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Posts posted by Eddie

  1. I'd be onboard - huge talents like Wright and Bedard are good points to rebuild the rebuild of the retool. 


    I would pause my involvement with the team on a regular basis for a few year tho - after only missing a handful of games over the last 15 years and being a season ticket holder for over half of those I don't want to suffer through another period of let downs, massive losing streaks, failed trades, lottery misses, and humiliation. There are better uses of my time.


    I'd also like to add that i really don't think full rebuild is the way to go this time - we have some good pieces with long careers ahead of them - its just making some maybe hard decisions to build a better balanced team and waiting for some bad contracts to come off the books to get it right with some of this core.

  2. Feels $&!#ty to not support the team - but no much else u can do in todays landscape. 


    No spending cash on the team is the only way the ownership will be forced to make a change. I have a suspicion that so much revenue come from corperate boxes and corperate owned season tickets that even the hardcore fans like us refusing to buy tickets and game packs isn't a big hit. Just a theory but anyone who has been a to a leafs or habs home game and seen the arena literally <30% home fans probably thinks the same. 


    Also pretty sure not watching games doesn't make a difference - i think the TV revenue is divied up ahead of time and not affected by viewer numbers. again not 100% sure tho and i'm too dissillusioned with the team right not to bother checking.

    Think all we can do is keep hope alive and really support whatever the next change is hard (unless its a completely dumb one like trading hughes for Megna) and hope to god that makes a difference. 


  3. Kids coming along - if he could end up being a good 3rd or 4th line center that would be a shot in the arm for a rebuild of the rebuild of the retool. 

    Dunno if its the black jersesy with all the crap on them but he's looking a bit bigger now too - any update on his size since his draft stats ? 

  4. 4 hours ago, iceman64 said:

    have you actually been watching for the last 40 years and paying attention? 

    Sorry not sure what point your trying to make ?

    What does 40 years have to do with seeing that the team that has currently taken 8 years to assemble is completely terrible ? And to answer your question no - I have only watched the team for 18 years.


    I also don't see what your point on the salary cap has to do with it.  Hell put McDavid on a ELC on this team and we still don't make the playoffs on current form.  Many other teams have beaten us with 3-4 of their best players out.


    To be this bad - Either the locker room is lazy or disfunctional , the team composition is horrifically wrong, the coaching is bad to the point the players can't execute on it - or we are just cursed. This team is not working - we are not winning. 

    Now if they can turn it around and hit form with it - sure i'm happy for JB to trade our next 4 firsts if he wants - but he hasn't been able to prove to this end he can produce a winning roster - so why risk yet more collatoral on a regime that has not provided success over a very generous timeline.



    • Cheers 1
  5. Ahhh i just posted this exact thing in another thread :picard:


    I did support J.B up to this season but he's had his chance to build a core and its failed - He has to either fix it with what he has or get someone new in with a different vision and direction and give them a chance to succeed on a new path with some valuable currency to succeed not the empty cupboard that J.B started with. Which i can sympathize with him over - but he's had 8 years, lots of money and lots of free reign to do it, which should be more than enough compared to our competitors and were still bottom of the league. 


  6. I honestly don't want Benning trading any of the core or our valuable futures. 


    He had his chance - he built a core that has, thus far, totally not worked. He had enough time, spent enough money and sold enough assets to make it work. 


    And it just ... Hasn't 


    Were not one piece away - were realistically 80% of a team away right now on current performance.  If were gonna trade core pieces or core futures get a new GM with a different vision to do it. J.B has to fix this mess with what he has, Change the coach sure - Trade a Pearson, Dickinson, Myers, OEL : Sure.  But, can't be trusted to dig the hole were in even deeper tho - If he is ,then Aqua needs to take a long hard look at his strategy of putting good money after bad.



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  7. Yeah again I would say no to letting Benning trade Brock at this point. If were gonna trade the core i think a G.M with a different and hopefully better vision should be the one to do it.  Benning's tenure was 'this core' if its failed - so has he,  and its time to move on. 


    We would be selling low on a player who is having a stinker right now but still has impressive career goals and point totals.  The 7.5M is a scary number considering injury history and his struggles with season to season consistency. I'm sure he will put up some really impressive numbers throughout the rest of his career so completely adverse to selling low on him. 


    I think ultimately he would be the logical player to move given his cap hit - present and future, and his skill set being one that we could probably replace internally with Hogz, Garland, Podz and hopefully Klimovich for cheaper ( tho none of them have score ~30 goals yet) - since he hasn't really lived up to the consistent elite shot scoring threat billing the 7.5M QO was hoping he would be. Would make room for some bigger bodies or better D.




