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Posts posted by Robongo

  1. Hey just like a goalie has to forget the last puck that he let in a GM has to focus on the future, you can't demonize yourself by dwelling on the past

    True, that is for us to do

  2. What you see with Garrison is what you get. I Think he will work out some of his kinks but hes gonna be exactly what was advertised..A simple steady stay at home d man with a bomb. I find it funny we have two of the best passers in the game in the sedins and Noel hasent designed a play on the PP where they setup garrison for a bomb.

  3. good for shogun there.

    leities and anderson looked like crap. Especially Anderson because he did the same thing with Cote. Brutal.

    Leities wanted to fight on the ground, Anderson wanted to fight standing up. They couldnt seem to work together haha. One guy laid down, one guy stood up.

    funny that the crowd kept booing and chanting bullsh!t.

    edit: its weird that the commentators kept praising Anderson again like the last fight against Cote when all he was doing was shadow boxing. "Anderson is out of Leities league" "silva is too much" all in the while Anderson is just jogging around the octagon and Leities is taking a nap on the floor haha.

    I give 80% blame to Leites for that fight last night. I agree Anderson didn't look as good as he has in the past but Leites really didn't give him much. He was running back and falling down every time he got hit. Chuck even said it in the post fight interview that Andy swung and hit air and Leities still fell over onto his back, quite pathetic really.

    On another note, GSP would absolutely destroy Anderson in a bout. As long as Georges beats Alves it's on according to Dana White so let's see it! GSP wouldn't stand with Andy very long he would take him down and ground and pound him and TKO Anderson. GSP new P4P KING!

  4. Unless you have a source I am calling BS since I can find one that says it was saved and is still going to be in montreal as of 2 hours ago.


    Haha dammit you beat me to it, was just about to post that. Good news for the MMA fans in Montreal, glad they figured their crap out for now.

    In other news


    Rich Franklin Vs Wanderlei Silva @ 185 pounds UFC 99. Great fight thanks Joe Silva!

  5. If GSP was a real man and not French (J/K) he would fight Silva. Hes always talking about how he wants to be the know as one of the best but yet he wont go out of his comfort zone and fight a heavier guy like Penn did. Common GSP silence me and fight Silva.

    Edit: anyone know what Penn fights at on fight night when hes a 155lbs?

    You sir, are an idiot. He has already stated numerous times that he will fight anyone. He's not the one who makes the match-ups, it's Joe Silva and Dana White. After GSP defeats Alves and Anderson defeats Leites there will be another super-fight, and it will be between these two. Don't see it happening until late 2009 if that. Most likely early 2010 as GSP said himself he would have to spend extra time training gaining the muscle to fight at 185. As long as both men win their next fights, they will face eachother!

  6. Four days, guys.

    Yeahhh can't wait, there are a couple good fights on this card. I really do hope they televise Fitch's fight, the guy was just in a main event and lasted 5 rounds with GSP and now he's on the undercard? Wtf Dana Whites a prick.

    Thiago Vs Lyoto is one I really don't see Thiago winning in any way. I think this is a good matchup for Lyoto because he will be able to showcase his skills even more than in the Tito fight. Thiago is very aggressive and will be pressuring him the entire fight and Lyoto is just going to be his ellusive self and pick him apart.

    BJ VS GSP is one fight that could really go either way. Both these fighters have great talent and it will be interesting to see who really is the better of the two. GSP is just a freak and I am rooting for him all the way. Great athlete, gives a new definition to the term "all around fighter". Both are great strikers, but BJs boxing is on another level. I honestly see GSP standing with him until he starts taking some punishment and just taking him down and pounding on him. He's going to control BJ on the ground there's no doubt about that, he's just too strong. I'm so excited for this fight it's not even funny.


  7. Arlovski and his glass jaw..:lol: To be fair I think just about anyone would have been knocked out by a punch like that, but I definitely called this one: First round straight KO. Who cares if Arlovski was winning the FIRST round, he got his donkey handed to him.

  8. Bah, do you guys think that Shogun doesn't hear what analysts, and people around him are saying?

    A Shogun on top of his game would kill Chuckie baby, and that is what's going to happen...... Hopefully Chuck Liddel heads back to the trailer park where he came from.

    Shogun needs to really REALLY work on his conditioning for this one or this one is going to be another big KO for Liddell. If Shogun comes in able to go all out for three rounds then he will take it. If he gases after the first round again he's done, it's pretty simple. Only time will tell which Mauricio will show up, the one from PRIDE that was ranked #1 LHW in the world, or the current out of shape bum.

  9. Confusing? You open the page. Look for sports and go to MMA.tv That's it.

    I don't know about you, but I find it way more fun watching it with friends. Not watching it at home by yourself on a little computer screen, it's just no where near as good.

  10. A pretty weak card IMO, definitely glad I did not waste money ordering this one. I was really really disappointed in Shogun Rua...His cardio is still suspect and his striking looked pretty bad as well. Guess that answers every ones question about him being able to get back to his PRIDE form.

    Franklin Vs Hendo, pretty disappointed to see Rich lose this one but to be honest if a coaching job for TUF wasn't going to be "awarded" to the winner, I could definitely see this being a draw. Seriously though, wtf was that one judge watching when he gave Rich the a score of 30-27? Haha bizarre.

