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Posts posted by Tiburon

  1. These raps are all weak, your all mild sauce

    I'm hot and spicy, this is like tabasco sauce

    This is a challenge to anyone who got a deathwish

    I'm gettin my gun locked and loaded, turn you into my pet fish

    Once I'm done there aint no funeral, its straight to the toilet

    My plan is concrete, there aint no foilin it

    "Flush..." Bye bye kid, next challenger ready?

    Ready for whatever, strapped and heated heavy

  2. Hey I gotta hand it you, that was a nice try

    Still, you can't stand up to me and Tib, you're a far cry

    You have to realize you're a juvenile

    My words like mosquitoes infected with West Nile

    Your lyrics evidently need work

    Monkey and honey? Somebody please, help out this honkey

    That's just what you are my pasty young friend

    I know I'm white too, but at least I got tanned

    I'm a gangster, coming out the gutter

    You're like spoiled rich kid who can't get any fatter

    I have to admit, I admire your perseverance

    Too bad you're not Jesus, you get no deliverance

    It's time for me to switch up the theme of my rhyme

    I thought I'd give Canuck_83 a piece of my time

    I'm glad she's a smart girl who doesn't like Twighlight

    So I dedicate you this verse, tonight you're the highlight

    Too bad your avatar is just black and white

    Still you look pretty, and your hair is tight

    Sorry, I know I know that was corny

    If only you knew that you're making me h...

    I'm sorry, I don't know how I let that one out

    Please take it as compliment, or I'm gonna pout

    I realize I'll probably get laughed off this board

    Just want you to know, I'm not like the rest of this herd

    I put what little I have on the line

    Maybe, just maybe one day you'll be mine.

    Haha major props man

  3. Arctic my man, you gotta stop, this isn't necessary

    I'm Alexander the great, you're just an emissary

    You come to my home, you speak with authority

    You should know, I am the people, I am the majority

    There is nothing waiting for you on this side

    You might wanna talk to Tib, he's on his way out, might give you a ride

    Maybe you'll pick up some skills from that dog

    Before you can face me, it's past Groundhog


    or I'll make you pay

    Punk, just do us a favor and fade

    Before I'm pissed and pull a switchblade

    I'll cut you in pieces

    Serve you like marmalade

    You've got no chance

    This is your only way out

    Do this gracefully and simply bow out

    Ay yo Red you ain't even gotta waste your breath

    AM's a chump, he's about to get wrecked

    Watch him come with some lines that are corny as hell

    If he had my number he'd be phonin my cell

    Yo Tib help me out, my rhymes are weak, how can I be better

    Please man your the best, I don't wanna give my resignation letter

    If you can't help me nobody can, please man please

    I need your help, in the rap game your a beast

    Aight AM, you wanna know some tips?

    Quit battlin the best, on our radar your a tiny blip

    Find some elementary school kids, try spittin with them

    Improve your vocabulary, find the dumb kids and kick it with them

    That's all I can help you with, It'll make you feel better about yourself

    Cause no matter what you do, we'll still be better than your dam self

  4. Give me some time, I just got up

    Give me some time, I'll be at the top

    Who jerks off during the day bro?

    Good thing you got caught, that's part of the show

    This place is going to freeze, all reading our art

    By the end of this, I'll be rapping with heart

    Today is not going to be about humor

    There might be 1 or 2, but there will be fewer

    Today is going to be heart, real deep

    Most of my raps, you're going to want to keep

    You'll be at the top? You must be kiddin

    I got many killers just waitin to do my biddin

    I dont wanna have to diss you, thought we could chill

    But thinkin you got skills? Time for a prescription refill

    Maybe you just don't get enough sleep workin graveyard

    Me too homie, not enough sleep and soon I might take this too far

    Stick to your comedy, keep crackin jokes

    Try to get deep, all you'll do is choke

    This is too intellectual for you, can't process these thoughts

    My brains filled with so many rhymes, yours is like empty parkin lots

    No cars, just dust floatin around

    You wanna fight, just know its goin down

  5. That's what I'm talking about, he does look like poo

    Wilboy, you aint of the hook, you look like one too

    We're back again, setting up the stage

    You all better read back to get on the page

    Tib Kan and Zamb, we're all here now

    So all of you Twilight hump artists, get out of town

    This is to easy, they're not even impressed by what we do

    Time to step it up, they're used to what we do

    All these twilight fans look like crap

    When the movie came out it couldn't even stick

    The book was better and thats not even saying much

    Why's that guy so pale, he looks cold to touch

    Who would wanna come near him, he's supposed to be hot?

    I look better even if I was jerkin off and just got caught

  6. All this talk of this crappy movie Twilight

    Us rappers are takin over sittin in the spotlight

    This aint just for fun anymore, its just what we do

    Quit droolin over the boys in Twilight, Edward? He looks like poo!

    I'll be back with more after gettin somethin to eat

  7. :lol: Thanks for the compliment. :D

    But liking Twilight doesn't make them dumb. Just obsessed. :P:lol:

    Haha yea I meant with the obsession

    I know lots of Twilight fans, then there are those that are obsessed lol

    Count me in...

    Woo we have 3 people

    Any more lol

  8. lol... I'll admit you had the better of me before the game but I had you after it.

    We're both getting rather repetitive anyways so might as well change it up...

    Haha yea I was gettin warmed up, but then lost it during the game

    Who else wants to dance

  9. Round 2!!! Wasn't that already round 5460943??

    It was all one really long battle lol

    :P I'm done with you.

    Lookin' for a different opponent :)

    Dam look at you, scared to battle, lookin like a quitter

    My rhymes are too intense, leavin you feelin bitter

    Don't be a hater kid, this is my battefield

    I work magic with words like David Copperfield

    It's all g if you wanna battle someone else

    After that break looks like you finally have some sense

    I am the king of the court but you can call me Tiburon

    But only followed by "sir" don't forget it you moron

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