  8. Probably gonna get hated on for this, as it not going to be a popular opinion. But right now I think that I'm more attached to the idea of Bo rather than the reality of him.  


    The idea being, he's a good hard working Canadian kid, Proper leader, good 2 way game, big, fast physical player.


    The reality is that he's a career minus, ~45 point player who rarely hits hard, and doesn't really dominate games physically.  Yes he is good at face offs and good along the boards. He also seems to be respected in the locker room, and is clearly a good honest guy. I've been a huge fan since we drafted him...


    but he has fallen short of where he should be at this point in is career on the stats page and in the leadership column.  You have to think that the Captain is a contributing factor to pull players into form, into getting them through adversity and fighting out of apathy - and you never really see that from Bo on the ice. If we truely are a 'Fragile Group' - The Captain is a big part of that. 


    He has been better in the play offs and he always has been a streaky scorer - being stone cold right now is probably contributing to that.  If he had scored a few of those end to end double deke moves he can do instead of hoofing them wide, into the crest or passing them into Pearsons ankles I might be singing to a different tune right now.  


    If i were looking to trade him, first call would be to WPG and asking about Dubois - rumour has it since last year he doesn't want to stay there, and if we could negotiate a deal with them to trade for Bo + an add of some kind - I'd be making that trade in a heart beat. 


    Same problem as Miller - we need size and grit in the line up and we can't afford to trade either player for soft, skill players. Were better of keeping them.




  9. So I know these are sky's are falling kinda times but you gotta look at that and see we were the better team by a mile, it wasn't even close. Faster, more skilled, better special team.  Speaking of which 2nd game in a row without giving up a goal on the PK :bigblush:. Well you know, at least we actually killed a few this time. If the team can continue to build of these last 2 games and gain some confidence that could start getting into some form. 


    Podz looking like more of a beast game by game - if Green the Fool would actually keep him on a consistent line for 5 mins then i'm sure he would look even better.  The Miller, Garland, Podz line looked beast mode for a couple of shifts until they reunited the whiff it stumble bro's line. 


    Now the not so rosey news is the Brock and Petey both look like they would be better off not on the ice right now.  Those kinda games where your up against a real hot goalie you need your elite scorers to be just that - and they weren't.  The even worse news is this team is kinda built like that. If we can't score a handful of highlight reel goals or get some goalie mistakes a night we aren't going to win as we don't have the players to score the greasy kind goals that CHI scored tonight. 


    More to that - not really sure where this team can go even if it can keep the turn around going. Petey and Brock haven't turned around 'bad' seasons before - and have shown no signs at all of doing so thus far - Soo i think the best we can do is like a 10-15 pick.:frantic:



  10. Is... is... this what winning feels like 





    The team played well !!


    Yess Jets PK is almost as bad as ours. 

    Yesss Greener and Bender probably should be sending a thankyou card to the coilers. 

    Yesssss The refs were actually pretty kind and we didn't have to kill a single pen. 




    The team still played well and we got a much needed W and we should all dam well enjoy it. 


    The Benning signings came up trumps again and the Green line juggles finally made a difference - they deserve a little credit here.

    Yesss they both still maybe terrible and should be fired ASAP - but were back in the W column and we can only hope we keep em comin.

    • Cheers 1
  11. 40 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

    Forward lines that actually make sense.




    I like the thinking behind the F lines - But u know the blenders gonna come out all over the place so no one knows where the hell they are playing or who is even on the ice with them... Which has been a systematic failure of this coaching staff.  My opinion is if your gonna try something sensible like this to spark players - STICK TO IT !!! 

    Having Petey play some D zone starts and battle to get some confidence back.  Get Miller some Chem with Pods and Garland.  You know... 

    D looks a lot better with Poolman and Hamonic in  - they looked good last game IMO - just the PK shat the bed. 

    • Cheers 1
  12. Such a huge problem right now.  We're $&!# - but if we trade a couple of 'core pieces' were likely gonna get $&!#ter for longer - but not $&!# enough to get really high draft picks ( gotta love those last 10 game winning spree's) 


    Peterson - Boeser are not going to bring in market value on their current form. 


    Miller and Bo being on above avg expiring contracts is gonna limit the return somewhat also. You will mainly be looking at futures, probably some pretty good picks but- could u get a true 'blue chip' ? Maybe ? But probably one with some risks attached. 


    I wouldn't trade Petey yet either  too much potential there, You gotta hope worst case he pulls a Nylander and bounces right back next year.  Tho saying that he 'wants to win' Pfffft :picard: - so even if he does bounce back probably doesn't want to go through another rebuild / retool which we will certainly be in if we trade say 3 quality pieces for draft picks. 