    Although being relatively successful(minus the loss to Hendo) at 185, Palhares should definitely be a WW at only 5 foot 8 inches tall. Would definitely be more of a force there.

    Shogun VS Liddell at UFC 97 main event apparently now. Shogun is going to get KTFO by Liddell, definite confidence booster.

    And Yeah wtf is that Rampage Vs Jardine?! How the hell does that make any sense at all. Rampage has zero to gain by this match and everything to lose. How the hell is "The Dean Of Mean" a top contender after a split decision win over BRANDON VERA?! Complete bullcrap way to go Joe Silva. It seems that there is a lot of questionable main events on the near future cards. Stevenson Vs Sanchez?! Silva Vs Leites?! Now Rampage Vs Jardine?! What the f is going on?

  11. Too bad Junie got a contract with the UFC. Hes fighting on the Finale i believe.

    Any source? Or just pure speculation because of what he said at the end? I highly doubt it as he hasn't earned it at all. Dana doesn't have that big of a hard on for him..

  12. hah you know I thought you were at the fight. While i was watching i was thinking.. hmm johnny from CDC must be pissed at this crapfest. Good thing you missed it. The Kos fight was pretty good and the Sherk Griffin match was probably the best fight to start a UFC ever. Back and forth.

    there there, we all have to let go of the shaolin monk dream sometime..

    Sylvia looked like he did in the Ryo Chonan fight where he fought someone that can take his punches and Sylvia can do nothing else.

    For the first minute it seemed like he was trying to find his range. But i mean 10 minutes later if you are still trying to find your range.. well then you have no range. Cote fought smart, he kept changing stances so confuse Anderson.

    Anderson kicked him, but Cote checked it, then Anderson kicked and Cote drilled him, he let go Anderson kicked him again and again Cote caught it and tried for another punch. Anderson hit Cote in the head with a couple of combos but Patrick was not even fazed.

    Patrick waited for anderson to get in the pocket like he usually does and then he was going to take his punch and hit him. I think he even wobbled Silva for a bit in a close encounter. Patrick was actually the agressor in the whole fight. He kept pushing forward and at one point Anderson actually jogged around the Octagon, :lol: like he basically did one to two full laps as Cote kept chasing him. And it wasnt a slow jog, it was liek a super quick workout jog.

    I mean i guess you can check out the fight when its up, because I dont like Anderson because hes overhyped and yesterday proved what happens, but Anderson had nothing for Cote. He didnt want to get knocked out so he kept jogging around the octagon for 10 minutes. In round 1 he probably threw like 3-4 punches. Even the crowd started booing Anderson. The funny thing was the commentating was sooooo biased. When Kalib Starnes started running the commentating was like "and kalib keeps running away, he will not stand and trade"

    When anderson did the exact same thing "anderson is trying to find his range.." like 10 minutes go by and the crowd is booing "ooooh the spider throw a combo oh my!!!!" and the dude threw like 1 punch ever 3 minutes or something. It was pathetic.

    Most people that say he was trying to find his range were influenced by the commentators on Silvas nuts. They believe he won round 1 by throwing 2 punches or something.. and cote was chasing him for the ko.

    If you get a chance to watch the fight... watch it in mute first. Then listen to the commentating... and you will see a huge difference. UFC makes fun of kimbo on how much hyped he gets, yesterday was horrible. No mention of GSP or BJ or Fedor. They were praising the guy that ran for 3 rounds. No one was ever in trouble. Basically the fight was 11 minutes of Anderson running and Cote chasing him. Nothing really happened.

    Reality check, it's Anderson SILVA not Tim SYLVIA you've made this mistake far too many times. And all of your hate towards him is pretty retarded. Were you wearing a blindfold that entire fight? Definitely seems like it. Although he did seem like he was toying with him and running around a lot he did catch cote a couple times with pretty heavy blows. Big knee, kicks to the head, and a couple huge punches. Cote didn't land anything significant on Silva throughout those rounds. As for him being overhyped how the hell is that his fault? The guy is humble and respectful and just an amazing fighter. The things this guy does during fights is pretty incredible and no one else could pull them off. He has so many weapons at this disposal its crazy. Best fighter in the UFC followed by GSP, top two fighter in the world (arguably behind Fedor). I honestly don't think he's over hyped at all lol. 5 more fights left for the Spider, definitely will be tuning in for all of them.

  13. exactly what i was thinking when they showed the replay, you could see the punch coming from miles away... frack penn, hes a hack, Florian would destroy him

    Florian would destroy Penn? Now that's one of the most stupid things I have heard. BJ Penn is a beast, him vs GSP would be an amazing fight, GSP would win in the end though. GSPs camp has expressed interest in moving up and fighting Anderson next. I actually think even with the reach and high disadvantage that GSP could possibly take it.

  14. I get this feeling that GSP will either destroy or get destroyed by Matt Serra in 2 weeks time. He's either gonna thrive under the pressure of fighting at home or he'll buckle and get thrown a beating of a lifetime.

    lol GSP is going to rock him

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