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  1. I don't see an issue with this decision, Booth has never lived up to his paycheck, and even though he is 1 year left, who else can we buyout that makes sense? This should have been done last year... Oh well. Cap space galore!!! Who can we sign now?
  2. Booth really found his shot tonight, great seeing him get 2. Daniel Sedin looked so relieved lol!, the rest of the game was just gravy. Total breath of fresh air, the big names answered, the defense was there, Lack was great. Loved Edler's goal-line save... Anyone else going to sleep better tonight?
  3. WE HAVE TRADED THE BEST GOALTENDER AND THE BEST BACKUP WE HAVE EVER HAD!!!! ROBERTO & CORY for... HORVAT, MARKSTROM and MATTHIAS. I hate Gillis so much.... so very much right now.. I actually miss Nonis..
  4. The FANS were classless and embarrassing, the FANS. Boo'ing Lack. Chanting Lu. We got the performance we deserved by the atmosphere fans created.
  5. Another Canucks mobile app double post? You would think after a season or two someone would fix that... But I guess not addressing the issues is becoming standard place around here.
  6. I agree that the decision was wrong, I'll also say that every reason Tortorella stated doesn't quite justify why it was made and many seem to agree on that. I'm scratching my head over it, sure. What has been CLASSLESS in all of this, is all of you. I'm talking to fans. Booing Lack? A backup who has given us more than we can ask in capable backup goaltending? An amazing personality who has made every effort to participate in the community and embrace Vancouver as a city. And a lot of you classless morons BOOO him? Frankly we weren't tough enough when the Sens fought back, and we start chanting for our PLAYOFF SAVIOR because we have let in 3 goals on unfamiliar ice??? I don't despise Luongo, he is our #1 goaltender, he deserved to play. He should have played. But he didn't play, and the Vancouver mass did what it does best... Rioted all over the game. Now those that joined in the boo's, will reply to this "They are professionals, athletes, paid to handle what we throw at them, they aren't babies" The atmosphere you so-called-fans created right then and there was deserving of the loss that followed. Happens in Montreal a lot too, and how have they done? Does it happen in Chicago? Can their players feel free to battle back and win games without atmospheres of ridicule and resentment? And win cups? It seems so doesn't it? I hope this reassured Kesler that maybe leaving is truly the right move. I'm once again more dissapointed in my city than I am in my team.
  7. Makes sense, roughly an $80,000 total Salary loss. Would be a nicer gesture if he was forced to give 4% to Canucks Charities.
  8. In my opinion the NHL clearly stated it wasnt all Tortorella's fault. By fining Hartley 25k
  9. He is assuming Torts makes 1mil yearly, which would work to 75k (50k above Hartley fine). Its hard to find any accurate information on Actual Coach salaries, like I said I only found 1 source online with stated 2mil yearly over a 5 year contract. I would expect 1-3mil for a coach with Tortorella's experience. I dont think Im far off, but I guess only Torts will really know
  10. Exactly. I have a feeling the Canucks Brass will support their man through this, and pony up for his losses. Again this could have been worse, Im satisfied with Sullivan taking the reigns for 6 games, he is more than qualified. I still say let Henrik sub in as Asst Coach
  11. 1 site reports his Salary at 2million yearly. If this was true, and IF the penalty breaks 2 million over 82 games, removing 6 from that method would cost Torts $146,341. Sounds big, but making 2 mil yearly over a 5 year contract. Drop - in - the - hat. "A lil bit less to charity yearly" his wife is thinking.
  12. 6 games without pay is no Fine lol, drop-in-the-hat.
  13. I was thinking, let Henrik fill in behind the bench until he's 100% as an Asst coach role. Having him down on the ice watching, and advising with his hockey IQ would be brilliant.
  14. Guys guys. For those upset, you need to see this could have been worse. And by not fining Torts, but fining Hartley instead, NHL showed they understand why Torts reached that point. They simply punished his actions of borderline attacking someone in what some would call a 'Taboo Zone', in or around an opponent's dressing room. You simply cannot do that, and the NHL HAS to send that message here. Id also like to remind our Assistant Coach's are former Head Coach's, are both perfectly qualified to fill in. Expect the team to rally hard for these 6 games.
  15. You are all saying 10 games, NHL.com reports 6 games to be missed. which is it? 6 games is drop in hat for what occurred. But the reasons behind Tort's boiling over were also addressed by the NHL For the first time I feel there is parity in an NHL Decision, by fining Hartley $25,000 they took a step in the right direction. Right move for Brass, I agree with Deb on this one, I like it.
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