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Everything posted by Generational.EP40

  1. Yea yea no ones saying anything about that. I’ll take that as you agree because you’re moving the goal posts from what I originally replied to
  2. Lol I like how you’re making it seem like this is fact when it purely isn’t and something you made up. If you want I can back this up with facts unless you agree.
  3. I don’t think he literally meant between 10-15 overall, but top 10 or top 15 as in 1-10 or 1-15.
  4. Tbf you’re missing the point but just strictly to answer your response, of the 4 times we’ve had top10-15 picks, he’s missed twice (Virtanen, Juolevi) and struck gold twice (EP, Hughes). The other time being outside of that range you mention where he struck gold again with Boeser at 23. ...point being had JB had more ammunition in the past which he dealt away himself, we’d certainly have a couple more top prospects. You can’t downplay the value of these picks “losing your cheese” etc. Literally all it takes is 1 right pick to change the fortunes of a franchise just as EP has done. I get he’s at the top of the draft, but there’s still very effective players you get after as evident by Tryamkin, Gaudette, Madden, etc.
  5. Sheldon Dries Gabriel Bourque Ryan Graves @Alain Vigneault
  6. Very well said, I whole heartedly agree Again, just showing some of the inconsistencies
  7. Again, reread what I said. What does anything I said have to do with Benning drafted Pettersson? You’re not the brightest I take it.
  8. What does that have to do with anything? Delusional. Again like others, read what’s being said.
  9. Hahahaha Thank you for taking the time to easily pick a part this users homer take. I didn’t want to bother with it. Gotta love the winning culture bs which is the exact opposite of what we’ve had as you said the past 3 years. Not like any of that culture has helped our losing butt’s
  10. Yea, glad to see your view point changing and being open to discussion. It was meant for healthy talks anyways. Some homers just see nothing but blue and don’t know what constructive criticism is (ex: puckfather dude who’s just calling me a troll)
  11. Paying for ST’s and wanting the best for the team is trolling now Gotcha.
  12. Yea I mean he can still give input just as Shannahan did for Toronto. Doesn’t mean because he doesn’t have managerial status he won’t have a say. Honestly made this topic for healthy discussion so people can come to realization of things. Appalled by how defensive and attached people were at the beginning of thread that they couldn’t even realize stuff which nearly the rest of league would agree on lol. And it’s not like I’m some random, I am a STH as well. Does it mean I can’t make constructive criticism? Hell no. People that think you have to nod your head are ones that enable bad trends to continue in organizations by not holding them accountable. I’m just stating a relatively fair resolution I’d be in favour of the team making for these (obvious) reasons. There’s literally no harm in doing this, at least not that I can think of atm
  13. Essentially this, other than that I don’t want risk of JB handicapping the team in the future with anymore signings and such so instead of 2/3 more years, make the change now. Keep him for the same reasons as you said, just get a better suited GM in the other aspects.
  14. Bingo. This is what I’m getting at. Not trying to diminish JB, like I said his ability to restock our prospect pool is spectacular but that’s also where it ends for the most part. He doesn’t have any other advantageous GMing traits besides that really and is what this thread is about. So wouldn’t it be better to let him keep running the draft/developmental side of things while someone more suited for the GM role just does that? Seems very logical to me and it’s so the organization gets the best of both worlds...why limit ourselves to just one? Just look at when he publicly said he offered to trade for PK Subban and got fined by the league because it’s against the rules to mention names. He just doesn’t quite know/have the GMing lingo. Baffling to me as how people are misinterpreting this and wouldn’t want such a thing which would be best for everyone. Unfortunate that people are choosing to selectively read one thing and not the other. You’re just as much of a fan if you’re just open and honest about things lol. ^in a nutshell. A 4th thing could be ideology/vision which is unstable to say the least. He/the team keeps flip flopping. Originally wanted to fast track and remain competitive for a few years, wanted to mimic Bruins “meat and potatoes, then realized it’s not the modern game and went to “speed and skill”, then contradicted that by forcefully drafting an injured Virtanen (meat&potatoes) coming off a major red flag concerning procedure, then Linden joined admitted it was a rebuild publicly for the first time in the Benning era to which JB began using, then hit the jackpot with Pettersson this yr and jumped the gun publicly saying he wants to push for a playoff spot lol /all falling under lack of vision and being able to carry through with it. Look at the Leafs, they had their eyes on the prize when rebuilding and didn’t cheat or take any shortcuts and look at where it’s got them. They’re in a great place because of it. So yea, what I said in this thread summed up: > JB pro: drafting > JB cons: everything else about GMing (trades, signings, vision, commitment) > get someone who is better than Jimbo at the cons > keep Jimbo for the pro(prospects), just in a different/special role AKA I’m not saying cut him loose entirely not rocket science
  15. Appreciated. Yep not saying just drafting, but more so the whole package. Wavering in team vision / always jumping the gun, contracts, etc. Would be nice to get a stable presence for a change.
