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Posts posted by Eddie

  1. Replace the coaching staff is the next, and currently a huge priority.


    Despite the success in 2019 bubble that team had serious issues getting hemmed in their own end and leaking high danger chances due to disorganized team D. Those deficiencies were amped up to 11 in 2020 we ignored them and blamed them on COVID, EP-40 injury and the usual whipping boys. 


    On to 2021 and those deficiencies are still there in a crippling way. Even with almost everyone agreeing that individual players are better.


    Add to that - absolutely terrible Preseason . . . Team wasn't ready to start the season. 

    Team let in the first goal almost every game - a trend that has been consistent under green. Again amplified this season. They aren't ready to play - EVERY GAME ! 


    Players looking fed up and questioning the coaches at the bench.


    Coaching staff has to go ! 


    If that doesn't work - I think its a clean house which will be another 3-5 years of pain depending on how the lottery balls work out for us.  Think of it in a similar situation to the Oilers after drafting Yakupov, Hall, Nuge etc . . . took sucking for a good few more years before finally drafting 2 'generational' players. And we have still had more success in the playoffs than them.


    I think there is a good core there. Hughes, Demmer look top tier, Hogz, Podz, Garland are great complimentary players.  We don't know what we have in EP still. I can't see Miller and Bo sticking around given their age range and salary hopes.  We also have an aging D core who will be past their best come the next competing window. Only Hughes ( and god hope Rathbone ). Our inability to draft and develop defensive D is going to hurt. 


    I honestly don't hate what Benning has done. Even the moves that people love to $&!# on given the benefit of hind sight. The guy didn't draw a great hand from start to finish and I mostly could understand the decisions along the way. That being said,  I think we do now have a culture where losing is ok ( depsite never actually tanking when we sure as hell should have !), poor decision making and substandard operations in some key offices.  Bringing in a new GM who can turn that around and make some hard decision on some of the Benning players is a logical next step that will have to be taken if the coaching change doesn't work. 






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  2. I thought they scrapped compensating teams with draft picks for hiring previous coaches shortly after we scored the 2nd for Torts ( which we later flushed down the $&!#ter but hey) 

    I'd like to see what a experience coach can do for sure. Someone with a proven record of running a team with strong special teams as well and at least competent team defense. The core needs to learn some new lessons about how to be successful and i think we have tried and failed with a couple of respected rookie / AHL coaches.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

    My Dad was a mechanic on Lancaster bombers in England. He never talked about the war. It was my uncle who told me that Dad and other ground crew who had to remove wounded and dead air crew. Dying in the air was not like the movies. Cleaning the dead out must have been horrific.

    My farther also served as a navigator on Lancasters for Bomber command. Shot down twice and lost an eye in the end which meant he had to finish the war as infantry landing on sword beach in 44. Despite that likewise, he rarely ever talked about the war, but even 50 years later his depression and drinking from all the horrors and trauma of that time still took a pretty heavy toll on our family when I was a child. 

    Always worth remembering all those who gave so much that we can sit here enjoying a casual game of hockey with friends of any race, creed or colour, free of tyranny and oppression. 

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  4. 16 minutes ago, GB5 said:

    Having a miss in the first round in a single year shouldn't hurt a team too extensively.


    That is why imo the consecutive misses from 2007- 2012 are what have hurt this team the most. The Canucks are still recovering from this.

    This for sure.. Starting the rebuild with a knackered aging, largely worthless core and a empty prospects cupboard is the largest contributor to the 8 years of pain. 

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  5. Was also at the game last night and there were a few positives.  


    Petey and Brock despite all the hate on here are slowly getting back to form and showing more glimpses of their former selves. Petey reallly needs some confidence.  

    Podz is gonna be a great player - makes a few junior mistakes in his own end from time to time, but his vision, passing, change of pace and aggression are all things of beauty, few more years with better coaches and he will be an absolute beaut - i'm calling it now ! 