    Boeser might end up being paid too much for what he brings ( he sure is right now). Really hasn't been game breaking since Y1.  He would be a good chip to trade for a quantity over quality type deal, get some pieces to fix the bottom 6, couple of big bodies who can PK, and play Greens beloved Dump and Chase, which would be a realistic return. Mini could be a tempting destination as its his home town and they have a good crop of those kinda players.


    Miller or Bo would really be of interest to EDM - They gotta be all in this year, and either of those players makes them a good chunk better -  you might get Broberg but would u want him ?  Same with Brannstrom in OTT.  Might be able to get Sillinger for Bo out of COL if they think they can resign him. Kaprizov + a bottom 6 for NYR ? Does that really help us ? Maybe if Kap isn't a bust - which he probably is.


    Forgot about Garland - While he is one of our few actually form players - he probably gets a good return of picks or players / prospects that can kill pens - might not be a bad move as much as I love the guy, he's another small player on a small team, trying to play dump and chase.  Not a great stategic signing - like adding Schmidtt last year another Offensive D on a team full of them. 


    No easy wins that make us significantly better before the end of next season at the earliest. Only real options are :
    - Complete rebuild again (Trade everyone with value except the ELCs ), which could be another 8+ years of pain

    - Try to fix the coaching - at least until some of the core can bounce back enough to get a truely top tier return. 

    - Trade even more futures and 'cap dump' for parts that will fix the PK ( Lotto protected First, 3rd, Klimovich, McDonnagh, Mikey D, I would say Woo is off the cards as he is only remaining RHD hope, but management seem to hate him, so probably on the table) - honestly hate the idea of this, but we don't draft and develop well so odds are all these players end up the way of Lind, Gadj, Jake, OJ etc anyway  :frantic:






  13. 57 minutes ago, GB5 said:

    I don't know what Benning can add but I am disgusted that Green writes off the fan's concern for this tea as "white noise".


    To me that is extremely dismissive and condescending.


    I have been a fan for decades and will continue to be so well after these guys are gone and fans have a right to be concerned.

    Amen to that - I also found that remark in that context very insulting !  You tune out the people who consume your product and indirectly pay your wages at your own peril.

    • Cheers 1
  14. No chance of getting Wright with our luck or management team. 

    We will suck like crap all season again then save that miracle run for the last 10 games of the seasons to put ourselves back in the 8-10 range again and end up drafting some lazy, brainless smurf fatty instead of a franchise player :picard:


    Sorry... just sad and frustrated with this whole mess... 


    I think realistically sooner or later this team of players has to string a few wins together, and with SEA looking to tank eventutally and ARZ already putting in a Sabers like effort with Tank Commands Louis at the helm I doubt we will come within canuck luck of winning. 

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  15. Easy Claim for me too - we badly need some toughness and with Lowmoor on LTIR free's up a bottom 6 spot. 


    Clifford is a tough guy - we could use someone who could spark something in the group and inject some give a $&!#. Hell even under big Willy how often did Dorsett do that for us. 

  16. Another thought - if this truly is a problem with some A-Dog player like Miller or Bo - it clearly was the same problem that existed last year, as the symptoms are the same just worse now right ? That's clear to see  . . Why not correct it in the summer then - Would have easily got assets and high picks back for either player that could have been used to get a player like Dvorak from Arizona with the rest of the package or hell your wouldn't have been to far short of Eichel with that hall + the 9th OA when we still had - better course of action if you were truely 'all in' - You can say a lot about JB but he has never been one to not move on from a player or make a trade. If they didn't want to trade said player surely the smart thing to do would have not re-up green given he was out of contract and they had all summer to find a replacement, even if Aqua wanted a cheap replacement again - they could have worked it.

    Similarly if said player did have such serious issues with the coach why not ask for a trade when he was renewed - Not like that doesn't hit the news the min someone is even remotely thinking it these days

    Doesn't seem to make sense to me.  

  17. This is complete idiocy. 


    No sure why all the media refuse to turn on Green - its strange. 


    Hirschs point is completely invalid - A good coach is one that can attain buy in and alignment with all personalities in the locker room.


    Look at Carolina with Tony DeAngelo, a player so outspoken and toxic he got into a fistfight with his own team mates in New York. Yet a well coached team in Carolina has replaced Dougie Hamilton and his 9M dollars with him, not missed a beat and have a winning product on the ice. Whereas NYR are having similar problems to us with their rookies and leadership. 


