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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. Haha

    *hugs back*

    It'll only make us love the Canucks that much more. :)

  2. I know me too.

    Life just isn't the same without them :(

  3. haha i know! googling bieksa doesn't result in much either :(

  4. haha there's nothing wrong with spreading the love <3..

    and okay i'll check it out when you're done :)

  5. sureee i'll take a look if you don't mind. or you could surprise me when you're done. haha :)

  6. If you need any Bieksa pictures when you're working on his page lemme know. I've got lots.. if course you probably already know that. ;)

  7. hehe.

    thanks! and you're welcome. :)

  8. Haha. let me know when you've done something on it haha.

    and don't forget. you promised me a page dedicated to Kevin. :P

  9. i guess.

    but you gotta admit. he's one heck of a defencemen.

    by the by, hows your willie site coming along? :)

  10. yeah i know.

    not much, really. exams are gonna start for me in like 2-ish weeks... so im kinda scared.

    what's new with you?

  11. I like Pronger.. not a big fan of Anaheim.

    Don't really hate Ottawa, but i'm not a fan of Alfreddson, Heatley and Emery. I do like Spezza though, he's awesome.

    I probably just end up being mutual and not cheer for anyone haha :P

  12. flip a coin? haha,

    yeah i don't know who i want to win the cup quite yet...


  13. pretty good.

    kinda sad that detroit lost last night..

    how are you?


  14. i am just danddy dq, thanks for asking.

    and how are you!?


  15. I'm trying to.

    I'm really trying to keep the faith.

  16. haha, i'm generally not a hateful person :| .. it's just that I really don't want an Anaheim/Ottawa final which has a good chance of happening now since Detroit lost.


  17. AHHHH.




  18. Haha. There's quite a few around. Bieksa's a pretty popular guy.

  19. I have nothing against Getzlaf. It's just the fact that he plays for Anaheim that makes me like him just little less.

  20. Yeah! Bieksa is so much better than Mitchell! I don't know what JC is talking about.

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