    Hogz, Garland, OEL, well actually all the D were pretty solid - Schenn is a bit ropey but u gotta love the aggression and abrasion he brings


    Team wise we totally outplayed them. The difference makers again were their best players compared to our. Duchene was clinical where Bo whiffed on a couple of grade A's.  Johnasson was dominant in the face of dot.  Granland looked like a Selke nominee while Dickinson was really not noticeable and Brock was totally at fault for the terrible coverage on the 3rd goal I think it was. Hughes was a little quieter tonight and had a few whiffs in the O Zone leading to a goal against. Petey had his flashed but wasn't really affective. Miller tried but nothing really worked. Josi was solid too but outside of that only other Nashville players i semi noticed was Cozens, where as all of our lines looked skilled and dangerous when on the ice, and for the most part in control in their own zone.


    Much better effort, possession and movement than a lot of games on this home stand tonight but just didn't have the class of finish to pull it off. . . 


    And then there were special teams. Not much more to say there - they completely cost us the game. I don't know if it came across better on T.V but i was sat above the bench and on the 6:5 at the end the players looked visibly disillusioned with the coaching staff, Miller was arguing about something, couldn't make out exactly what was being said tho. Even if the PP and PK were just below average we statistically still win that game - ours our other level bad - again, there was an audible sigh in the crowd when we got that final PP. 


    Small signs things are getting better, but like others, fells like were waiting for the corner to turn and hope is running dry that it is ever gonna happen - just too many cases of Deja Vu every game.


    I think we just have to move on from the coaching staff at this point. Hell I'd even try Babcock on a 1 year deal at this point - can't be much worse than what we have as coaching is really costing us the W. Feel like Green is our Dallas Akins right now. 

    • Cheers 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:



    Vegas just became a powerhouse. 


    Our only hope is that they keep sucking without Stone and Eichel. 


    They're going to blow out the rest of the division along with Edmonton next year. 

    You have almost gotta wonder if they are gonna purposefully tank now this season. Trading 2 roster players for someone that likely doesn't play till the TDL at least.  Protection on that first round pick.  Lots of injuries and lots of salary to move. 

    Either that or they are planning a Tampa and hoping they can creep into the playoffs then unleash the LTIR crew to massive advantage. 


    Either way its a smart play, by a continually aggressive team who aren't afraid to make ballsy moves to compete at a high level. 


    You gotta like the fit of Eichel on VGK too - even when we played them in the bubble - the narrative was Demko stood on his head, but in reality out of the 40 odd shots he was facing, very few were high danger. They needed more skill and scoring ability down the middle to complement the rest of their really strong possession, checking and defensive power. Stronger teams that we were have exposed that in the post season ever since.


    Also sucks he was traded out west - 2 'generational' players in our div ( Well McDavid sure as $&!# is ) but glad it wasn't to the Flames... that would have really sucked. 


  7. Demko >>>>>>>> $&!#zGerkins !!!! 

    Great 3rd period - The skill and determination of the team finally got a chance to shine. 


    Sadly that was after 2 periods that felt like the same team were vomiting directly into my eyes :shock:

    Podz looked great - speed, physical, direct, yet he still only gets a sliver of ice time, This far into the season REALLY ?!?! 

    Chiasson on the PP - pls make it stop. That being said Brock floating again - if he wants to stay here at that pay he's gotta work on his consistency, no excuse this far in. 

    Hammer made the D look even better great to have him back - but god daymmm there is no coordination between F and D - in their own zone and i think thats why the PK is stinking out the place. Demmer has to literally be a superman to get a kill. 

    Too many instances of same F's going after the same puck in the O zone too, no puck support, no coordiantion again. 

    PP has no clue what to do.  2nd unit looks more effective. 

    Rangers were not actually very good - Outside of the bread man + Zib - They didn't look great.


    Still looks like a poorly coached team to me - Green has a way to go for he wins me back into his camp despite the heroic of the 3rd. 


    Bloody good to finally win one again tho - Sooo hope this turns a few corners for some of the lads. 