  16. Well a good start would be a GM who can go into a trade without the opposing GM knowing he has the upper hand on. Someone not inexperienced like JB because he’s underwhelming in the trade department which everyone knows.
  17. Thank you haha For those like you who read it which is appreciated, I’m not saying to get rid of Benning entirely. Just at the managerial(GM) level. He can stay as advisor / head scout / hockey ops because obviously his expertise is drafting which we can’t lose out on.
  18. Read the post I explain why he shouldn’t be GM any longer. GMing being, more than just drafting. AKA the trades / assets / signings / team vision aspects.
  19. Yea, there’s nothing wrong with that. How about we get someone to secure as many assets for Benning to draft with as possible. That wouldn’t be a bad idea would it
  20. I’ll take that as you never read what was said and think this is a full out doxing. In which case it isn’t and are like many insecure fans who think of any criticism is an automatic no-no. Lol. All I’m saying is it’s time to hand someone else the keys to the shop all while JB can still work as a mechanic...I’m acknowledging the good he’s done as most fans do. It’s about time we acknowledge the bad - not over 1 or 2 yrs but 5. It’s a bad trend.
  21. 1.) not saying to get ride of him entirely, just at the managerial level as he undoubtably has restocked the prospect cupboard for us which can’t be denied 2.) should retain some sort of position, preferably something like president or VP of hockey operations to overlook things and continue sharing his expertise when it comes to drafting/prospects 3.) so why should he step down / be replaced as GM? Let’s look: That’s shocking. We have almost nothing of significance to show for over JB 5 year tenure. ...it’s no surprise we hired a newbie GM at the time. This critical transition phase the organization is in, we can’t be allowing this much trial&error with the scarce assets we have to work with in the first place. On top of the asset inefficiency, his inexperience as manager has been evident with the signings as well. Overpaying & giving extended years to questionable players, just unnecessary. All it’s done is become dead weight which can’t be moved and will anchor the roster in the years ahead. That manager inexperience? To continue, he hasn’t been able to commit to a plan or vision since day1. A rebuild was clear as day but the R word was never uttered until Linden became president. Prior to that he dodged it like the plague and would never admit it. Thought he could fast track by trading picks in the beginning when those picks could’ve been paying dividends for us right now. Too much flip flopping between ideologies. Remember “meat & potatoes”? That died shortly but then he couldn’t fully let it go either as evident by drafting Virtanen coming off a major surgery...he just couldn’t help himself. Even now, we struck gold with EP. Rebuild was endorsed but now that we got lucky and EP has fast forwarded that timeline, he thinks we can fight for a playoff(WC) spot. The man can’t help himself and begins jumping the gun too easily, can’t stay focused on the mission. Just far too much indecisiveness and it’s fair to say we’ve seen enough. Let’s get a proven GM who can be relied on to stay the course, not get ahead of himself, and let the nature of the rebuild take place organically while JB overlooks the draft aspect. I think that would be best for all parties. Stack up on maximum assets, get a cap structure going, get rid of bad contracts in this vital transition phase when we will shortly but surely be on the rise. Hypothetically, targeting an Yzerman or someone along those lines as GM+President would be ideal. Thoughts? EDIT summed up: > JB pro: drafting > JB cons: everything else about GMing (trades, signings, vision, commitment) > get someone who is better than Jimbo at the cons > keep Jimbo for the pro(prospects), just in a different/special role AKA I’m not saying cut him loose entirely
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