturated , WEBercized......
  12. My team for next year is actually geared to win in the 2020 season. My team for next year is all about developing a young core. We don't need Burrows and his 4 mil per year . He can't look after our younger players and he does not give us anything that the young guns can't provide.
  13. Canucks are now funding a well paid retirement home in NY state. . I think its called Utica. We send all our seniors there now. They have a hockey team full of young kids and older seniors. Sounds like fun. Our seniors still get paid and they are paid extremely well so don't worry about them. Burrows will be sent their quick and another guy Cracknell is also on the way.
  14. Tanking will not be easy for some Canuck fans...
  15. True Canuck fans care more about our club than any one player on it. Do you not think that Iginla was loved in Calgary ? Do you think fans really wanted him to be traded ? It had to happen. Its a business. Hank and Danny may not agree to a move with their current contract. They earned that contract. After the contract expires, anything is possible though. Retirement is a real possibility.
  16. Difference is Kesler wanted out. Bieksa was willing to be moved. Hank and Dank want to play on the same team which makes it harder to negotiate plus i think they really don't want to leave VAncouver for some reason. Not sure why as i prefer Surrey to Vancity......
  17. I wonder what percentage of points Sedins earn 5 V 5 compared to PP points. I wonder is the league average for top 3 players ? Do the Sedins have a higher % of PP points compare to other top line players ? Is this stat available ?
  18. Every single vet on the Canucks should be considered tradeable. Sedins hold NMC / NTC so they can call their own shots. They are on record as saying they will not move so the there is nothing to discuss. We are one of the worst teams in the league. Based on the our teams play right now and need to get younger i would think every Vet on team is tradeable.
  19. Hank and Dank have earned the right to go out on whatever terms they desire. Burrows is an ECHL grad that has done amazingly well for himself. Unfortunately, Burrows will not dictate how he finishes up with the Canucks. He will be moved before his contract is up. Most likely not back next year as he is roadblock for the development of our younger players.
  20. Fans here have been very respectful to Burrows . Burrows has brought considerable disrespect to our team around the league. Our fans have stood up for Burrows through all the crap he has pulled. He singlehandedly gave our team a pretty bad rep that we are working hard to now overcome. I think Burrows ( very well paid Burrows ) is very thankful for how the canuck fans have treated him over the years.
  21. Burrows was well paid those years. He is also well paid this year and next. He needs to step up and show some pride and start earning some of the salary he is being paid. Either that or retire and walk away from his contract. He will not get a free ride from Canucks fans with the huge contract he has.
  22. Burrows this year makes more in salary than Bo, Sven, Virt and Vey COMBINED>>>>>> What a joke.
  23. Canucks can not go 21-9 the rest of the way. ROFL thinking about that. Yeah right. LOL I am thinking more likely 10 wins and 20 losses at the best.
  24. Good luck trading Burrows. I think he would get about a bag of pucks right now. Maybe half a bag. Plus the other team would ask us to pay 50% of his salary. 4 Million dollar a year pylons are not in great demand in the league right now.
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