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  8. Tonight could be that night when hope returns . .  Bo's fast break against the Flames in the playoffs, Jakes bone crushing hit on McDiver ( yeah hindsight on that one ), Brock scoring in his first game. Petey absoluting roofing it in his first game, Gretzky himself blow away by Huggys skill in the All star game. For the past 8 years we've seen glimmers, but tonight could be the night we see the real hope that this core with the team that Jett Black Jimbo has assembled could come together to be a contender with a dominant performance against the Rags.


    Or are they gonna come out like a bunch of hung over beer leaguers and give up a goal in the first 5 mins...  who knows.. The only thing u can be sure of is that i'm getting drunk on a Tuesday. 

    • Cheers 1
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  9. 1. We weren't ready - new and old players can't play together efficiently. The hold outs still look very rusty and are very key players 

    2. Schedule strength - lots of home opens for the other teams, long road trip, come home to strong opposition. 

    3. Some key injuries as always.

    other posibilities that are much worse 

    4. Coaching staff all need to go - they aren't NHL quality.

    5. The roster hasn't been constructed quite right we are missing size and physicality in key areas. 3rd line still lacking an identity.

  10. Had a wine about Green in the other thread. 


    Not in a happy place last night after another humiliating display to McDiver and the Lottery lads. So will try and start with some positives today


    Well I think we can all agree we have at least one truly elite player right now ... Demko - just wow.  Marky might be posting shutouts right now, but Demmer is the real deal at a much younger age. Deserves a lot better from the players in front of him that's for sure.


    Petey and Brock starting to look a bit sharper.


    Our D generally playing quiet strong, its our ability for the forward group to support them in transition that's the problem. 


    Onto the not so good - without covering the topics that have already been beaten to death of course.. 


    Bo's line doesn't seem to be able to generate or drive play so much since returning home. This has been a pattern for a few seasons now. 


    The 3rd line - I like the Podz, Garland wingers, but Dickinson doesn't seem to be particularly effect at generating scoring chances. He reminds me a lot of Sutter that way, tho bigger and stronger for sure. Now that in itself would be a huge problem, but it leaves that line without an identity. They don't have the coordination to generate a lot of offense and they are no longer a crash and bang or shutdown line. Slightly envious of Mini and EDM who  have these big crash and bang 3rd lines that can really tilt the ice and leave the D bruised and battered for the Top skill lines to jump on and exploit. 




  11. Chemistry has always been a big thing for me with Greens coaching ever since that season when Vegas joined the league.  They had a pack of 3rd liners, disciplined, motivated and knew how to get the puck to each other in all 3 zones. We have a bunch of more skill players who don't seem to know where each other are or how to support the puck. Vegas absolutely destroyed us that season, and pretty have since.  Tho i know they have added a lot of skill and salary since then. 


    I'm seeing the same thing in every game again this season. Mini, Phili, EDM, All trapped us in our zone for extended periods, breaking up outlet plays again and again, and retrieved the puck with ease on our offensive plays, despite players like Hogz, Horvat, Garland, Miller, all looking strong along the boards. 


    Always hated the Green Line blender. I know sometimes it can help inject some life into a flat game - but he deploys it constantly. Like one bad shift and its the switch-r-roo again. Now I'm no pro-athlete, far from it, but i've played team sports constantly for 30+ years and there's something, well a lot actually,  to be said for having that chemistry to know where your team mates are and what they are likely to do.  


    We have a few new faces sure - but like many here have pointed out we squandered pre-season on the 'plug auditions' while our divisional rivals were building chemistry and confidence feasting on our AHL lines. That's on the coaching - for sure. 



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  12. Erffffff - its been a long 10 years eh chaps. 


    Was really hoping this year was gonna be different and the promising young core was gonna shine with the addition of some quality vets. . . 


    I dunno there's still time i guess.  BB started to look better in the 3rd. Petey had at least one good shift. . . The Lotto line sadly still looked more like the Lottery line, which is where we are heading at this rate. Coaching and Motivation still look F tier - I don't like to subscribe to a narrative of whatever, but gotta say a coaching change is looking awful appealing given the on ice product again this season. 



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