    Miller maybe an Alpha Dog and a passionate guy - but no way he is DeAngelo bad, in fact he probably isn't even Kessler bad.  He has come for a winning club and is probably rightfully pointing out how terrible some of the coaching is after wasting a few years of his career with this BS. Funny he is one of the few players still giving it his all every shift, as maybe he knows that what winners do. 

    • Cheers 1
  18. Fire Green - and the terrible assistant Coaches ( not including Clark of course, the only decent one we have ) Don't think there are many who won't agree with that one. 


    Gotta say i'm finally on board the fire Benning train too.  I understood a lot of what Benning did up to this point, The overpaid bottom 6, I think until age / injury caught up with them they did hold the kids accountable and played hard minutes - look at us now they are gone ! The lack of luck at the draft lottery - nothing u can do there, Trading for Miller etc. We had a good looking core - you gotta push the button some time and go for it right ?! 


    But now looking at where we are with the team and canucks organization under this management : 


    Resigning Green was a really bad move - we all thought it at the time. The writing was on the wall last year and its just got much worse with even better players added. 


    Remember when we lost to Boston and the plan was the get bigger and faster - well that went up the $&!#ter didn't it - left with a team of soft ass smurfs playing dump and chase, the only one of them willing to even stick up for a team mate is the 30 YO Swede with zero fighting majors in his entire career :picard: No identity - other than a team that limps around and hopes a hot goalie frustates the opposition so bad they let in a few softies. 


    Organizationally there are huge problems too. Scouting is still sub par - Yes we've had a few gems - but over 8 years of high drafts and were still below league average last i checked!! Just too many draft or prospect misses. Completely unable to assess Character issues - How many people on hear were screaming about Jake in his draft year, why did Mcann drop - was O.J lazy ?  Zero success outside round 2 of the draft AGAIN - seeing Terry playing in AH makes u wanna puke - as does the price we paid for Garland. 


    Massive strategic problems - losing valuable players or picks for nothing. Signing players with serious injury or personal problems. 


    Fitness and conditioning training is a joke.  Massive injuries every year.  Fat Jake, Slow ripped Brock, Skinny Pete, Long Covid O.J. - constantly unable to sustain play on long east coast road trips. 


    Player Development - After all the bad time with Wolves we still don't have a farm team that can develop for $&!#. No F or D on the roster have come through the farm. Not even our support players.


    GM and Coach not being on the same page. 


    We talk about a losing culture - but this is a organization which is performing below par on so many fronts.  Sure you can chalk a few mistakes up to bad luck or external factors. Yes the cupboard was very bare and the Vets were either handcuffing or valueless when the rebuild started. . .  But where do we excel as an organization under this management group - I'd love to hear ? 





    • Cheers 2
  19. Team has given up - no matter what Mott is saying. No execution, now urgency, no hitting ( F what the scoreboard says, I can't remember a single hit of consequence on this roundtrip !)  


    Looks like now even Podz, Huggy and Bo are fed up and completely absent. Remember when we were joking how long it would take for Garland to get on board with the team attitude of apathy - well that day has come.  Hogz and Miller are the only F actually playing ? 


    D is horrific - OEL isn't looking bad, but you gotta think now that money would have been better spent on 2 good heavy shutdown guys to give that extra depth. Hunt, Burroughs is up there with a Sbisa, Poosalot pairing - just a disaster waiting to happen :picard:. . . OJ was no way near this bad last year - what a $&!# show! 


    Same with Garland -  as i loved his first 10 games you have to wonder if now that money might have been better spent on someone that can actually win the dump and chase as opposed to try and dangle spin round 3 checkers while receiving a suicide pass in the netral zone that was blasted into his skates by one of the usual suspects :picard:

  20. Well lets hope that coaching changes comes soon and can shake some life into the group as right now you gotta worry Rebuild 2.0 is just around the corner. 

    Petey and Brock are looking like they will never find the form or consistency needed.

    Bo just doesn't seem to be able to tilt the balance of a game and rally the team when they need it, he is also a very streaky scorer and not exactly a defensive stalwart. 

    D lacks bite and structure, which isn't all coaching, the Chaos Giraffe, Hunt, Burroughs, Rathbone - are all prone to gargantuan Defensive brain farts. 

    Too many smaller 'skill players' with out enough skill to play a high tempo skill game and not enough strength to play a puck retrieval game. 


    Team not looking like its built to succeed right now - now could a boost in form and structure of some of the key players help to turn that around  - sure. 


    There are a few really good pieces to like of course - but still looks like we could be following the Buffalo fail train out the station again soon... I don't know, its just depressing AF again this year.  Think i'm gonna take a break for a while ( which usually means they'll heat up ! )  8 years of suffering mostly terrible hockey and this is the result :sadno:

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